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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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This all traces back to the Chickens winning an illegitimate SB. You start with PEDs and Cheatin Pete and the butterfly effect rears its ugly head on GAF. SMH.


my boy asj bout to run a 4.4 :cool:

Naw he's not a burner, although the lost weight will help.


Like most Seahawks he likes amphetamines. Got arrested for coke possession, kicked out of Oregon, showed up light and did nothing on bench press. Very talented but tons of off field baggage

Lyerla will be the first NFL player in history to have drug charges, sure, but hey we've got a rag-tag group of boys, he can join the group!! :cool:


Inside 49ers Asylum

Larger point: I know some 49ers fans–or mostly Harbaugh fans–don’t want to hear this, but the reality is that Harbaugh is a combustible commodity who has 49ers HQ very unsettled most days and now he’s coming up on a contract extension that he really thought he deserved last year, so things are a little pent-up between coach and management.

As always, it’s stipulated that Harbaugh is a great coach, but he has never been known as a soothing, pleasant personality and he has never claimed to be.

He wins, and he also wears on people. Three years of winning with the 49ers, three years of wearing people down. Just ask the people at Stanford how they felt about him after four years there.

Harbaugh might say the same about Baalke, who also isn’t the sweetest of personalities. The two alpha-types are extremely good at what they do–Baalke finds the talent, Harbaugh coaches it–and they’ve been very good for each other… up until they moment when they decide that they’re very much not.


York, to this point, has happily paid Harbaugh $5M a year and probably would up that to $6.5M (into the top 5-10 or so), but does not want to make Harbaugh the top-paid coach in the league until he wins a Super Bowl and that has not yet happened, despite three straight trips to the NFC title game.

So Harbaugh and his agent David Dunn are going to do what they can to pressure the 49ers to getting that deal, or to eventually finding a place that will give him maybe an even larger deal. The 49ers will presumably push back.
All fair, by both sides.

It’s NEGOTIATIONS, and both sides know that they pretty much have to get the deal done this off-season or else Harbaugh’s 49ers tenure will be moving towards an end period.

That’s what caused the weirdness of yesterday and there will be more, I predict, up until the moment a new deal is signed or the 49ers and Harbaugh decide there’s just no way to get a deal done.

And then there will be even more weirdness.


What a shit organization.

Eddie would have paid him a year ago and then taken a whorecation in Thailand with the coach and his staff to celebrate. York is pinching pennies like he can replace Harbaugh easily.

It's ridiculous. Like Harbaugh isn't working hard enough to win a SB? Or that is the only metric of success. Look at where they were before Harbs. I hope they let him go and lil' Jeddie hires the next Singletary


What a shit organization.

Eddie would have paid him a year ago and then taken a whorecation in Thailand with the coach and his staff to celebrate. York is pinching pennies like he can replace Harbaugh easily.

Eddie would have paid him 2 years ago then tried to fire him after this season. He almost fired Walsh several times.
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