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I still watch wrestling.


Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Tebow is a hard core christian...of course he's a republican and it comes with everything that implies...why anyone is a fan of his I'll never know. Dude sucks at football too. Y'all need some better idols.

Eh, more Christians should be like Tebow though. He's not exactly the Westboro Baptist church type. I'm sure he votes Republican because abortion is his wedge issue. Oh and lower taxes on the rich obviously.

Doesn't help that the GOP candidate wants to actively skullfuck minorities though so anyone voting for Trump is a bad look this time around.

I just don't think it changes the fact that Tebow was probably the most genuine and selfless football player in the NFL in recent memory. It's just that if there was ever an election to take a backseat in if you are Republican, it's this one...and thankfully it looks like he's doing that.
Good morning everyone and I forgot to say..

Tebow says he is not speaking at the RNC
Never mind

Thank Tebow! I almost voted for Trump! This has caused me severe emotional distress and I demand reparations. Floy, you will be receiving written notice from my lawyer, bionic, that we are suing you for everything you have. All 12 dollars!
No.. I need that 12 dollars for this discount bread store. Don't take that!!

I always believed in Tebow and he always rewarded my faith.

Fuck the NFL for not letting him play despite being more successful than 90% of the qbs in the league. He would have outplayed gimp Manning last year and would have been a champ if that horse faced devil had any faith. Yet we are going to let a known cheater come back after a 4 week vacation.

For shame NFL. And also shame on you GAF for spreading this vicious lie. Say goodbye to your most precious possessions (even the fuck pillows). The complaint is in the mail.
Thank you for calling the devil Horseface I appreciate it. And pls don't sue me.
I just saw a commercial for some prescription anti-inflammatory joint cream where the dude was at a grocery store and got rejected by some hot blonde (word to wienke) because he couldn't pick up a can off the shelf because of the pain.

Is this what getting old looks like? bionic, DM, ninja please respond



Pumps man.
Ain't no medicine, sexual healing, or doctoring you can do for old knees. Losing weight helps but that is just slowing the inevitable.

Either you deal with the pain or sit on the sofa and get out of the and watch how grown ass men play.

Changing gears, my fellow olds and degenerates give me some advice.

I was thinking of starting a game night once a month to play videogames and just chill out with my fellow olds. We are not going to fuck with multiplayer and wanted to have something that 2-4 people could play either 1 v1 or all 4 of us at a time. I was thinking FIFA or Pro Evo was the obvious choice to start out with but what other games do you degenerates recommend? I think we could even play some old ass shit. I was thinking I might bust out the SNES for some Tetris Attack or the Genesis for some Streets of Rage 3.

Thoughts, suggestions, recommendations?
I've never seen an instance of double gata before.

Florida man meets gator that thinks it's people

Is there an alternate universe comprised of nothing but gatas in different forms and versions? How horrible


Ain't no medicine, sexual healing, or doctoring you can do for old knees. Losing weight helps but that is just slowing the inevitable.

Either you deal with the pain or sit on the sofa and get out of the and watch how grown ass men play.

Changing gears, my fellow olds and degenerates give me some advice.

I was thinking of starting a game night once a month to play videogames and just chill out with my fellow olds. We are not going to fuck with multiplayer and wanted to have something that 2-4 people could play either 1 v1 or all 4 of us at a time. I was thinking FIFA or Pro Evo was the obvious choice to start out with but what other games do you degenerates recommend? I think we could even play some old ass shit. I was thinking I might bust out the SNES for some Tetris Attack or the Genesis for some Streets of Rage 3.

Thoughts, suggestions, recommendations?

So wait, you do or don't want multiplayer games? If you do, there's a lot of couch multiplayer games on Steam that I'm a fan of, not FIFA type stuff though. If you wait till a sale you could probably get all of them for around $60 total:

Nidhogg - 1v1 swordfighting game
Gang Beasts - Up to 8 players beat the shit out of each other in a weird physics game
Samurai Gunn - Up to four players, you can either do a melee attack or fire a bullet, first to 10 kills wins
Duck Game - 4 player 2D arena shooter with ducks
Ultimate Chicken Horse - 4 player 2D platformer where each round every player adds a new obstacle
Mount Your Friends - Round-based, each face button controls a limb and you climb other people from previous rounds to try to get to the top of the pile.

Not a lot of my friends like to play games, but they generally have a good time playing these.


Changing gears, my fellow olds and degenerates give me some advice.

I was thinking of starting a game night once a month to play videogames and just chill out with my fellow olds. We are not going to fuck with multiplayer and wanted to have something that 2-4 people could play either 1 v1 or all 4 of us at a time. I was thinking FIFA or Pro Evo was the obvious choice to start out with but what other games do you degenerates recommend? I think we could even play some old ass shit. I was thinking I might bust out the SNES for some Tetris Attack or the Genesis for some Streets of Rage 3.

Thoughts, suggestions, recommendations?
Bocce: The Game


So wait, you do want multiplayer games? There's a lot of couch multiplayer games on Steam that I'm a fan of, not FIFA type stuff though. If you wait till a sale you could probably get all of them for around $60 total:

Nidhogg - 1v1 swordfighting game
Gang Beasts - Up to 8 players beat the shit out of each other in a weird physics game
Samurai Gunn - Up to four players, you can either do a melee attack or fire a bullet, first to 10 kills wins
Duck Game - 4 player 2D arena shooter with ducks
Ultimate Chicken Horse - 4 player 2D platformer where each round every player adds a new obstacle
Mount Your Friends - Round-based, each face button controls a limb and you climb other people from previous rounds to try to get to the top of the pile.

Not a lot of my friends like to play games, but they generally have a good time playing these.
I don't have a PC so it has to be via consoles or emulation.

I do have several Macs but none of them have any games on them.

Amazingly some of my friends have never played Metal Slug so I was thinking it would be a mind-blowing experience for those who have never played it. Also loved that D&D beat em up that was in arcades and on Saturn. Thinking of getting a Pi to play that stuff with some wireless SNES controllers.


I don't have a PC so it has to be via consoles or emulation.

I do have several Macs but none of them have any games on them.

Amazingly some of my friends have never played Metal Slug so I was thinking it would be a mind-blowing experience for those who have never played it. Also loved that D&D beat em up that was in arcades and on Saturn. Thinking of getting a Pi to play that stuff with some wireless SNES controllers.

Ah damn alright that's limiting. What consoles do you have? Gang Beasts, Nidhogg, and Duck Game are on PS4, and Samurai Gunn is supposedly coming soon. But Metal Slug would be a good choice, and a Raspberry Pi is a great emulation box


Ah damn alright that's limiting. What consoles do you have? Gang Beasts, Nidhogg, and Duck Game are on PS4, and Samurai Gunn is supposedly coming soon. But Metal Slug would be a good choice, and a Raspberry Pi is a great emulation box
NES (at my parents house, not sure I could find all of the shit associated with it), SNES, Genesis, GBA, PSX, PS2, PS3, PS4, Dreamcast (dead), GC, Wii, DS, 3DS XL (new), N64 (can't find), and maybe something else I can't think of.

Definitely going to set up a Pi with some wireless SNES controllers. Was even thinking of just buying the complete setup off Ebay and paying an extra 40 bucks for the same. Not sure, it doesn't seem like a lot of work to buy the parts and put it together either.

I still think a soccer game would be a good way to start this out, but I have not done anything like this for a long ass time so I am not sure what games I should pick or how I should go about doing this.
If you want a soccer game then the ISS/Pro Evo games on the PSOne and PS2 are some of the best ever.

ISS Pro Evo 2 in particular is the GOAT.

N64 had some decent ISS games as well but they were from a different dev team inside Konami and were a bit more arcadey and closer to the SNES games.
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