wienke is just embracing his true self.Who are you and what did you do with wienke?
wienke is just embracing his true self.Who are you and what did you do with wienke?
wienke is just embracing his true self.
wienke is just embracing his true self.
I kinda liked the 3DS one!
Tell chan to screenshot his friends list because I'm about to fire it up
Put some anime women on that and weinke and the rest of the animus will buy them all.
He's getting into Persona now as well?
The animu is strong with this one...
Soon he'll be arguing about who is best girl!
I'm not an animu just because I play games on my Vita.
That's systemism
It's Rise obviously...isn't that unanimous?
Playing vita games actually makes you more animu than I.
You people!
Also, I totally bought Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus.
Get the laughs out now.
We need to burn this thread
It's the offseason
Who's the best Persona 4 girl?
We need to burn this thread
This is disgustingAnime Sunday begins in 14 minutes
Even Yukiko is better
Even Yukiko is better
Anime Sunday begins in 14 minutes
Even wienke knows the truth. No Chies allowed!
So we're allowed to have one.
Chie stans are a weird breed.
Chie is like your kid sister...would you fuck your kid sister?
Pls join the thread in OT, this man has us watching SNL. I'm pretty sure he's ruining my life.God dammit Kanye I just want to listen to the album
This is a bad opinion. Fuck her annoying laughing fits. She is the worst character in that game
I'm gonna try and fit in a few more episodes of shokugeki no soma in tomorrow so I'll make sure to post any impressions here.
Pls join the thread in OT, this man has us watching SNL. I'm pretty sure he's ruining my life.
......It's sad that I own two versions of Persona 4 and I haven't played either. And yet I reviewed/got a review copy of PErsona 4 Dancing All Night...
Pls join the thread in OT, this man has us watching SNL. I'm pretty sure he's ruining my life.
The plural includes the singular by default, no loopholes!
Even wienke knows the truth. No Chies allowed!
Even Yukiko is better
......It's sad that I own two versions of Persona 4 and I haven't played either. And yet I reviewed/got a review copy of PErsona 4 Dancing All Night...
great show and the manga is pretty good. S2 should be out later this year.
:')Soon we can have Game of Thrones Sunday
Soon we can have Game of Thrones Sunday
You people!
Also, I totally bought Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus.
Get the laughs out now.
Naw I'm taking a poop, hoping it lasts until Kanye is on again.Sorry BG I had to bail on SNL. I couldn't take it anymore. Kanye forgive me.
Happy Valentines Day! A little something before you go to bed:
What in the blue hell is that.