because sony is announcing a game that they passed on funding, and making the consumer do that part.Why wouldn't it be announced at Sony's conference?
wienke, even though you're a Pats fan, I'm going to tell you this - expect nothing from Tinder.
It's designed, as a medium, to be as disposable as possible - you swipe right or swipe left, and that's all that comes out of 95% of your interactions. It's just a huge numbers game.
because sony is announcing a game that they passed on funding, and making the consumer do that part.
that is funny.
Oh my goodness, wienke is a Pats fan now?!
You're worse than zychi-ari-ciao.
Agreed...I got no faith in S3 with that budget, S1 and S2 was an experience, Shenmue 1 the level of immersion was staggering, soon as i got home from work i couldn't wait to get into the world, all the character spoke, you rarely had to read anything, the world was alive, with a $2m budget I don't expect a grand master piece...
But realistically it will likely have a significantly higher budget. Not just because the KS will be north of $3 or $4m, but because Sony's contribution to funding the game will be... substantial. (I don't know enough about how the behind the scenes stuff works, but my guess is at minimum they'll double the pot)
Basically, the better the KS does, the more likely we get a real conclusion...
This is a horrible thing to say to a guy down on his luck.
Who knows? Maybe Cleveland will win something this year
Anything can happen
it wont
Almost. Where the fuck is Beyond Good and Evil 2? Thats what I want!
I thought we were going to get it when Yves teased bringing back an old IP but instead we got a generic as hell looking Ghost Recon.
Sony saved the gaming industry singlehandedly today. I'm buying another PS4 in support.
It's hilarious if you think it will only cost 2 million to make Shenmue 3. If Yu Suzuki posted the actual budget necessary to the make the game, the kickstarter would fail. It will hit the 2 million goal tonight /easily/. It has 31 days to pull in major stretch goal money and he can take that to get the remaining funding necessary to make the game he wants to make from a publisher willing to do it.Also Sony not ponying up 2 million for a game is hilarious and telling how much confidence they have in the game to me.
Ugh. I am such a gaming relic. I thought TLG looked gorgeous, full of life and vitality (though the gameplay looks a bit basic but it's early.)
Apparently though it's a blurry, foggy mess with iOS graphics.
Ugh. I am such a gaming relic. I thought TLG looked gorgeous, full of life and vitality (though the gameplay looks a bit basic but it's early.)
Apparently though it's a blurry, foggy mess with iOS graphics.
Count me amongst the relics then.Ugh. I am such a gaming relic. I thought TLG looked gorgeous, full of life and vitality (though the gameplay looks a bit basic but it's early.)
Sony about to announce TLG, Shenmue 3, and a FFVII remake.
The rare triple jinx
It's hilarious if you think it will only cost 2 million to make Shenmue 3. If Yu Suzuki posted the actual budget necessary to the make the game, the kickstarter would fail. It will hit the 2 million goal tonight /easily/. It has 31 days to pull in major stretch goal money and he can take that to get the remaining funding necessary to make the game he wants to make from a publisher willing to do it.
Whether that actually happens is a bigger question but no one actually believes Shenmue 3 is being made for 2 million dollars, right?
Count me amongst the relics then.
I had wonderful flashbacks of my time with Shadow of the Colossus when the boy was climbing Trico's back near the end of the gameplay reveal.
Sucks about the lady friend, weinke. Sometimes life just has bad timing. It's always hard to take a broad perspective when it's your own self, of course
Ugh. I am such a gaming relic. I thought TLG looked gorgeous, full of life and vitality (though the gameplay looks a bit basic but it's early.)
Apparently though it's a blurry, foggy mess with iOS graphics.
Oh my goodness, wienke is a Pats fan now?!
You're worse than zychi-ari-ciao.
Sony have no reason to announce they are funding at the moment. Its likely Shenmue has some kind of built-in funding from a publisher (likely Sony since its PS4/PC) but that funding is triggered after showing actual market viability via the kickstarter. It's a win-win for Sony. Amazing PR for putting Shenmue 3 on the conference floor and if they ARE funding it at some level, they get a portion of the development costs covered from the kickstarter and can announce they are publishing later. That's IF they are funding/publishing at some level.I don't follow Kickstarts because there is no fucking way I would ever donate to one. Developers are lucky to get me to buy a full price game from them which only happens with GCU plus the $10 certificate. Other than those titles I wait till they are less than $20. Anyways, it's still hilarious that Sony didn't announce they would match the donations or how much they are helping make the game. Just weird to me.
The only thing I liked from the MS conference was that pirate game, but not enough to ever get a bone, what did nintendo show?
Yep.It's a literal no risk, very high reward situation for Sony. It's not hard to understand at all. The fans win, Sony wins, Yu wins.
It's a literal no risk, very high reward situation for Sony. It's not hard to understand at all. The fans win, Sony wins, Yu wins.
Seriously, why would you admit that you cried at a fucking video game trailer?
How are you winning if you're paying 10K for a video game that was going to get made anyway?
I nearly cried when they brought back Nights into Dreams. True story.
its still lame as hell though.
Seriously, why would you admit that you cried at a fucking video game trailer?
I mean, no work of fiction has made me cry since i was like 8 and got easily upset. Which kinda sucks; I would like to have something impact me that much, but it is what it is.I nearly cried when they brought back Nights into Dreams. True story.
its still lame as hell though.
Horizon looked like the dogs bollocks, I'm probably going to get a PS4 for that. The other exclusives don't appeal to me that much.
I mean, no work of fiction has made me cry since i was like 8 and got easily upset. Which kinda sucks; I would like to have something impact me that much, but it is what it is.
So for the mere existence of a video game to make people tear up and actually cry exists beyond my comprehension.
Course people may be exaggerating, but still.