That goes no whereA fucking 9min drive here for Cincy. Ugh
That goes no whereA fucking 9min drive here for Cincy. Ugh
Missed the 1st quarter. Wentz just been getting sacked and missing receivers? Don't see ints or fumbles
YepThe Lions are a bad football team
YepWatching Carolina get clowned weekly is pretty nice.
The Lions are a bad football team
What are they doing now?
Yup. All the rookies look awful
Yup. All the rookies look awful
Kaep still not that accurate on the long throws, but at least they got that TD!
Bummer, looks like Big V is having the rough game I was expecting. That's a shame
This has everything to do with Lane Johnson being out I assume?Wentz doesn't have any time. Vaitai is getting beat clean on every play.
Getting clowned by the Rams offense so far.
Hello, friends.
The Giants are irredeemable garbage. It's impressive.