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NFL Divisional 2012 |OT| Schaubenfraud

Yes. They have a run game in the sense that it's a concerted part of their plan now. If youre playing against a Cover 2 you should be able to have decent success running so that at least on certain downs the D is considering it. Of course not a single team will try to gameplan to stop anything but Rodgers . But our team is much more balanced any way you slice it, even if you dont consider them a good running team

Was going to say that the Pack will edge them out in special teams, until I remembered that the Pack have their own FG issues. Game is truly a pick em. Maybe they can get a big return game from Cobb though.


Matt isn't a man? Look at these moves!


So serious Question.

who was better? 2010 Jets or 2012 Texans?

From what I saw 2010 Jets had higher ranked D, but lower ranked offense.

Jets Ranked 3rd D, 11th Offense.

Texans are 7th D, 7th Offense.

what a chocha


Girlfriend's former roomie was a Notre Dame grad and Green Bay bandwagoner (starting in 2010).

I imagine she's insufferable right now.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I really hope our offense can get it together this week. How many times did we get a short field and came away with nothing? Like 50? Felt like 50!

Just glad that Joe Webb was garbage. There were a few occasions where our secondary was still lost and a receiver got by them but Webb just flat overthrew them. Between the missed opportunities on offense and our garbage secondary, I'm not sure if we beat a healthy Ponder led Vikings.

Fortunately every game is a new game so hopefully we can get our act together. If I hadn't seen the Niners play some fraudulent games a number of times over the course of the season, I'd be a lot more worried.
Any one who likes Notre Dame is no friend of mine.

I really hope our offense can get it together this week. How many times did we get a short field and came away with nothing? Like 50? Felt like 50!
McCarthy pulled the plug after the TD to open the 2nd half.

Not too worried.
I really hope our offense can get it together this week. How many times did we get a short field and came away with nothing? Like 50? Felt like 50!

Just glad that Joe Webb was garbage. There were a few occasions where our secondary was still lost and a receiver got by them but Webb just flat overthrew them. Between the missed opportunities on offense and our garbage secondary, I'm not sure if we beat a healthy Ponder led Vikings.

First time i've heard a Pack fan say that.



McCarthy pulled the plug after the TD to open the 2nd half.

Not too worried.

Yep, as I noted during the game they went full vanilla, ran simple runs on first and second and just tried to get off the field while burning clock. If you are seriously worried about the offense after that game you simply weren't paying attention.


I dont recall him being that bad besides talking mass shit.

But he never actually talked about football. That's why he and BS suck so bad. Talk shit on Sunday but then let's talk football the rest of the week! Well, M-W at least. Then, fuck you FMT biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch



Like 1:30 in there is a string of some really nice open field tackles.

Whoever put that together had an idea what people would be looking for. Those open field tackles are versus Okie State, and there's a defense or two vs Blackmon.

That said, I watch every RRR game and I've never really noticed him vs OU. cashman's article argued he was misused, and with Mack, that's almost certain for all players now. Seems like he's more a 2nd round guy?


The 'Gore isn't fresh' line of discussion is stupid considering he isn't hurt and has a week off. He's as fresh as any other player this weekend.
Big corners are more old school than anything - Mel Blount in his era, or even the Troy Vincent and [I totally forgot his name] duo in Philly in the late 90s, early 00s.

Teams have been talking about big corners for years but guys like Jimmy Williams show that it's rare to get guys that big that are able to run laterally.

I'd bet a lot that there are a lot of athletic 6'4 guys out there though that could do a better job than some of the smaller corners out there though.

I feel like football guys really get stuck in their ways sometimes. I think our game can change a lot. We're seeing it now with the read option, but I think there are a ton of changes that can be made to be more effective on the defensive side of the ball.


Its kind of weird being able to easily find last weeks thread instead of it being buried under mountains of OT shit. Kind of like that.


Whoever put that together had an idea what people would be looking for. Those open field tackles are versus Okie State, and there's a defense or two vs Blackmon.

That said, I watch every RRR game and I've never really noticed him vs OU. cashman's article argued he was misused, and with Mack, that's almost certain for all players now. Seems like he's more a 2nd round guy?

Heh, yep. Just nice to see some of what the clearly sycophantic author of that linked article was masturbating to.

Seems to be able to make a tackle every now and then and has shown good ball skills. Definitely someone to look at. That was from last year when the defense was competent. I'd like to see one of those 20 minute scout reels of him from this year.


I'd bet a lot that there are a lot of athletic 6'4 guys out there though that could do a better job than some of the smaller corners out there though.

I feel like football guys really get stuck in their ways sometimes. I think our game can change a lot. We're seeing it now with the read option, but I think there are a ton of changes that can be made to be more effective on the defensive side of the ball.
The thing is that 6'4" guys are generally moved to offense in HS or safety/other positions in College. The lower levels stick to the prototypical size ranges, so the pool is lighter at the higher levels.

Hell, there are offensive and defensive linemen in the NFL now that played QB in HS. Jamaal Anderson came in to Arkansas as a WR and gained 80 pounds.


I'm actually surprised I post this much in NFL thread.
Its almost exclusively NFLGaf and animeGaf that I post in. Nowhere else is even remotely safe.


Greg Rosenthal masturbates to Brady pictures. It pretty much is his job. Every article is pretty arrogant and is probably written that way on purpose. As soon as I saw it was an NFL.com article I knew it had to be him.

Referencing Dan Shaughnessy was the first clue to stop reading that article. Professional troll Shaughnessy doesn't deserve the recognition.


Shaughnessy is the alpha sports troll of all time. Easily my most hated pundit by a country mile. Bayless can't even compare.
I really hope our offense can get it together this week. How many times did we get a short field and came away with nothing? Like 50? Felt like 50!

Just glad that Joe Webb was garbage. There were a few occasions where our secondary was still lost and a receiver got by them but Webb just flat overthrew them. Between the missed opportunities on offense and our garbage secondary, I'm not sure if we beat a healthy Ponder led Vikings.

Fortunately every game is a new game so hopefully we can get our act together. If I hadn't seen the Niners play some fraudulent games a number of times over the course of the season, I'd be a lot more worried.
Im not really worried about anybody but seahawks. Kapernick gonna get shut down on out D and harbaugh will see he should have stayed with smith..Smith beat the packers their fans will say.


And this is flaccos fault??? Did he not put us into position to win/tie the game TWICE last year on the road against new England? Or was I watching a diff game

Drew Bledsoe with a collapsed lung could put up 30+ points against that Patriots defense. You're correct though, blame Sterling Moore/Lee Evans.


I'd bet a lot that there are a lot of athletic 6'4 guys out there though that could do a better job than some of the smaller corners out there though.

I feel like football guys really get stuck in their ways sometimes. I think our game can change a lot. We're seeing it now with the read option, but I think there are a ton of changes that can be made to be more effective on the defensive side of the ball.

I truly, honestly feel Browner is just a brawler who could be beat a lot more if the officials called the game closer. He's very overrated in coverage, but I guess his physicality is an asset. The difference with he and Finnegan is Finnegan is just a little twat trying to provoke his opponents into committing personal fouls or letting their emotions get the better of them. This is mostly what Sherman does. Browner tries to put guys on IR with his cheap shots. There's a difference

Sherman, HGH and Adderal, whatever, is very good. Definitely benefits from non-calls on illegal contact, but is probably the new Revis (or closest thing to him). Is able to cover his own man while also looking back at QB or RB. Very interested to see the big Falcons WRs against him


The 'Gore isn't fresh' line of discussion is stupid considering he isn't hurt and has a week off. He's as fresh as any other player this weekend.
I can really seeing the Niners physically overwhelming the Packers in the first 15-20 minutes.

The question will be how much of a lead will they have (if any) during that time? If they dominate the game and are only up by 3 or are down then they are fucked (which could very well happen with a very green qb). But if they can get a 10 point lead I think it is going to be a long ass day for the Packers.

Everyone is forgetting about that stupid fucker Lee as well. The Packers won't get any short fields unless their defense creates them.
I dont recall him being that bad besides talking mass shit.

Falcons-GAF needs a shit talker.
The shit we receive versus the shit we give is entirely disproportionate. Andres balanced things out, even when his fellow Falconites were totally oblivious of the necessity of the delicate service he was providing. A true hero.
Falcons-GAF needs a shit talker.
The shit we receive versus the shit we give is entirely disproportionate. Andres balanced things out, even when his fellow Falconites were totally oblivious of the necessity of the delicate service he was providing. A true hero.

There's shit talking, then there's inane gibberish, and finally there's Andres.


Falcons-GAF needs a shit talker.
The shit we receive versus the shit we give is entirely disproportionate. Andres balanced things out, even when his fellow Falconites were totally oblivious of the necessity of the delicate service he was providing. A true hero.

Hi Andres.


Flacco is shit on the road.

Peyton owns us, and is 72-0 against us for his career.

But I still think we can win. Why? Because it IS possible. Unlikely, but possible. So who wants to avatar bet through the Superbowl? Godslay?

Ray's Last Dance (as they're marketing it in Baltimore) will go on.

No more avatar bets for me. Gator was my last dance in terms of avatar bets.

You're right though it is possible for the Ravens to win as well. They are more healthy, and if things go right it should be a closer game.

Yeah I assume English isn't his first language.

It's not.

On the same token, is English Ari's first language?
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