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NFL Offseason Thread 2015 |OT2| Home of Baseball, Anime, Cricket, and Magic Johnson


I just found out about the McCown signing and think he's a solid glue guy. He brings stability to the position until we find a live QB or draft Cardale Jones next year.

Johnny needs to take the year off so our opening day depth chart at QB as of right now looks like:

Hoyer (in a QB battle with Josh?)

We better not hand the keys to Josh without a fight and he better compete with somebody to earn playing time. Then again, the draft is coming up and we might have a shot at Mariotta or insert rookie here. Hoyer probably leaves after the McCown signing but who knows what will happen.

Good fucking riddance to Darnell Docket's controversy courting ass. Who drove him to the airport?


I realize you Browns fans have become numb to terrible QB play over the years...but did you guys see McCown play this year? He was abysmal. This isn't something to get excited about.


Everyone always seems to think NFL-GAF is next and yet we never are...

We've never done anything like that, that I can remember. We can stray off-topic at times, especially during the slow points of the offseason, but it pretty much always springs from (and comes back to) football.



Fear of a GAF Planet
Not sure what happened in wrassle-gaf, but it looks like too much Taylor Swift. Like such a thing is even possible!
We've never done anything like that, that I can remember. We can stray off-topic at times, especially during the slow points of the offseason, but it pretty much always springs from (and comes back to) football.


Our off-season being so long doesn't help either, we have to suffer for almost 8 months without real football. : (


I have a hangover for the first time in months. Good thing I only have to work, not study today.

Me too!

Well, it isn't the first time in months I have a hangover, more like for the first time in about a week, but I'm done with my tests so just work for me in 25 minutes.

So what's the Falcons' body count so far?
Douglas, Blalock, SJax...anyone else?

Edit: And Massoquoi
Damn. Always felt, given time, he'd turn his attitude into on-the-field production...


Behave yourselves, everyone. I enjoy this thread and don't want anything to happen to it.

In football news, this is an interesting read on how the Ravens use compensatory picks rather than signing free agents, with success. Makes for a boring offseason, though.

How Do The Ravens Always Have So Many Draft Picks?

I've read about this before. The Ravens play that draft pick game well, and it's been working out for them. Always a scary AFC rival


Fear of a GAF Planet
Had three weeks of high 60's and low 70's, now stuck in the middle of winter and got about a foot of snow yesterday. Thanks Obama!


Bucs should sign Michael Sam, we won't but we should. Team has zero pash rush and we just let go of Clayborn and Bowers. He could be decent, and at worst he's on the same level as all our other ends, terrible.


You know it's the off-season when the football discussion is revolving around a 35 year old journeyman signing with the Browns.
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