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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


GAF online races in MK are so goddamn cutthroat. Managed to get my first online 1st place finish in the GAF tourney, then in the next race (Rainbow Road N64, of course) I was in 1st for like 75% of the race before a flood of items nailed me. Ended up 5th, lol.


Infamous was repetitive as anything I've played in a very long time, but had the fortune of coming out during down months.


Here's my dinner to combat Konka's dish. Please excuse my plating skills. My fine dinner of Salmon, Spinach, and Mashed Sweet Potato spiced with cinnamon.



Infamous was repetitive as anything I've played in a very long time, but had the fortune of coming out during down months.
Infamous is such an overrated franchise, the shooting and fighting aspects have always been lame as fuck. It's a poor man's crackdown.


Infamous is such an overrated franchise, the shooting and fighting aspects have always been lame as fuck. It's a poor man's crackdown.

I don't understand why co-op has been abandoned in genres.

It's pretty much one of the last fairly unique features in an open world game.


I used to be pro-manual until I moved to Texas. The traffic really forces you to buy an automatic....

Edit: Wolfenstein is pretty cool. Decided to go with that instead of Mario Kart.

I still need to load it up. I've been hesitating for whatever reason. It's like ADHD, for media.

Hunter S.

Playing inFamous now. The side missions are by far worse than 2. Still, I like it better than those bums above me. Fun on hard mode and the main character is better. The neon powers of movement are better than any movement powers in the previous two.
You must also buy Killzone, Larry. Because it helps your good friend Dutch.

Also, there is a dude in the soccer thread who eats 10 bananas a day. I think this is what Darvin calls natural selection.


You must also buy Killzone, Larry. Because it helps your good friend Dutch.

Also, there is a dude in the soccer thread who eats 10 bananas a day. I think this is what Darvin calls natural selection.

I traded in Killzone, but I found out there's gonna be an online co-op mode releasing this month.
That pizza makes me so sad Bucket -_-
I've grilled so many times in the last week because of You People!
I'm getting a PS4 tommorow, what game do I need first?
Infamous, probably the best game out right now. People might say it's repetitive but I think the combat is really fun, and different ways to attack scenarios so that overcomes the repetitive stuff for me. I don't think it's in Anyway as repetitive as Ass Creed games though. Good amount of free to play games, and looks like Ps+ should be picking up after E3. Also think gamefly is doing some used ps4 game sales, think you can get Killzone for like under 20. Personally not a big Killzone guy though
I really want a PS4 just for Infamous.

My backlog is so massive at this point there's no reason to jump in now. I'll just spend the money on girly drinks.
Netflix is the best game on it.

It sucks balls next to the 3DS. Get FIFA I guess.

The 3DS gets lots of use (currently playing Phoenix Wright 2), but starting tommorow, my kids are out of the country for six weeks. That gives me time I haven't had to play console games for years. I might even play some online with you cretins for the first time. What's NFL GAF playing online on PS4?

My #1 choice is Last Of Us, because I haven't played it yet, but I guess it's not getting released on PS4 for a while. I'll just get it on PS3

Hunter S.

I really want a PS4 just for Infamous.

My backlog is so massive at this point there's no reason to jump in now. I'll just spend the money on girly drinks.

My backlog is large is too. I still will be on PS3 and 360 more than the PS4 all summer. I have to buy things I do not have to have like the PS4, or I would buy too much Tequila and beer.
My #1 choice is Last Of Us, because I haven't played it yet, but I guess it's not getting released on PS4 for a while.

I'm personally hoping the rumored June release ends up being true but August seems more likely. I sold off my PS3 version when the PS4 version was announced so I'm looking forward to playing again.

I'd highly recommend Outlast, Resogun, infamous and Child of Light. All four are worth trying. I just finished off the most recent Wolfenstein and that was a pleasant surprise if your ok with a single player only shooter.

If you want multi, EA seems to have finally gotten their shit together with the online for Battlefield 4. Can't go wrong there. Just avoid the single player like the plague. Its awful.
games you should get on ps4:

mlb 14
AC IV (if you haven't played it elsewhere)
watchdogs (if you haven't played it elsewhere)
child of light (if you haven't played it elsewhere)
warframe (f2p but its pretty cool)
netflix streaming
amazon prime streaming
pre-order the last of us
I haven't played it ethier yet, rumor is that it's coming out next month. I kinda believe the rumor. ..... Well I hope it's true

one of the best games of the generation. you have the typical neogaf nerd that goes on about how its too cinematic and etc etc. but the game was fucking awesome. story was entertaining and i loved the tension in the gameplay. i will gladly pay $60 again for it on ps4
Last of Us is going to be a gamble. Do I go for the sure thing and get the PS3 version, or hope the PS4 drops in June and have my virginal play through on the superior system? If it doesn't come out until August, who knows when I'll get to it.

Tough decisions. In other news, t-minus 20 hours until my shirt comes off.
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