In honor of tyranny being defeated and the American way triumphing over evil:
I got to grill stuff for friends and family yesterday.
My time in the spotlight and I shined.
I got to grill stuff for friends and family yesterday.
My time in the spotlight and I shined.
I got to grill stuff for friends and family yesterday.
My time in the spotlight and I shined.
I made this jalapeño popper pull apart bread for the fourth.
So good.
Also made some pizza dip, inspired by that gif that was floating around. Never having tried the recipe from the gif, I can safely say mine was much better.
Reverse grandpas cant be racist?
Dude that looks legit. Well done!
Where you goingI'm at lax right now
"He's a good guy."Twitter trying to tell me God's Gift isn't a conceited and lazy piece of shit. Can't stop laughing.
Let freedom ring.
Who is God's Gift?
Power went out, running on generators, my cell phone isn't working either.
Find a bar with power?
USA! USA! USA!USA has to win tonight
Thank god its over today so mrsa can stop all this
We agree on something for once.Thank god its over today so mrsa can stop all this
Field of Dreams man. No matter how many times I see it I still get all choked up at the end.
The feels man....
I support Team Alex but I'm the front runner for
I saw my coworker watching anime on his tablet tonight.
we takin over!