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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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I think Bionic was trying to call Gata a racist, and Bionic ended up looking bad in the process.

Yep. That's one of those "you needed to be there for the context" moments. The one time a drive-by mod decides to come through and that post makes bionic look the Grand Imperial Wizard. Like eznark level racist.

Gotta understand the culture. I didn't think that comment was racist because I knew what bionic was hinting at. And I have plenty of black friends!

P.S. gata is the boy king of Pats-GAF, I'm sorry to say. He's the Joffrey of GAF


Why would they vote me off? I'm the biggest Pats fan here.

poor little gata
the only weird thing about the sharper rape allegations is they all have the same story that hours later they woke up in the middle of him raping them. that just sounds odd to me. i'm not a rapist nor would i ever rape someone but it just seems to me that if a rapist roofied your drink and raped you it would happen in pretty quick order after you passed out. i mean was he raping them for 2 hours straight and they happened to wake up on the tail end of it?

i guess i'd just want more questions answered before i put the guilty stamp on sharper but given that there are multiple (seemingly) unrelated women across multiple cities it doesn't look good


Colt fans exist after Peyton

one of you guys will be exposed as brady's tabris. it's only a matter of time.

the only weird thing about the sharper rape allegations is they all have the same story that hours later they woke up in the middle of him raping them. that just sounds odd to me. i'm not a rapist nor would i ever rape someone but it just seems to me that if a rapist roofied your drink and raped you it would happen in pretty quick order after you passed out. i mean was he raping them for 2 hours straight and they happened to wake up on the tail end of it?

i guess i'd just want more questions answered before i put the guilty stamp on sharper but given that there are multiple (seemingly) unrelated women across multiple cities it doesn't look good

i never got why some of these players have to rape people, i can sort of understand if you're fat and ugly like big ben. but sharper seems like a guy who could land a chick easily. i don't think he ended up blowing his money and is now broke either. maybe it's true, some football players end up being psychopaths from all the air pockets that form in their brain after years of getting hit.

we existed after drew left, why wouldn't we exist after the 2nd best patriot of all-time retires.

bread, stahp.

i think we all know who the #1 best patriot ever is/was.


sanjuro would agree too.
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