We're the reason the 4th of July exists.I didn't realize Pats fans celebrated the 4th of July.
Beach, grilling, and fireworks
Anyone have a WiiU? Is it worth 250 for the deluxe?
We're the reason the 4th of July exists.I didn't realize Pats fans celebrated the 4th of July.
Beach, grilling, and fireworks
We're the reason the 4th of July exists.
Anyone have a WiiU? Is it worth 250 for the deluxe?
Someon toldm e I should play Persona 4 today.
Should I listen to them or are they lies?
Hmm don't have a Vita. Might have to dig out my PS2.They were correct if you can stomach awful jpop music
P4G on vita is the best version
How am I supposed to bring down the NFL/AC-Gaf median income if nobody approves my friend requests?
P.S. Fire Emblem seems really cool.
Let's all be friends.
Let's all be friends.
It'll be worth $250 easily at christmastime if any of the games Nintendo releases over the rest of the year are any good (spoiler: they will be, it's Nintendo).We're the reason the 4th of July exists.
Anyone have a WiiU? Is it worth 250 for the deluxe?
No, fuck you
4871 4119 8637
Also in my profile. Tell me if you add me so I can add you back.
Damn.I really gotta get me another PS3.I'm missing out on a lot of things.Just got TLoU today.
Lawdy Lawd you guys and your "friend codes". I expected TLoU single player to be OMGWTF good, and it is, but this multiplayer is Gears of War 1 level good.
Here is my friend code friends: 0044-2804-8530
Edit: Added BannedEpisode and NoriChan.
Chan, your friend code is invalid.
No, fuck you
4871 4119 8637
Also in my profile. Tell me if you add me so I can add you back.
add me to your PSN friends list brother: frenchmov
Just got TLoU today.
Lawdy Lawd you guys and your "friend codes". I expected TLoU single player to be OMGWTF good, and it is, but this multiplayer is Gears of War 1 level good.
Banned, did you add me by local or internet? D:
4871 4119 8637
Also in my profile. Tell me if you add me so I can add you back.
I'm drunk. Who's town us open?
add me
1778 9510 7077
I went to yours but it fucked up before I could get away with my spoils.
Fantom should open up.
Im drunk too, come to Ohio. My town is open!I'm drunk. Who's town us open?
Im drunk too, come to Ohio. My town is open!
I don't have a 3DS let lol, I ment come to actual OhioAdd me 4398-9656-5780
I don have a 3DS let lol, I ment come to actual Ohio
I'm sick of reading everyone talk about 3DS, I'm about to literally order one off CowBoom when I wake up.I hate friend codes...
You should name your town Ohio when you get one.
I'm sick of reading everyone talk about 3DS, I'm about to literally order one off CowBoom when I wake up.
Damn.I really gotta get me another PS3.I'm missing out on a lot of things.
oh wtf I'm adding both of you. Kas your right the multi is GoW1 good, and god damn was multi in that game amazing.
Yeah I really wasn't expecting much out of the multiplayer, but its impressed me a ton. Although just for reference its not as fast paced as Gears of War, and stealth in the multiplayer is pretty important.
Last of Us multiplayer is a cross between the gunplay, teamplay and cover mechanics of GoW1 and the stealth aspect Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (one of Xbox Li'ves first games on the original Xbox). Not to mention IMO the artwork and overall universe are far more interesting than both Gears of War and Splinter Cell combined.
Nerd bragging incoming, but at my prime post Gears of War release (11/2006-05/2007) I was ranked as high as the Top 1000 players in the world on Xbox Live. It was right after high school ended, I wasn't going to college that first semester out of HS, and lived rent free so all I did was play Gears of War on XBL all day. My old GT was ProfessorK516 so I don't know if there is still a way to check my stats from back then, but it was one of my proudest gaming accomplishments. I would dominate in GoW1......then GoW2 came out and everything went to hell.
We should get a TLoU NFL-GAF clan started,
Top 1000 only?
GraverobberX am disappoint.
So you slackers have a day off today, right?
Thank you, you you big, fluffball of love!Happy July 4 to you Americans.