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NFL Offseason Thread |OT4| Cheaters Cheat.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
wienke, even though you're a Pats fan, I'm going to tell you this - expect nothing from Tinder.

It's designed, as a medium, to be as disposable as possible - you swipe right or swipe left, and that's all that comes out of 95% of your interactions. It's just a huge numbers game.

Yeah my expectations were a bit skewed since my first tinder connection ended up in a 6 month relationship.
Finished the Microsoft conference. Happy about the Gears of war 1 rerelease. Gears was my first really great multi player experience with co-op and everything.

I played halo2 on 360 but it was at the end of its run. So gears was really my first online gaming experience that I like to remember.





I got no faith in S3 with that budget, S1 and S2 was an experience, Shenmue 1 the level of immersion was staggering, soon as i got home from work i couldn't wait to get into the world, all the character spoke, you rarely had to read anything, the world was alive, with a $2m budget I don't expect a grand master piece...
They need at least $8mil to bring the world to life....not $2m
because sony is announcing a game that they passed on funding, and making the consumer do that part.

that is funny.

Sega wouldn't even let Bayonetta 2 be made until someone else picked up the check. One of their games going to Kickstarter while Sony happily announces something that's definitely getting made and definitely coming to them is the least surprising development. Carnies are everywhere, don't hate the player.

What's left to be announced? Mother 3. PAPER MARIO. PLS
I got no faith in S3 with that budget, S1 and S2 was an experience, Shenmue 1 the level of immersion was staggering, soon as i got home from work i couldn't wait to get into the world, all the character spoke, you rarely had to read anything, the world was alive, with a $2m budget I don't expect a grand master piece...

But realistically it will likely have a significantly higher budget. Not just because the KS will be north of $3 or $4m, but because Sony's contribution to funding the game will be... substantial. (I don't know enough about how the behind the scenes stuff works, but my guess is at minimum they'll double the pot)

Basically, the better the KS does, the more likely we get a real conclusion...

But realistically it will likely have a significantly higher budget. Not just because the KS will be north of $3 or $4m, but because Sony's contribution to funding the game will be... substantial. (I don't know enough about how the behind the scenes stuff works, but my guess is at minimum they'll double the pot)

Basically, the better the KS does, the more likely we get a real conclusion...

Shit, the better it does, the more likely we get ports of the other 2 too

Golden age, friend


Who knows? Maybe Cleveland will win something this year

Anything can happen

it wont

The spread is 3.5 Warriors, I can see it going to game 7 only for them to fail. Because BG only deserves failures in his brown water city.

On the other hand, freedom is favored -425 tomorrow against Nigeria.


Sony clearly won with the megatons. Too bad the only exclusives that interest me are Horizon and Uncharted 4. TLG could be good but I know nothing about it. Maybe next black Friday 2016 I'll get a PS4 with Morpheous.

Also Sony not ponying up 2 million for a game is hilarious and telling how much confidence they have in the game to me.

Edit: Gaffer donated $10,000 and proceedes to talk about needing money for food and rent

Jnc jnc jnc jnc
Also Sony not ponying up 2 million for a game is hilarious and telling how much confidence they have in the game to me.
It's hilarious if you think it will only cost 2 million to make Shenmue 3. If Yu Suzuki posted the actual budget necessary to the make the game, the kickstarter would fail. It will hit the 2 million goal tonight /easily/. It has 31 days to pull in major stretch goal money and he can take that to get the remaining funding necessary to make the game he wants to make from a publisher willing to do it.

Whether that actually happens is a bigger question but no one actually believes Shenmue 3 is being made for 2 million dollars, right?


Fell asleep during the Sony conference but it seems like it had what the fans wanted. I was hoping for more about their VR thing, but as I wondered in the MS conference, I doubt these consoles can do anything meaningful in that area

Sucks about the lady friend, weinke. Sometimes life just has bad timing. It's always hard to take a broad perspective when it's your own self, of course
Ugh. I am such a gaming relic. I thought TLG looked gorgeous, full of life and vitality (though the gameplay looks a bit basic but it's early.)

Apparently though it's a blurry, foggy mess with iOS graphics.
Ugh. I am such a gaming relic. I thought TLG looked gorgeous, full of life and vitality (though the gameplay looks a bit basic but it's early.)
Count me amongst the relics then.

I had wonderful flashbacks of my time with Shadow of the Colossus when the boy was climbing Trico's back near the end of the gameplay reveal.


Sony about to announce TLG, Shenmue 3, and a FFVII remake.

The rare triple jinx

We have an insider in our hive!

It's hilarious if you think it will only cost 2 million to make Shenmue 3. If Yu Suzuki posted the actual budget necessary to the make the game, the kickstarter would fail. It will hit the 2 million goal tonight /easily/. It has 31 days to pull in major stretch goal money and he can take that to get the remaining funding necessary to make the game he wants to make from a publisher willing to do it.

Whether that actually happens is a bigger question but no one actually believes Shenmue 3 is being made for 2 million dollars, right?

I don't follow Kickstarts because there is no fucking way I would ever donate to one. Developers are lucky to get me to buy a full price game from them which only happens with GCU plus the $10 certificate. Other than those titles I wait till they are less than $20. Anyways, it's still hilarious that Sony didn't announce they would match the donations or how much they are helping make the game. Just weird to me.
Count me amongst the relics then.

I had wonderful flashbacks of my time with Shadow of the Colossus when the boy was climbing Trico's back near the end of the gameplay reveal.

Yup I was fucken excited, it was by far my most wanted game last gen and I seriously almost lost all hope. I thought it looked amazing, reminds me of SotC and Journey, two of the greatest games ever made.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Sucks about the lady friend, weinke. Sometimes life just has bad timing. It's always hard to take a broad perspective when it's your own self, of course

Thanks dude.

Yeah in the moment it's hard not to feel like it'll be impossible to find someone that checks that many boxes of mine again. The real trick is figuring how not to catch so many feels in such a short amount of time again. Besides dating chicks I'm only halfway interested in anyway.
I don't follow Kickstarts because there is no fucking way I would ever donate to one. Developers are lucky to get me to buy a full price game from them which only happens with GCU plus the $10 certificate. Other than those titles I wait till they are less than $20. Anyways, it's still hilarious that Sony didn't announce they would match the donations or how much they are helping make the game. Just weird to me.
Sony have no reason to announce they are funding at the moment. Its likely Shenmue has some kind of built-in funding from a publisher (likely Sony since its PS4/PC) but that funding is triggered after showing actual market viability via the kickstarter. It's a win-win for Sony. Amazing PR for putting Shenmue 3 on the conference floor and if they ARE funding it at some level, they get a portion of the development costs covered from the kickstarter and can announce they are publishing later. That's IF they are funding/publishing at some level.

Some would say that's a big "if" but I don't see Sony trotting out Yu Suzuki and hyping the kickstarter out of the kindness of their hearts.;)

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I think the kickstarter is also a weird way of marketing it since people love to talk about them, sometimes more so than regular games. It's a crazy amount of publicity while essentially locking in preorders for it.

Sony is obviously writing a fat check behind the scenes for it.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
It's a literal no risk, very high reward situation for Sony. It's not hard to understand at all. The fans win, Sony wins, Yu wins.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
How are you winning if you're paying 10K for a video game that was going to get made anyway?

If that's what you want to do with your money, hey. I may think it's the most incredibly stupid, shortsighted, potentially life-ruining thing ever posted in relation to a video game, but that's his prerogative. If a guy wants to possibly throw away his entire life because a virtual box moving simulator is being remade, then who am I to knock some sense into him? I ain't his mother.


I nearly cried when they brought back Nights into Dreams. True story.
its still lame as hell though.
I mean, no work of fiction has made me cry since i was like 8 and got easily upset. Which kinda sucks; I would like to have something impact me that much, but it is what it is.

So for the mere existence of a video game to make people tear up and actually cry just...it exists beyond my comprehension.

Course people may be exaggerating, but still.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Horizon looked like the dogs bollocks, I'm probably going to get a PS4 for that. The other exclusives don't appeal to me that much.

I watched the trailer and I had a couple of thoughts. Do the makers of the trailer know that we have fish and flowers and trees right now? Go outside, nerds. Secondly, if the cities all went dark, why are there herds of wild robots? What purpose does a giant saw giraffe serve? What do the humans get by hunting machines with pointy sticks? Why are they using pointy sticks since there are laser cannons and rocket launchers easily obtained?

I dunno. It looked interesting, but at first blush it just looks like GG took a few different ideas and chucked them together. I'll keep an eye on it, but I can't tell if they're making a delicious stew or a disguising crockpot abomination.


I mean, no work of fiction has made me cry since i was like 8 and got easily upset. Which kinda sucks; I would like to have something impact me that much, but it is what it is.

So for the mere existence of a video game to make people tear up and actually cry just...it exists beyond my comprehension.

Course people may be exaggerating, but still.

NiGHTS was the only game to come back that meant enough to my childhood to garner that kind of reaction. It is one of my all time favorite games.
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