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NFL 2016 Offseason Thread |OT| A Fraud Needs A Place To Crash, FreemanCorp: LiveMas

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Fear of a GAF Planet
still haven't gotten my racket restrung after the last time I played :(

went through like 4 sets last year... cheap shit!

Get down here and I'll buy you a new racket!

Sorry but as I stated there I enjoyed the show way more when I was banned from here. Majority of the time I post there when the episode is over due to the time I get off work.

I stay away from most tv show threads for the same reason, I'll usually read a little but rarely post. I've been reading the Arrow one now that I've caught up and yeah...it's nothing but arguing even though I agree that it's not very good right now some posters think it's total crap yet keep watching...I don't get it.
Get down here and I'll buy you a new racket!

I stay away from most tv show threads for the same reason, I'll usually read a little but rarely post. I've been reading the Arrow one now that I've caught up and yeah...it's nothing but arguing even though I agree that it's not very good right now some posters think it's total crap yet keep watching...I don't get it.

Story of Wrassle-GAF for the last several years.
For discussing things like football or wrestling message boards are great.

For subjects which have real world implications and deep philosophical meanings boards tend to be circlejerking bukkake cesspool.

Any thread about race, politics or police I try to avoid. I'm lucky enough to have a diverse group of friends in real life that I enjoy discussing these things with. They just don't watch football.
Welcome to the OT. They hate everything except Bernie Sanders.
OT is Hillary territory for the most part.

It's kind of remarkable for me, since I don't personally know any one in real life who has actually claimed to like Hillary. But I assume these loyal Democrats do exist outside of GAF, since she's going to get the nomination (and then lose to President Trump).
Story of Wrassle-GAF for the last several years.

I really don't get those people, there have been shows where I just hated what they became and I stopped watching, Battlestar Galatica/Walking dead are two good examples of shows that I just dropped mid season because of how terrible they got. These people must be Masochist,


OT is Hillary territory for the most part.

It's kind of remarkable for me, since I don't personally know any one in real life who has actually claimed to like Hillary. But I assume these loyal Democrats do exist outside of GAF, since she's going to get the nomination (and then lose to President Trump).

I have to disagree with you here. Until Nevada, OT was flooded with Bernie Sanders topics. Especially after New Hampshire. And then earlier this week there were Hillary threads but they were mostly negative. And now, everything is Trump
I have to disagree with you here. Until Nevada, OT was flooded with Bernie Sanders topics. Especially after New Hampshire. And then earlier this week there were Hillary threads but they were mostly negative. And now, everything is Trump
The topics are Bernie centric, but when you venture inside them the card carrying Democrats are waging a war on idealism and poo pooing anyone who would dare wish for anything more than some liberal supreme court justices.

Also, "the two candidates are basically the same" will be repeated at least 50 times (at some point it might become true)

At least arguing in those threads is a good way to kill time.
The topics are Bernie centric, but when you venture inside them the card carrying Democrats are waging a war on idealism and poo pooing anyone who would dare wish for anything more than some liberal supreme court justices.

Also, "the two candidates are basically the same" will be repeated at least 50 times (at some point it might become true)

At least arguing in those threads is a good way to kill time.

To be fair to nearly every Hillary supporter...The things that people have been saying since Bernie got into the race about why he never really had a chance are manifesting. He just isn't getting the support of non-white voters.
I have to disagree with you here. Until Nevada, OT was flooded with Bernie Sanders topics. Especially after New Hampshire. And then earlier this week there were Hillary threads but they were mostly negative. And now, everything is Trump

It was all Sander's threads, sure. But those threads were full of tons of people who were Hillary supporters, way more so than Sander's supporters. I'm with Elfforkusu. I've never met an in real life person who was a Hillary fan, all of the people I have ever met from any background have a visceral dislike for her, but were mostly non-committal on other candidates.
To be fair to nearly every Hillary supporter...The things that people have been saying since Bernie got into the race about why he never really had a chance are manifesting. He just isn't getting the support of non-white voters.
Yeah, I don't have an issue with the "it's not going to happen" naysayers, because even though I want it to happen, I don't think it's going to either.

But that's different from saying "it would be bad if it happened and you're dumb for even wanting it!"

It also bugs me because I think Hillary v Trump is far from a slam dunk... they're both sufficiently hated that it probably becomes a coin flip election. Great.
I think this election is showing just how much the traditional mainstream media outlets (TV, Radio, Newspaper) have lost control over the political conversation. I won't go so far as to say they are irrelevant, but they've gotten just about everything wrong.

We are in the midst of a revolution in how we communicate, and our political system is quite far behind. In 2020, we will be voting online. Count on it.
Online voting isn't going to happen any time soon, the technical side is too complex to get right at the present. Hard to trust that the machines wouldn't be rigged with no paper trail.


The topics are Bernie centric, but when you venture inside them the card carrying Democrats are waging a war on idealism and poo pooing anyone who would dare wish for anything more than some liberal supreme court justices.

Also, "the two candidates are basically the same" will be repeated at least 50 times (at some point it might become true)

At least arguing in those threads is a good way to kill time.

Yeah I understand and agree with that. Although to be fair, there have been several cases in the last month where Sanders' supporters have called Hillary a bitch, not a true progressive, they'd never dare vote for her, etc. People have been chippy on both sides, which is pretty normal. This is still nothing compared to 2008 it's been pretty tame. But yeah, the other thing to remember is that Hillary supporters were in this situation 8 years ago on the other side. So now that their candidate is winning, they're gloating about it. It was bound to happen, but it's pretty shitty of them. Instead of gloating, they should be conciliatory. But you're gonna get pieces of shit in pretty much any group, so just try to brush it off
Online voting isn't going to happen any time soon, the technical side is too complex to get right at the present. Hard to trust that the machines wouldn't be rigged with no paper trail.

Four years of technological progress in modern times is an eon. We will be voting online in 2020.

I've seen people say that if sanders loses they will update vote for trump. I don't understand that.

It's not hard to understand. People hate politicians, Trump isn't a politician. Sanders is completely by himself in left field, so even though he is a career politician people don't equate him as being "establishment".
I really don't get those people, there have been shows where I just hated what they became and I stopped watching, Battlestar Galatica/Walking dead are two good examples of shows that I just dropped mid season because of how terrible they got. These people must be Masochist,

I sympathize. I am a browns fan.

OT is Hillary territory for the most part.

It's kind of remarkable for me, since I don't personally know any one in real life who has actually claimed to like Hillary. But I assume these loyal Democrats do exist outside of GAF, since she's going to get the nomination (and then lose to President Trump).
The only way that happens is if minorities somehow disappear in mass.. If this were 2000 or earlier, it would be possible. But Trump would have to better than Romney numbers to even have a chance and the numbers aren't there. Not to mention the Blue Wall that exists in the Electoral College.

There really is a reason the GOP is flipping their shit everywhere and they know it.
Four years of technological progress in modern times is an eon. We will be voting online in 2020.

It's not hard to understand. People hate politicians, Trump isn't a politician. Sanders is completely by himself in left field, so even though he is a career politician people don't equate him as being "establishment".
They hate politicians that much they'd vote for a madman like Trump?
We won't be voting online for at least 30 years.

I might have given you eight years, maximum. Thirty is just absurd. The rate at which technology is disseminating among the population, online access will soon become assumed for 99% of the voting population. Online ID technology is rapidly evolving to meet demand, and it's only a matter of time before the government adopts it to save money.

It's ludicrous for people to have to take off work on a Tuesday to wait in line at an elementary school and punch in their vote in a voting box with a little curtain. I'm not saying that won't still exist in four years, but the technology will be there for people to vote online.

They hate politicians that much they'd vote for a madman like Trump?



Online voting isn't going to happen any time soon, the technical side is too complex to get right at the present. Hard to trust that the machines wouldn't be rigged with no paper trail.

Definitely correct. Looking at the whole voter ID freakout over "fraud", I can't imagine computers being allowed any time soon. That, along with everything in the public sector seems to be at least 10 years behind the consumer market when it comes to technology.

And I don't think the election will be a slam dunk either. I'm confident Hillary will win, but it's not done. It is highly unlikely simply due to electoral college math that Trump will win. There would need to be catastrophically low minority votes combined with a high white vote. But it's still possible.

It was all Sander's threads, sure. But those threads were full of tons of people who were Hillary supporters, way more so than Sander's supporters. I'm with Elfforkusu. I've never met an in real life person who was a Hillary fan, all of the people I have ever met from any background have a visceral dislike for her, but were mostly non-committal on other candidates.

I'll agree, although I think this is a more recent thing. I think it's been since the New Year that the Hillary supporters have started invading Bernie threads. Last year in the summer and fall I didn't notice it as much, but that's probably because there wasn't a ton to talk about.

As for the other point, I've never met a real life person that supports Trump, Cruz, or Rubio, but there's obviously plenty of them. There are clearly plenty of people supporting Hillary, especially since she's set to do pretty well in the next couple days. So I assure you, Hillary supporters are real!

They hate politicians that much they'd vote for a madman like Trump?

Absolutely. People want change, and I've seen plenty of people that want to watch it all burn down. I found that the people who switch from Bernie to Trump are usually in a position where they won't really be hurt either way
It's way easier to rig the voting machines now then if the voting were online accompanied by a government ID system.

All the machines are made by one company. There have already been reports on how they aren't difficult to hack.
They hate politicians that much they'd vote for a madman like Trump?
People are just that angry. It's not supposed to be rational. They see Bernie as a guy who isn't establishment and vis-à-vis Trump from different direction and want to something different.

It isn't right. But I think that is why there are voters who are like that.


It's way easier to rig the voting machines now then if the voting were online accompanied by a government ID system.

All the machines are made by one company. There have already been reports on how they aren't difficult to hack.

Hmmm how would you ID people though? Social security number? Not everyone has government IDs


The article I posted up the page has Alabama implementing online voting for military members. They can just use their military id for example.

Yeah but again, not everyone has government issued ids. Roughly around 10% of the eligible voting population doesn't have a valid photo ID, and up to 25% of African Americans don't. So how do you account for them?
Hmmm how would you ID people though? Social security number? Not everyone has government IDs

Eventually, people will be born with online identification much like we have paper birth certificates today. Authentication technology is going to explode in the very near future to accommodate the demand for government applications.

Even today, our system of paper ID's is archaic, cumbersome and discriminatory against the lower classes and immigrants who either don't have physical government ID's or don't have the time/money to replace them.

A system in which people sign up for the new ID, show up to a physical location with all the paperwork they have, and receive an authenticated online ID which sticks with them for life with no hassle is coming.


Holy shit FF9 is $22 on iOS...

I would pay that much for a 3DS port but fuck that for a iOS game (have yet to play a good one). That said I felt some feels when I watched the trailer for it. That was a really great RPG.
Yeah but again, not everyone has government issued ids. Roughly around 10% of the eligible voting population doesn't have a valid photo ID, and up to 25% of African Americans don't. So how do you account for them?

I believe Oregon tracks voter registration through the DMV? It may be a possible idea to do.


Doesn't count until you get the Platinum.
The Platinum is really good.

I don't know what this means, unless you mean Playstation Plat trophy, but I'm trying to get it all done!

I have 6 laser beams going to the mountain atm, and close to a 7th, but I just found another box so it looks like there are even more


I believe Oregon tracks voter registration through the DMV? It may be a possible idea to do.

Wouldn't that only track registered drivers?

Edit: Ah nevermind. It looks like Oregon passed a bill that automatically registers eligible voters, and it's just the DMV that handles that. I'd be very surprised if we get automatic voter registration nationwide anytime soon

I had pizza today,

SMH worst coast


Holy shit FF9 is $22 on iOS...

I would pay that much for a 3DS port but fuck that for a iOS game (have yet to play a good one). That said I felt some feels when I watched the trailer for it. That was a really great RPG.

That was a good one, but I have it on my ps3 if I wanted to play it again. It is really nice to have rpgs on handhelds with sleep mode though, so easy to pause a play session.
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