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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait


There is currently 21 teams that are on 15+ year championship drought by either winning one and never winning again or by simply never winning one

And because I have 1 hr 8 minutes to burn before the Pitt/Seton Hall game I will post them!

We're finally ranked!


You're a big black man,the Packer fans are Rodgers, and slo is drunk

Too bad I'm an average sized white dude. I'm just living vicariously through this avatar.

No, Uruk-hai.

Someone just needs to put on a Suggs avatar, and we will be well on our way to forming some kind of fighting force.

I did until we became Wii friends

My Mii is how my daughter imagines me. It's not entirely accurate.


come in my shame circle
what does a Canadian look like?

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