a hugHey guys, what do you get for your parent when they are married for 25 years?
Keeping in mind that I'm a dirty poor student
a hugHey guys, what do you get for your parent when they are married for 25 years?
Keeping in mind that I'm a dirty poor student
Hey guys, what do you get for your parent when they are married for 25 years?
Keeping in mind that I'm a dirty poor student
a hug
Hey guys, what do you get for your parents when they are married for 25 years?
Keeping in mind that I'm a dirty poor student
That's a rich poor.Dinner is probably the only right answer. Even a poor can muster up 50 euros
A hug. And thank them for being together so long.
Make them a thank you card.
Seriously my parents been together 38 next week. I always just said thank you for allowing me to grow up with a good home.A hug. And thank them for being together so long.
Make them a thank you card.
It shares very little in common with Uncharted outside of the fact that they both have guns and people use them but hey....irrational thinking FTW!
Fair enough. Could have said that off the bat though. You sort of went off into this sort of insane Uncharted comparison that made no sense.
I feel like we've had these sort of conversations with you about video games in the past.
You are a very close minded person when it comes to video gamin'
Hey guys, what do you get for your parents when they are married for 25 years?
Keeping in mind that I'm a dirty poor student
Your parents don't like you do they?
I guess they like me. They didnt like each other though.
I guess they like me. They didnt like each other though.
Fuck you asshole you're no poor, you're staying at the London in West Hollywood you fake poor.
I guess they like me. They didnt like each other though.
Don't bring them feels bro, don't do it!
Its not irrational. I just really loved the Uncharted series and Im not a fan of zombies. Im rather sick of them and everything to do with them and to see Naughty Dog go this direction was really disappointing.
Yeah I am. I pretty much like a few select genres and Im sick of the rest at this point. I hate that everything is moving to a more hollywood movie high budget style. thankfully there are indie games.
Hey guys, what do you get for your parents when they are married for 25 years?
Keeping in mind that I'm a dirty poor student
lol dont feel bad bro. look at this and cheer up
Now I'm no expert onkidsparasites, but I'm pretty darn sure they are not disposable.Unless your name is Aaron Hernandez
Anybody want to help me out and give me a net? It'll be quick, in and out...pause.
Come on ac/nfl bros lol
I got you swine. SoCal bros
EDIT: Nevermind I got a shovel and a fishing rod.
The Orange Box is $5 on Xbox Live and The Witcher 2 is $10.
I see what you did there fake German
The Orange Box is $5 on Xbox Live and The Witcher 2 is $10.
If you're going to play The Witcher 2, play it on PC, no matter how good the port is. Game is god-like on PC.
Be honest with me. Are you drunk?
Many of us do not have gaming PCs. And it is still pretty Tebow like on 360.
Too bad, all the game sales are for games I played long ago.
You know whats better than video games? The buccaneers
You know whats better than video games? The buccaneers
Not yet
You know whats better than video games? The buccaneers
Wow!!! I am so not jealous of fanboy talk.It's not close. The Witcher 2 is one of the best looking games I've ever played. You don't have a gaming PC, fine, but don't act like they're remotely close in this instance.
Snes created alts back in 2009? Wow he had some forethought.
Did he get that tag from posting that op? :jnc
Edit: Dammit, I can't seem to find the perfect Kenny Powers .gif to accompany this post. I'm sorry
Finally have my computer back, so as promised with my limited skills:
Why is Schefter tweeting me basketball news? This isfootball season, dammit!Canadian
Why is Schefter tweeting me basketball news? This isfootball season, dammit!Canadian
Have people been watching NFL-live? Jaws is going through all the starting QB's and how he thinks they will play in the upcoming year. Today was Tannehill, and every clip they showed of him doing something positive he was hitting a wide-open dude. Like Matt Schaub wouldnt miss him hes so wide open.
And Jaws kept talking about "subtle movements in the pocket." lulz, only subtle movements is the Dolphins cash in his pocket.
I really shouldn't bother but here goes.Its not irrational. I just really loved the Uncharted series and Im not a fan of zombies. Im rather sick of them and everything to do with them and to see Naughty Dog go this direction was really disappointing.
I saw it more as the o-line went from above average to average. No numbers to back that up, though. They didn't do a terrible job protecting Tannehill. I agree with you on the receivers, though.http://espnmediazone.com/us/press-releases/2013/07/2013-jaws-qb-countdown/
If anyone has missed them, ESPN is transcribing the comments. fwiw I really like Tannie. Their WRs and OL were awful. Nothing is as bad as the 2002 Texans, but they were approaching that by the end of the year
what news?
Nnamdi Asomugha married Kerry Washington today.