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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

I was really hoping MS would show some exclusives outside Halo and Gears to get me to buy their system. So now it comes down to whether or not I can resist Halo 2 when the collection drops. Back when that game came out I was legit around pro level, I remember curb stomping the Ogre brothers. Being 10 years ago, that was when I had a bullshit late night part time job and not nearly as much going on in my life as now plus I rarely play FPS these days so I wouldn't be a tenth as good as I used to be. Still would be better than average gamers though.

So basically, MC collection is great and I'm happy to have Crackdown confirmed. Everything else I'd get on PS4. I was hoping to see what Black Tusk is doing with Gears and especially some stuff on Halo 5, particularly surprised we didn't get that. It makes me think it's not hitting until fall next year so they wanted to focus on the collection sales this year and showcase 5 at the next E3. At least the beta is coming. The one thing that really bugs me with MS is what they've done to Rare. If there was a new Banjo or even Conker game, I'd buy the system in a heart beat. I'm still most likely going to get one, just a matter of when since I don't need two new consoles collecting dust.
No. It's time to give up on the idea of sports games pushing any boundaries. That dream is dead.

Oh well, not as big a deal for me I suppose since I don't have the previous version anyway and as I said before, this may be the last year Fitz is a Cardinal so better get him digitally locked up while I can!
Play soccer games.

So much better than Madden.

GAF is still functioning and gaming side isn't spammed with OMG MICROSOFT WON E3 AND THE CONSOLE WAR threads, so I'm assuming E3 wasn't all that hot so far.


This E3 has been shit. Looks like whatever Nintendo is showing and the Smash tourney will be the best parts.

Unless Sony brings the goods.


Sony's conference is during the hockey game. Will have to catch the news afterward and just check GAF during intermissions.


How much enjoyment can you get out of a sport game when you give zero fucks about that sport?
Most of us are not soldiers and don't kill for enjoyment but FPS shooters are the number one genre.

I have never been into racing karts but MarioKart on the SNES is one of my fav games of all time.

Soccer games are just so much more fun than football games currently. If someone made a football game that was close to FIFA I would enjoy that more than the soccer game but that ain't happening as long as EA has the monopoly on shitty football games.


This will easily be the gen I wait the longest for a console. I'm in zero rush with the software they are spewing.

If Beast Souls is great that would make me get a PS4 other than that I don't expect to get one until maybe next fall. Software lineups for both have been weak so far, and I'm perfectly fine playing on my pc.
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