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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


My money on Louis Nix. That's gonna be a scary fucking defense.

Edit: Oh wow. Sorry Browns-gaf. hope it's not true. Stupid to suspend players for weed. The man lives in Ohio ffs, give him a break.

I really dont get whats so bad about Ohio. From what I can see theres nothing special about it but it doesnt seem a bad place to live. Theres all kinds of stuff to do isnt there?


Per Mary Kay Cabot, "It's not a year-long suspension for #Browns Gordon: he would be kicked out of the league. Could re-apply after one year." What the hell?

There's no such thing as a 16 game suspension. Guys get banned from the game but can apply for re-admittance after one season.

This explains why Banner and Lombardi tried to trade him last year despite all the production. Dude just loves weed more than football
The fact Gordon was all over ESPN today talking about the future of the Browns would lead me to believe they didn't know.

That or they're really stupid.

Exactly, this story is either a very malicious rumor or the Browns really are completely incompetent.

Or the NFL fucked the Browns by sitting on the test results until day 2 of the draft. Which would be ENORMOUSLY messed up.
Exactly, this story is either a very malicious rumor or the Browns really are completely incompetent.

Or the NFL fucked the Browns by sitting on the test results until day 2 of the draft. Which would be ENORMOUSLY messed up.

if he failed the test months ago as the report says then the team is notified immediately. who knows how much of it is true on the time frame but the NFL doesn't sit on results. the team is notified immediately. they never formally comment on it in the public until they have officially suspended someone
should have traded for stevie J! we will trade them brandon lloyd for the 1st rounder from buffalo next year

That Stevie J trade just changed the our whole draft strategy. Now Baalke can draft for talent/long term potential instead of best available need (although our secondary probably could still use another player) or just trade for more picks next year.
true but its ridiculous.
People suffer all sorts of pain and hardships. At least let them enjoy some fucking weed.

brother i don't think any drugs should be illegal. i don't do drugs but if someone wants to smoke weed or crack or whatever who gives a shit. "but someone on heavy drugs could be a menace to society!" so could someone with a gun or a car or anything else but those things aren't outlawed!
if he failed the test months ago as the report says then the team is notified immediately. who knows how much of it is true on the time frame but the NFL doesn't sit on results. the team is notified immediately. they never formally comment on it in the public until they have officially suspended someone

I'm in a state of shock here. I simply can't believe that the Browns would pass on Watkins if they knew their best receiver was getting banned.


I'm in a state of shock here. I simply can't believe that the Browns would pass on Watkins if they knew their best receiver was getting banned.

It's really not that hard to believe. They received a 1st round pick that could very easily be in the top 5 for moving down 5 slots. Absolutely the right move, even with this news.


brother i don't think any drugs should be illegal. i don't do drugs but if someone wants to smoke weed or crack or whatever who gives a shit. "but someone on heavy drugs could be a menace to society!" so could someone with a gun or a car or anything else but those things aren't outlawed!

I dont agree with meth being ever legal because that shit destroys people and causes them to become a great danger to society. However weed is harmless and in medicinal purposes very useful.
What does new Browns fan Dutch Brown think about this

Real talk: Gutted for my Browns bros if it's true. They deserve better.

Also, Gordon is a goddamn idiot. How the fuck can't you control yourself for fucks sake.

Per Mary Kay Cabot, "It's not a year-long suspension for #Browns Gordon: he would be kicked out of the league. Could re-apply after one year." What the hell?

Does that mean the Browns lose his rights? Basically making him a free agent after the year?


who cares about legalizing it or bullshit that they test for it. You are an athlete worth millions of dollars. You just have to not smoke. HOW HARD IS IT
I'd still do the Bills trade, but the mistake was not getting ODB or Mike Evans

It all but forces us to take a WR at 35 now. We really needed a LG.

Thanks for nothing Josh.

Hope the weed was worth it.

We went from shopping for a number two receiver, to being forced to looking for a number one again. We all know Greg Little is neither a one or a two.
Of my friends who are Browns fans, most of them were happy, except for one. The one who wasn't immediately said something was going to go wrong.

I didn't think it'd happen under 24 hours later. Holy shit.


Listen, the Browns DID NOT just find out about Josh Gordon. Maybe some coaches did, but the team has known.

Matt Miller Twitter
you would turn your back on the patriots

for shame



Question. If the league knew Josh Gordon failed this drug test over the winter. How in the hell can they get away with not informing the Browns until day freaking two of draft?

That is absolute bullshit.

They would've taken Sammy Watkins last night if they knew ahead of time the only star receiver on the team was about to get the axe for a full year.

Something here doesn't add up.

Makes that Gilbert pick absolutely stupid

I don't get it. They got their QB, upgraded their secondary, and still have the rest of the draft to address WR. WR is the deepest position in this draft. They can get a guy like Lee. Sure its not Gordon but you rather have your franchise QB than a WR with no one to throw him the ball.
How can you do this. How can you be one of the elite WR talents in the NFL and fuck it all up like this to smoke some fucking pot?

Seriously can't wrap my head around it.
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