Gonna call that number when I need an ambulance.
Gonna call that number when I need an ambulance.
The hype was real. The results weren't.
Shit that little ding knocked the Vita down to 50?
Was it hot or something?
I do too, they have a really hot Filipino/Chinese female EMT that comes around a lot. I'd let her resuscitate me any day.
Awhile back they had a EMT there that did skinnimax type porn. The owner of that company actually met her at a porn convention and offered her a job.
Both are great, although you can definitely overdo blue cheese on a burger. It's a strongly flavored cheese so you don't need much of it. Pairs wonderfully with hot sauce.Things Konka likes:
Things Konka hates:
you make the call
Get out of here
Yeah that fried rice with pineapple doesn't look good to me
I actually agree with Konka. Hawaiian Pizza (ham and pineapple) is my go to pizza other than just regular cheese or bell peppers and onions. I love pepperoni but that stuff is so bad for you I just avoid it at all costs.
Also blue cheese is scust.
Yeah that fried rice with pineapple doesn't look good to me
I think pineapple fried rice is disgusting myself, those Filipinos are confused with their pineapples and fried rice.
It's not a traditional Filipino dish, it's more Thai or Chinese.
Hawaiian pizza is an abomination. You people.
I'm going to order one out of spite and take dozens of pictures.
I only see it being offered at Filipino restaurants. That being said Filipino food sucks too.
You guys have terrible food tastes.
You guys have terrible food tastes.
I am not a Jags fan. I will fight you.Some of the food pics now being posted... for once I agree with a Jags fan.
Pineapple + Ham Pizza is amazing. You add jalapenos to that mix, and you got a solid pizza.
A lot of "Filipino" restaurants serve Hawaiian, Malaysian, Americanized Chinese, and a bunch of other dishes.
And first you go after Mexican, and now you dissing my culinary heritage? Worst NFL-GAF member confirmed. Beyond even Gata or Tabris level.
I hate to agree with Gata but it's true.
I need to post pictures of Popeyes and Texas barbecue as an enema to all this awful.
Maybe if we start a thread in OT someone will buy all of NFL Gaf pizzas.
Pineapple + Ham Pizza is amazing. You add jalapenos to that mix, and you got a solid pizza.
You Filipinos and Mexicans have the same last names anyways.
Both are great, although you can definitely overdo blue cheese on a burger. It's a strongly flavored cheese so you don't need much of it. Pairs wonderfully with hot sauce.
The Spanish derived ones sure (thank you Spanish Empire), but there are traditional Filipino names that are distinct.
Is the David Carr hype real?
My Filipino coworker claims to be Asian, how you gonna be Asian with the last name Sanchez?
Quit being racistMy Filipino coworker claims to be Asian, how you gonna be Asian with the last name Sanchez?
Gator gonna snitch on everyone, then he's gonna be the only one in this thread.
It'll be like that episode of the Twilight Zone.
I mean Futurama, because you fucking kids have no respect for history.
I bet you snitched. Seems like something a hipster person would do.Gator gonna snitch on everyone, then he's gonna be the only one in this thread.
It'll be like that episode of the Twilight Zone.
I mean Futurama, because you fucking kids have no respect for history.
I bet you snitched. Seems like something a hipster person would do.
While we're on draft, who's everyone's favorite running backs. I'm trying to watch high lights of guys, see who I think might fit the browns.Speaking of draft was watching some tape on Mack he just looks way too slow to me. Won't surprise me if he falls.
While we're on draft, who's everyone's favorite running backs. I'm trying to watch high lights of guys, see who I think might fit the browns.
As of now of course I like Hyde, and I've been watching some Andre Williams.
Bishop Sankey.
I'll take him, be an all Huskies backfield with Marcel Reece and Bishop Sankey.