Cuphead looks awesome. Old school Disney animation
can somebody sum up the MS conference points?
can somebody sum up the MS conference points?
- Halo 5 demo. Its Halo.can somebody sum up the MS conference points?
PcmrOh look the one game on XBONE that interest me. Rise of the Tomb Raider. It's a timed exclusive so I'll wait. Not worth a XBONE purchase.
That would be relevant for ease of ports, not bc. For optimizations written to the hardware (which for most games is substantial) and code compiled to it (game discs)... well, you have to emulate the hardware (or build it in, ala nintendo) to run it.I was under the impression that the 360 api was entirely directx.
- Halo 5 demo. Its Halo.
-Xbox 360 backwards compatibility announced. Limited titles off the bat but more will be added. Physical discs will work to.
- New Elite controller announced with modular parts and Windows 10 compatibility.
- New IP called Recore by Keiji Inafune and Armature - CG trailer
- Bunch of Indie games including Cuphead, Phantasmal, Ashen, etc. All Xbone/PC first
- early access for indie games announced
Tomb Raider is on right now.
Omg this pirate game looks incredible
Jesus fucking christ Microsoft.List of bc games on the bone:
:jnc Guess it is pretty difficult.
That's the preview list though. It doesn't go "wide" until Christmas.List of bc games on the bone:
:jnc Guess it is pretty difficult.
Nah, valve will go for parity across platforms (win/mac/linux). But obviously windows is where the money islol Wow Windows will be the best for Valve?!?!
What a coup!
MS scared to death of Morpheus.
They'll be announcing Morpheus partnership for Windows 10 shortly.
At this point we get it - you don't want to do VR yourselves Microsoft.
Are the consoles powerful enough to really do anything with VR?
We're wasting precious time here MS with Hololens.
I want at least one awkward announcement and gameplay demo from a renowned Japanese developer. Sakaguchi, Itagaki, Kamiya anyone and we're wasting time here.
Not really.Are the consoles powerful enough to really do anything with VR?