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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:

NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.

As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.


So A and C tied for first place, so we'll spend an equal amount of time building out infrastructure as well as the medical ward before we focus on security upgrades. We'll need to complete B from the first vote first though, which is to add a few more guards and set deployment zones.

As we return to the cell block a worker realizes he forgot the crate of pipes in Dutch's cell, and takes it out back to storage.

To help ease with the larger population, we add some more tables in the canteen.

As usual, DM is the first in the shower. He's nearly done by the time everyone else shows up.

Day 8 and counting for Kave's no shower status.

Research for Maintenance and Deployment complete, and we hire a Foreman.

We start researching Health and Prison Labor.

We hire a couple more guards as well. This will allow us to not only patrol more ground, but will allow guards to fill in for each other when they go on break.

We set up some initial assignments...

...and designate the top wing as Staff Only.

DM continues his speedy ways and starts breakfast well before everyone else.

He's nearly done as everyone else is about to start eating. DM seems a bit more paranoid these days ever since the cell block search.

Wedge gets a visit not only from his family, but his lawyer shows up as well.

As soon as breakfast is over everyone heads back except for Wedge, who heads to the visitation room.

Wedge's family is a bit weirded out by the lawyer just watching things from the back.

We have a little more cash free, so we add one more guard. This should wrap up choice B from before, allowing us to focus on the current vote of choices A and C.

The security chief sends a warning that tension is rising in the cell block.

As Free Time starts, Slo immediately strips naked and bolts for the shower.

Kave heads out for his daily weightlifting sesssion.

Bucket plays a game of pool as Doom and DM conspire again.

Along with Kave, it appears that Frankman, Futurevoid, and Batman are the regulars at the weight benches.

Later on Dutch and Cloudy hit the pool table, as Rors and Penny start talking with Doom who's still sitting in the same spot. Could he possibly be passing messages on from DM?

Later on during Yard Time, JABEE's family drops by for a visit. He would go and see them later on.

As Wedge and RBH hits the weights, DM has a suspiciously long talk with the guard far away from everyone else.

By the end of dinner service, the rising tensions from earlier seems to have subsided as the Danger level is down at the lowest level.

With Health research completed, we designate the Infirmary, Morgue, and Psychologist's office in the Medical Ward wing.

We have Prison Labor also unlock, so we assign prison workers in the Kitchen and Cleaning Closet.

We adjust the daily schedule to have a Work block.

We also add more doors to the Yard to make it easier to enter and exit.

The new day rolls in and we queue up two beds in the Infirmary.

We start researching Mental Health.

The medical ward beds are installed, along with a morgue slab. BlackGhost is transferred over, but he won't get better until we hire a doctor.


Things are a bit quiet this update, but the next one should be more interesting!


Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:


And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com


Browns <-> Phins

&#8226; The Browns' front-office blowup might not have been possible, at least not the way it went down, if not for Dolphins owner Stephen Ross. Explanation: Word out of South Florida is Ross advisor Carl Peterson targeted Ray Farmer as the next general manager of the Dolphins. And the expectation was that Farmer was going to get the job. But then Ross got cold feet about Farmer. That's when Farmer backed out of the job. That made him available to take over the Browns' front office last week, when Jimmy Haslam finally decided to go in a new direction.

&#8226; The Browns blowup also might not have happened if the Chargers or Patriots could have beaten the Broncos in the playoffs. Explanation: It is believed Haslam really wanted Broncos offensive coordinator Adam Gase to be his head coach. And Gase was not ruling out the Browns solely on the basis of their Brownishness. He would have been open to considering the job if he could have been hired prior to last week. Gase didn't want to be the last head coach hired because it would have impacted his ability to put together a strong staff. So because the Broncos went to the Super Bowl, Gase backed out on the Browns.

The Browns' next choice, sources say, was Josh McDaniels. But the Patriots offensive coordinator forced the Browns' hand by asking if he was their guy at a point when Gase still was in the running. They had to tell him no. So McDaniels pulled out and apparently was not interested in getting back in when the Browns went back at him later in the process.


One of the most significant but underrated aspects of the combine is the interview process. In fact, many front-office men look forward to the interviews more than the workouts. With that in mind, we polled several execs on which prospects they were looking forward to interviewing most. Here were their answers.

Chris Boyd, Vanderbilt WR
: Prosecutors accused him of assisting a cover-up of a rape, and he was dismissed from the football team in college. NFL talent evaluators want to give him a chance to tell his version of the story and see if they can get a comfort level with Boyd's character.

Martavis Bryant, Clemson WR: NFL teams have questions about his maturity and willingness to conform. One scout said he wanted to get Bryant on the board and talk football with him.

Jadeveon Clowney, South Carolina DE: Clowney will be probed about his drop-off in production in 2013, and two front-office men said they are curious to see what his tone will be and if he is accountable. One personnel exec said he wants to ask Clowney these questions: "Did you hold back?" "Were you not in shape?" "Did injuries affect your performance?"

Ra'Shede Hageman, Minnesota DT: NFL teams will pepper him with questions about his tough upbringing, his off-field decision-making and an academic suspension. They also want to see what he has to say about being such an inconsistent player.

Seantrel Henderson, Miami OT: "He needs to interview well," one high-ranking exec said. Henderson will have to answer about off-field problems, suspensions and benchings.

Carlos Hyde, Ohio State RB: He has a suspension and an off-field incident to explain. One veteran scout also said he wanted to ask Hyde about his work ethic.

Colt Lyerla, Oregon TE: Scouts think he isn't a bad player, but they want to hear him tell the story of why he quit the team and left school in October. They also will ask him about his arrest for cocaine possession and want to see if he is willing to work through problems. One front-office man said Lyerla is a "total wild card" because of his issues.

Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M QB: One front office man said he wants to try to get a feel for how serious Manziel is about football and how hard he will be willing to work. Manziel will get questions about his love of the game versus his love of the celebrity life. [eat a bag of dicks. there's your answer]

Daniel McCullers, Tennessee DT: Front-office men want to see what this monster of a man says about letting his weight go at various points of his college career, and if he is willing to do things differently to control his weight in the future. They also want to ask him about taking plays off.

Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Washington TE: He will be asked about a DUI and a team suspension. But the bigger issue might be Seferian-Jenkins' inconsistencies on the field. He dominates at times and then disappears. Said one exec, "I want to get a feel for if I can trust him."
Mike Evans did not impress me all that much in college. His speed or burst never looked that great he was just like twice as big as everyone's. His combine numbers will be interesting.

Ravens seem to be linked to him in lots of mocks, and I'm happy with that. We need a big receiver to compliment Torrey's speed. Basically, we need young Anquan, and I feel like Evans is giving us a better chance at filling our reciever need than someone like Lee will.
Does anyone know what Philbin makes a year? The sports radio in Vegas just said that they are hearing that Ross will fire him and that they were just waiting for the report to come out so they wont have to pay him. I am curious how much money he would save by doing that. Seems nuts that they would hire a lesser GM just to save some money though.

The interviews are where Steelers are drafted. Mike Adams got drafted because of his interview, and going out of the way to explain to Steelers brass (and only the Steelers) why they should draft him.

Jarvis Jones was flat out told he was going to be drafted after his interview.


Wait...the NFL is still a non-profit? How does that work?

The individual teams are for profit. People act like they dodge taxes or something, but all the money that doesn't go to league administration goes to the teams, who do pay taxes

The interviews are where Steelers are drafted. Mike Adams got drafted because of his interview, and going out of the way to explain to Steelers brass (and only the Steelers) why they should draft him.

Jarvis Jones was flat out told he was going to be drafted after his interview.

Yep. If they were going to televise something I would much rather see the interviews than the drills. Once the Combine starts is when all the character stuff starts to come out, and you just never know whether a team really likes a player or not. In 2006 Vince Young wasn't ever going to be drafted by the Texans b/c of his character
Yep. If they were going to televise something I would much rather see the interviews than the drills. Once the Combine starts is when all the character stuff starts to come out, and you just never know whether a team really likes a player or not. In 2006 Vince Young wasn't ever going to be drafted by the Texans b/c of his character

The one interview i'm really interested in is Michael Sam's. I want to see how exec's handle him if he's got any character issues.


what do you think about it?

i've been wanting to get one, and don't think i'll wait to see samsung's new phone.

I really like it. I'll admit I'm not too knowledgable about phones but it's really fast, has a great screen, runs everything I throw at it without any hiccups. For me that's what I want

It's also really nice to have vanilla Android!!


I think you are a bit naive about the altruism of the media. The media definitely covers for the sport organizations as a whole and for individual superstars until the tell all books 10 years after retirement.

Not in my experience. They are just as eager to pump you with the feel good story as they are eager to tear someone down once they mess up. See Tiger Woods.

They were practically gleeful last year around this time for the Teo story. Piece of shit sites like deadspin were theorizing that ESPN knew all along the story was a fake but was somehow covering up for College Football and ND. If that was true ESPN wouldn't have spent weeks and weeks covering it then.

The most sensational story sells and equals higher ratings. They don't give a shit about the actual players, just whatever gets the highest ratings.

The media also creates a narrative that they think will get them ratings and personal fame. The choose a few stars, but normally not superstars, to go after as bad apples to gin up controversy and fake outrage. Sir Charles and MJ are a great example of this phenomenon. Both are compulsive gamblers. The media new both were compulsive gamblers. They portrayed Chuck as a degenerate gambler and never mentioned any of MJs well documented personal flaws (well documented after he retired for a while). Sure if you dug at the time you could have found out about MJs gambling and women, but ESPN sure wasn't mentioning it on Sportscenter.

Sure Sir Charles wasn't as big as MJ, but he was def a superstar in his own right. Not all players get called out but it rarely has to do with fame or status. MJ still doesn't get shit on for all his antics, attitude, and shady dealings with women and gambling.

ESPN wasn't mentioning it about anyone at that time. ESPN was mainly a sports highlights station with sportscenter on loop all the time. All these sports talk shows, opinion shows, 2-3 24/7 sports networks, and the social media didn't exist. Access was further limited.

Let me ask you this. If tomorrow we find out Tebow is out banging prostitutes smoking crack cocaine, ESPN would try to bury the story?

Look at how the media treats PED in baseball vs. football. Literally everyone knows PED use is rampant in football, but the media only acts outraged that A-Rod dared used PEDs and lyed to them about. Where is the outrage beyond a few snide remarks on message boards about the Seahawks or Broncoes players failing tests? Where are the in depth investigations, where are they trying to get retired players to tell the truth about football? And we also know for sure that PED use is as old as baseball, just the PEDs themselves have changed. The media never ever had an issue with Mickey Mantle or Maris using PEDs, or amphetamines being put in the water in the dugout since the 1940s. But now the fake outrage about Bonds just because the greatest player of all time didn't play nice and give them good interviewers.

Oh cmon. You think people only care about Bonds because he wasn't nice? What about Sosa? McGuire? These guys were all nice.

The steroid/HGH use being an uproar is relatively new but again its not because of the big bad evil media hiding issues or picking and choosing who to attack. The media only reports what people care about. Celeb news sells. So even news networks like CNN cover stupid ass Beiber news.

Steroids matter in baseball so they cover it. No one gives a shit about it in the NFL. No one gave a shit about it in the 50-60s so they didn't cover it. It could also be as simple as finally realizing how damaging these drugs are to the overall health of the human being.

The PED non issue in the NFL is not the media's fault. If the people felt as outraged about roided up football players, the outrage would follow through to the media. They only cover what gets them ratings. No one cares about drugs in the NFL. Meaning the fans don't care. If they did they would have made as much of a fuss about it as people in general did with baseball.

Baseball with all its records and iconic figures is all about the #s and stats. They basically used the steroid era to propel themselves back into relevancy by shattering records and then promoting the drug users.

But the media didn't create uneven playing field. How come concussions and head injuries are a huge deal in the NFL but not in the NHL? Media has been going to town on the NFL about head hits and concussions no?

My whole point being, the media did report the Incognito stuff when it came out. They weren't holding off on it to protect the Dolphins. Its not even like a prestigious well respected organization that the media would feel the need to protect.

If it leads to to any change in other locker rooms that's a good thing. We should be surprised that this level of stupidity and bullying happens and no one stands up to it. It shouldn't be acceptable and hopefully this leads to more changes. If anything I don't get the "meh so what" attitude.


Wait...the NFL is still a non-profit? How does that work?
Simple explanation.

A For-Profit organization (Google, Apple, etc.) takes its profits and, at the end of the day, distributes part of it to owners/shareholders. Now, they don't have to, in fact Apple only recently started giving out dividends like 7 quarters ago, but a stock corporation is going to eventually be punished by shareholders if they sit on a shitton of profits and ONLY invest it into the organization.

A Nonprofit organization (Universities, ACS, etc.) takes its profits and reinvests into itself. That doesn't mean they don't pay their employees - or pay them extremely well - it means that its profits are never disbursed to an owner or otherwise (well, they can't have shareholders as by definition they are non-stock organizations).


I really like it. I'll admit I'm not too knowledgable about phones but it's really fast, has a great screen, runs everything I throw at it without any hiccups. For me that's what I want

It's also really nice to have vanilla Android!!

sounds good to me!
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