Wonder if this causes others to come out?
We can only hope.
Wonder if this causes others to come out?
That line of reasoning can be extended to so much more, though.Why introduce a potentially cancerous element when you don't have to?
That line of reasoning can be extended to so much more, though.
Here we go.
Why introduce a potentially cancerous element when you don't have to?
I would hope so, pretty sure Aaron is single.The Packers are furiously updating their draft board.
I can't wait for the day when someone coming out isn't considered "breaking news."![]()
Here we go.
Why introduce a potentially cancerous element when you don't have to?
Kave! Look what I saw driving home today. Thought it was pretty cool, never had anything like it for Chud. Pettine already seems to be a little more in control then Chud.Cool.
The likes of TO and Titus Young are cancerous.
This is not.
Kave! Look what I saw driving home today. Thought it was pretty cool, never had anything like it for Chud. Pettine already seems to be a little more in control then Chud.
Hey guys. Hey guys.
Heeeeeeey guys.
Bravely Default is awesome.
Uh. Not sure how to tell somebody they're full of shit politely. You're full of shit... sir?Look at me look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That shit wouldn't fly in NFL locker rooms.
You wouldnt fly in NFL locker rooms.
Uh. Not sure how to tell somebody they're full of shit politely. You're full of shit... sir?
Lance Zierlein @LanceZierlein
worth noting RT @dpbrugler: Haven't talked w/ one scout who thinks Sam is a top-100 guy. when he's available on day 3, this news isn't why
Sorry to break your heart, Peter Fucking Pan.
Because you are my Packers-GAF bro! Even if you are wrong about this.Why be polite about it?
Awesome, looking forward to teams getting brow beaten for not taking him in the first two round.
Here we go.
That is NOT respectful.
From reading this thread....on a scale of 1 to andrew luck, how good is bravely default?
bigger news for the media/public than NFL teams. gay players have been in NFL locker rooms for decades, with teammates and coaches well aware. now I'm not naive, other players largely hid it, and Sam will face numerous challenges because he's now openly gay, but I really feel it's a bigger issue to the public at large than to the inner workings of a football team, but maybe I'm wrong.
on a scale of 1 to andrew luck, how good is bravely default?
.Bruce Feldman ‏@BFeldmanCBS 37m
#Missouri star Michael Sam told ESPN he didn't want news that he was gay to leak out before NFLDraft: "Let me own my own story."
Given the way Incognito was wrongly torpedoed by the media, I'd be terrified of having even friendly interactions with Sam. No professional athlete in America will be more teflon. If he wants to bury you it will be fucking simple.
Saw this on reddit, supposedly from his Outside the Lines interview (whatever that is):
"I endured so much in my past: seeing my older brother killed from a gunshot wound, not knowing that my oldest sister died when she was a baby and I never got the chance to meet her. My second oldest brother went missing in 1998, and me and my little sister were the last ones to see him ... my other two brothers have been in and out of jail since 8th grade, currently both in jail. "Telling the world I'm gay is nothing compared to that."
Blimey. I bet. I'll be rooting for him to succseed.
Bioshock Infinite is free on PS+, this a good game?
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20140209/michael-sam-draft-stock/?mobile=noLook at me look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
YesBioshock Infinite is free on PS+, this a good game?
Depends on your definition of the word "game" and what you like about video games.Bioshock Infinite is free on PS+, this a good game?
i loved it, gaf hates it.
So it's an amazing game then. I don't trust GAF on 98% of things.
Also that gay NCAA guy, its noble and all. But to come out before the draft? Publicity stunt to me.
From talking with people involved in professional sports organizations it's basically like drinking in high school. It's fine as long as you don't rub your parents nose in it.