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Is this Dunn kid going to be any good? Any reason to be excited? Everything I've heard says this was a two player draft.
Yeah I'm not going to a klan compound
What proof do you have Ez is a racist.

I feel like the Browns tonight. This hurts.
It gets easier friend.

Don't encourage Gata to bring ONE used up hooker for the entire compound (the help excluded)
But he loves his cousin.

Fearmongering about the EU and Muslims.
Something something independent something done control destiny too I think as well.

Good thing I chose astrophysics, I'm getting the fuck off this planet.
Good luck friend.
99% of booty is Dark Booty. It is out there in space waiting for renowned ASStrophysicist trejo to find it aboard his spaceship the SS Romo
99% of booty is Dark Booty. It is out there in space waiting for renowned ASStrophysicist trejo to find it aboard his spaceship the SS Romo

Incorrect. There's lot of mASS, but no weight.
Think of it.
Floating ass.

All aboard the SS Trejo.


You are 69% not racist
It's a start I suppose? How do I put myself on the path to 100?


Bionic bought us a clubhouse? Will we have PS4 or XB1?
I can bring my anime collection.
Now when you say anime? Is it like Totorro or like some thing raunchy?

Also It's Ez's clubhouse.. Think you might want to smuggle that shit in.. Hope you have a lot of KY friend because Ez will probably search us throughly.

You need to eat that alien ass at first contact to establish good relations
Chris.. You'll need to bring an ass eater as a second mate.
You need to eat that alien ass at first contact to establish good relations

It's a start I suppose? How do I put myself on the path to 100?


Now when you say anime? Is it like Totorro or like some thing raunchy?

Also It's Ez's clubhouse.. Think you might want to smuggle that shit in.. Hope you have a lot of KY friend because Ez will probably search us throughly.

Chris.. You'll need to bring an ass eater as a second mate.

What's FMT doing?
Talking about his arraignment? It's all old stuff. Nothing new to my knowledge.

Suspended Raiders linebacker Aldon Smith is due in court Friday for two matters, one being an arraignment on a probation violation, CSNBayArea.com reported Thursday.

The report did not state the origin or exact nature of the probation violation. The arraignment was listed in the Santa Clara County criminal case index, the report said.

The additional probation violation is old? Doesn't make it clear. If it's new I'm sure the niners are at fault for the violation. Poor victim aldon :(
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