You dudes with decent PCs better be playing the hhour beta on april 21st with me on steam.
I'm probably waiting for the PS4 release
watched some live stream of the closed beta yesterday, and it's still too early to tell how it'll turn out
animation/interface/servers looked pretty rough, but the core looked great, so hopefully they get the support they need
You must be thinking of COD and what Battlefield has become. Socom 1+2 was Counterstrike for consoles. Anything newer than 2 was shit.
Confrontation was legit 6 months after launch when all the launch issues were ironed out, and I'd easily give the gunplay a nod over any other game in the series
game did so many things right considering how little support Slant Six was given, and the Cold Front DLC was the best value of last gen
S2 map design is still unmatched though all these years later
lol no. Socom was shit on a disc.
I've watched you play Battlefield
I know why you hate SOCOM