Roman is doo-doo, right?
He'll be super bowl champion after he beats bork tonight.
Roman is doo-doo, right?
Anime is white trash?
He's the best everything. You could make a statement for Tom Hardy or Jason Statham being better. But it's close. GOAT Actors
I could support a Slo presidency.
Putting jalapenos on a burger should revoke someone's burger making privileges. Disgusting.
That's offensive. I'm offended. The preferred nomenclature for my people is trailer-park Americans.
your people as in Bills nations amiright
But does he share the same stance on burger toppings as his fellow Minnesota fan Lambtron?
But does he share the same stance on burger toppings as his fellow Minnesota fan Lambtron?
Jalapenos should be *IN* the burger patty, not on it.
Slo 2016
Jalapenos should be *IN* the burger patty, not on it.
Slo 2016
But Hercules and San Andreas.
There's an awful lot of overlap in that Venn diagram.
are you guys cool with mayo on burgers at least?
are you guys cool with mayo on burgers at least?
are you guys cool with mayo on burgers at least?
There's an awful lot of overlap in that Venn diagram.
brehs....i got hook ups....
brehs....i got hook ups....
cruiserweight arms?
mayo + dijon mustard, or a spicy mustard, is the GOAT for sandwiches or burgers.
Mustard and ketchup on a burger. But mayo? No. You'd probably like this as well.
Mustard and ketchup on a burger. But mayo? No. You'd probably like this as well.
But your avatar is anime!
Zelda games are among the most anime of games after all!
I put ketchup in my burgers
The Ultimate Debate:
Egg on burger?
Dutch, one more time with the mayo on fries and I swear to god I'm cutting you out of the will.
Great moves, which were made even better by him.
Like Jak knows what a Venn diagram is
I get the breakfast burger at Carls. Eggs, Patty, Cheese, Hash Browns.& Bacon Good stuffThe Ultimate Debate:
Egg on burger?
The fuck is wrong with you? You're not from Texas.
Mustard 4 life yo