
Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:
NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.
As always, click on any image to get the full res screenshot.
So A and C tied for first place, so we'll spend an equal amount of time building out infrastructure as well as the medical ward before we focus on security upgrades. We'll need to complete B from the first vote first though, which is to add a few more guards and set deployment zones.
As we return to the cell block a worker realizes he forgot the crate of pipes in Dutch's cell, and takes it out back to storage.

To help ease with the larger population, we add some more tables in the canteen.

As usual, DM is the first in the shower. He's nearly done by the time everyone else shows up.

Day 8 and counting for Kave's no shower status.

Research for Maintenance and Deployment complete, and we hire a Foreman.

We start researching Health and Prison Labor.

We hire a couple more guards as well. This will allow us to not only patrol more ground, but will allow guards to fill in for each other when they go on break.

We set up some initial assignments...

...and designate the top wing as Staff Only.

DM continues his speedy ways and starts breakfast well before everyone else.

He's nearly done as everyone else is about to start eating. DM seems a bit more paranoid these days ever since the cell block search.

Wedge gets a visit not only from his family, but his lawyer shows up as well.

As soon as breakfast is over everyone heads back except for Wedge, who heads to the visitation room.

Wedge's family is a bit weirded out by the lawyer just watching things from the back.

We have a little more cash free, so we add one more guard. This should wrap up choice B from before, allowing us to focus on the current vote of choices A and C.

The security chief sends a warning that tension is rising in the cell block.

As Free Time starts, Slo immediately strips naked and bolts for the shower.

Kave heads out for his daily weightlifting sesssion.

Bucket plays a game of pool as Doom and DM conspire again.

Along with Kave, it appears that Frankman, Futurevoid, and Batman are the regulars at the weight benches.

Later on Dutch and Cloudy hit the pool table, as Rors and Penny start talking with Doom who's still sitting in the same spot. Could he possibly be passing messages on from DM?

Later on during Yard Time, JABEE's family drops by for a visit. He would go and see them later on.

As Wedge and RBH hits the weights, DM has a suspiciously long talk with the guard far away from everyone else.

By the end of dinner service, the rising tensions from earlier seems to have subsided as the Danger level is down at the lowest level.

With Health research completed, we designate the Infirmary, Morgue, and Psychologist's office in the Medical Ward wing.

We have Prison Labor also unlock, so we assign prison workers in the Kitchen and Cleaning Closet.

We adjust the daily schedule to have a Work block.

We also add more doors to the Yard to make it easier to enter and exit.

The new day rolls in and we queue up two beds in the Infirmary.

We start researching Mental Health.

The medical ward beds are installed, along with a morgue slab. BlackGhost is transferred over, but he won't get better until we hire a doctor.

Things are a bit quiet this update, but the next one should be more interesting!
Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:
And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com