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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Guess I might try that.
Yall still playing?

Also what can I do to improve my grip on the control stick? My hands get sweaty and slip right off the control stick. Obviously thats BAD.


Damn it bread you need to study for your exam, so that you can become rich and we can finally fund our trip out to visit Daddario!!
it's at 6 pm tomorrow so i have lots of time to study more tomorrow, i'm doing it solely for daddario don't worry!


All the Cow levels you've ever dreamed of!

Also, some of you cunts still need to accept the friends request. Still figuring this ancient OS out.


Slightly. But probably not enough to make you feel better about it. If you are doing any of the side shit, dont bother. Just rush through the story.

yeah Ive done a couple side missions and all that chasing nonsense. Ill stick to the main story


Persecution Complex
I'm really thinking on biting on the refurbished Wii U at this point and waiting on the PS4 and XBO. I totally missed out on the Wii, and I don't game as much as I used to, so it seems like more of a pick up and play quick system. Games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Galaxy are games I'm missing out on and those are simple and fun games with a ton of depth at the same time.

If I were to get Halo Anniversary this fall I'd probably get hooked to it and there are other things in life I have to focus on right now.

Nintendo whole online infrstructure and the fact that they didn't even add a DVD player to the system makes me not want to give them my money out of principle. Thet did show this E3 they are improving though.

I swear I change my mind everyday on what system to get. =/ This takes me back to the Saturn/N64/Playstation days when I was a kid looking at Toys R Us Christmas mag ads and wanting all three systems but only being able to get one.
I'm really thinking on biting on the refurbished Wii U at this point and waiting on the PS4 and XBO. I totally missed out on the Wii, and I don't game as much as I used to, so it seems like more of a pick up and play quick system. Games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Galaxy are games I'm missing out on and those are simple and fun games with a ton of depth at the same time.

If I were to get Halo Anniversary this fall I'd probably get hooked to it and there are other things in life I have to focus on right now.

Nintendo whole online infrstructure and the fact that they didn't even add a DVD player to the system makes me not want to give them my money out of principle. Thet did show this E3 they are improving though.

I swear I change my mind everyday on what system to get. =/ This takes me back to the Saturn/N64/Playstation days when I was a kid looking at Toys R Us Christmas mag ads and wanting all three systems but only being able to get one.

You can come over to my house and play all of the systems brother


Persecution Complex
How would you guys/gals compare MK8 to past Mario Karts? For reference my all time favorite is MK64. I hated how the blue shell became more common in the subsequent Mario Karts and you would only get hit it seemed like on the last lap. It got to the point where it killed the competitive aspect of the game.


intangibles, motherfucker
How would you guys/gals compare MK8 to past Mario Karts? For reference my all time favorite is MK64. I hated how the blue shell became more common in the subsequent Mario Karts and you would only get hit it seemed like on the last lap. It got to the point where it killed the competitive aspect of the game.

I find it to be easier to stay in first if you're far enough ahead than in past Mario Karts. I never really see more than one blue shell in any given match, if that. There is also an item to block it.
How would you guys/gals compare MK8 to past Mario Karts? For reference my all time favorite is MK64. I hated how the blue shell became more common in the subsequent Mario Karts and you would only get hit it seemed like on the last lap. It got to the point where it killed the competitive aspect of the game.

Blue shells are rare but sometimes first place gets ahead and stays ahead because 2-12 are fighting each other for the scraps


How would you guys/gals compare MK8 to past Mario Karts? For reference my all time favorite is MK64. I hated how the blue shell became more common in the subsequent Mario Karts and you would only get hit it seemed like on the last lap. It got to the point where it killed the competitive aspect of the game.

ITs certainly one of the most fun Mario Karts Ive ever played and the track designs are incredibly good.


During the first 32 games, there were 302 players who could be seen at some point rolling around in pain, crumpling into a fetal position or lying lifeless on the pitch as the referee stopped the match. These theatrical episodes ate up a total of 132 minutes of clock, a metric we have decided to call "writhing time."

To be fair, it is actually possible to get hurt playing soccer. You can clang heads. You can snap a hamstring. You can get spiked in the soft tissue. There were nine injuries in total that forced players to be substituted from the game and to miss, or potentially miss, a match. These were discarded. That left 293 cases of potential embellishment that collectively took up 118 minutes, 21 seconds.

Another trick: how to calculate writhing time. The criteria used here is the moment the whistle is blown (because of a potential injury) to the moment that player stands up. If the TV camera cut to a replay, the stand-up moment was estimated. If he was helped off the field, the "writhing" clock stopped when he crossed the sidelines.

The study showed one thing emphatically: The amount of histrionics your players display during a match correlates strongly to what the scoreboard says. Players on teams that were losing their games accounted for 40 "injuries" and nearly 12.5 minutes of writhing time. But players on teams that were winning—the ones who have the most incentive to run out the clock—accounted for 103 "injuries" and almost four times as much writhing.

Broken game.
Feel as though I need to add to the social work talk that was going on earlier. Been a case manager in foster care reunification and now in adult mental health for three plus years now. Always out in the community. So doing all the shit a level below licensed social workers. The depression in social work comes from seeing people destroyed by social, by families, by systems, by random acts of fate, by substances, by themselves. And its not short term like hospitals or police see. Its a slow fucking burn. Getting to know peoples stories, in depth. Knowing hopes, dreams, aspirations. On occasion seeing it all come down. Helping remove children is got dang terrible. So is involuntarily putting someone in the hospital. Watching children be removed due to outright racism by workers and the courts blindly trusting them. Watching adults years into their recovery fall back into PCP usage and jump out of your moving car. Counseling people through suicidal periods before coaxing them to a hospital. Getting screamed at up and down busy streets. Getting assaulted in projects, in homes. Asked by ER doctors why isn't more being done. Death hits a little harder, too, knowing someones life story.

But fuck if fighting all of that isn't a got dang good fight. Seeing humanity. Successes of parenting, rising above shit circumstances, stable mental health. Celebrating decades of sobriety. New jobs, new housing. Rebuilding peoples lives from the shit that has come before. Watching independence come back. Knowing the law and fucking with lazy assholes who judge people without giving a fuck about what is right or legal. Seeing kids return home after foster care. That look is priceless. Getting to know the resources and people who are passionate about all it that pick up the places in food assistance, education, and employment help that we as a society generally give no fucks about. Bringing just the tiniest bit of hope. I disagree with MRSA that change isn't possible past childhood. Maybe the foundation is laid in childhood, but who can say for sure. I've fucking seen it, man. And that's why you get into social work.

More talk for social work since I am personally struggling through it and it's refreshing to see this post, Wedge. I appreciate your perspective and may I ask what exactly do you do in mental health right now?

I started the MSW program wanting to do mental health but because work offered accommodations if I went into child welfare I went there instead. Three years later I am burntout as fuck and I am jaded to almost no end. When I read the first paragraph of the quoted post from Wedge it was confirmation bias - it's everything I deemed too much at social work. Then then second paragraph came about the rewards of working with people, and even though I have begun to recover from school (just graduated in May), I still don't find myself sharing the same enthusiasm as I did before.

I don't know what happened but within the last two years I have shifted my view on things - I still want to help people, but I am tired of being responsible for people's shit and hold their hands. I am tired of always being expected to coming through for other people even when other people don't do shit, especially when there are little resources on a systemic level.

I am jaded as fuck right now and that's why I need this talk, and maybe it should be taken elsewhere. But this is how I look at social work: it's a noble field, but I see a couple guaranteed things: lower pay, burnout, lots of responsibilities, huge caseload, little support, and almost always working understaffed. One thing I hate about social work is that social workers are often people's bitches - lawyers, cops, doctors, judges, etc. all expect you do the dirty work for everyone, while you get paid lower than them. I am looking at this and wondering to myself why even bother going into social work, it's a ticket to emotional breakdown. If I want to help people, why not just volunteer in my spare time and find a relatively low-stress job for a living? Pay aint' that high either way.

I don't know - obviously I haven't resolved this yet and I am hesitant to go into the field. Ok, enough social work talk for now


Some race highlight reels from last night uploaded:

Dolphin Shoals
Racers: Gibbons (Bread), Marvey (SpinDasher), CB3, XiaNaphryz, fmt, snesfreak, Sanjuro, OscarJr, wienke, Kave, Mech DX




One of several Moo Moo Meadows :p
Racers: XiaNaphryz, CB3, fmt, Sanjuro, Mech DX, snesfreak, Kave, Gibbons, Marvey




Toad Harbor
Racers: XiaNaphryz, fmt, Sanjuro, Andrew (ActStriker), CB3, snesfreak, OscarJr, Kave, Mech DX




Mario Circuit GBA
Racers: XiaNaphryz, fmt, CB3, snesfreak, Andrew, OscarJr, cajunator, Sanjuro, Mech DX




You can see my shared vids on https://mariokart.tv/en_us/ as well as Youtube if you're on my friends list.


Persecution Complex
Gonna sleep through the US-Germany game. Stay safe NFLgaf and avoid the mass bannings that will happen if the US loses.

The USA does not lose. The hamburgers you eat- USA. The music you listen to- USA. The movies you watch- USA. The football you watch- USA.

We will prevail.


Restore the Roar 2014.


Most 1-5 yard TD catches in season in NFL history 1. Dez Bryant, 2013 - 9 2. Bubba Franks, 2001 - 8 2. Randy Moss, 2004 - 8 @BalesFootball

— Scott Kacsmar (@FO_ScottKacsmar) June 25, 2014




Dez, that red zone threat.
All three of those gifs are from games the Cowboys lost.



Coast2Coast presents Michael Vick Comedy Explosion on Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Ticket prices are $202, $82.00, $62, $57 and $47.

$202.00 – VIP – Michael Vick Celebrity Circle includes Autographed Photograph of Michael Vick -Preferred Admission to Theatre- Informal Meet and Greet with Michael Vick and his celebrity friends – Schwag Bag.



What a stupid fucking sport.

Not going to lie the main reason, I want America to win is so that I can make a joke about English calling soccer soccer so they can make it to the quarterfinals as well.


Not going to lie the main reason, I want America to win is so that I can make a joke about English calling soccer soccer so they can make it to the quarterfinals as well.

We already lasted longer than England, Italy and Spain. Fuck euro's. I mean, not like any of those countries is in any important globally but still, now they aren't even better at soccer than us. The fuck do they have left? Dr. Who and Ibiza? loooooooool, suicide Europe.


They have an indoor soccer team! It's so pathetic that the director of the parks department or some shit owns the team. Like, personally owns the team. When a poor can own your team why even keep the sport going??
We already lasted longer than England, Italy and Spain. Fuck euro's. I mean, not like any of those countries is in any important globally but still, now they aren't even better at soccer than us. The fuck do they have left? Dr. Who and Ibiza? loooooooool, suicide Europe.
Dude, how can you say this when Europe has

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