The mock draft starts tomorrow at Noon EST! Get your name in if you are interested. Last call (not that you'll be barred from joining in anyways)!
Texans - MechDX
Raiders - Mackenzie 92
Cardinals - Squall ASF
Rams - Squicken, B For Bendetta
Ravens - BaltimoreLarry, Nakazato, Bolt Vanderhuge
Dolphins - chris.trejo, The_Darkest_Red
Bucs - Syrinx, Hammer24
Jaguars - Tamanon
Giants - BigAT, Futurevoid, Draxal, Striker
Browns - BlackGhost, Wes, TheBatman
Patriots - Colasante, ActStriker, Sanjuro
Eagles - gutshot, yankeehater, jabee
Cowboys - Farooq, cashman
Vikings - Slo
Steelers - DeaconKnowledge, AngmarsKing701
Jets - Fox318
Seahawks - cdyhybrid
Bills - LJ11
Packers - Buckethead, Greg
Panthers - Grover Cleveland
Bears - minx88
Saints - cajunator
Falcons - Talon
Lions - Plinko
Niners - Doomsayer, bigosc2k
Chiefs - Tragicomedy
Drafting in spirit only:
Redskins - Ninja Scooter
Colts - Narag