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NFL Offseason Thread - Who cares who won we got a draft to prepare for!

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Squicken, you have any favorite Inside LBs coming out? Question goes to everyone too

I like Skov a lot. Uses his hands really well, decent pass rusher and is probably the smartest ILB coming out this year. Has some limitations in pass coverage but could be a very good 2 down thumper.

Probably wouldn't touch him until the 3rd round tho.


Persecution Complex
Depends on his knees. Andre Johnson has had a long career, but part of that is his injuries have been muscle injuries. I think he has had an ankle problem too, but nothing like Megatron's knees. I see your point about trading him if he is close to breaking down, but the rest of the league would also see him breaking down, and value him accordingly. I think that's why it's so important to have a good WR corps on any team. So that one guy going down doesn't stall the whole offense

Megatron has already had issues with his knee. His future really concerns me, especially with so much cap space given to him. Like I said he'll be close to 30 by the end of next season.

Megatron is one of the greatest athletes of our generations across any sport. However with him being 6'5 and 230 lbs or so I think those knee issues will become a huge liability especially at his contract. Trade him for multiple high round picks, free up a ton of cap space and continue to build around Stafford and Suh.

For all he's done for our franchise I would only trade him in dignity, meaning a AFC team in contention.


Still watching Rb highlights, watching Ka'Deem Carey right now, I know Browns met with him today.

Mech, do you know who you personally want at Qb yet? Not sure how much college ball you watch

I don't watch a ton of college ball. I catch highlights, watch YouTube on certain players and read some opinion pieces and stuff from here as well. Teddy is just the most pro ready out there but Bortles is what I want physically in a QB but he is still a couple years away. I would have loved for the rumors of Rothlesberger being traded and Houston grabbing him up so that probably explains the Bortles love.

I just want absolutely NOTHING to do with Manziel. Just a complete showboat and hope he gets destroyed in his first NFL game.

I don't know why and have no real rational except my gut but I still think TJ Yates gets a legit chance under O'Brien.
I just want absolutely NOTHING to do with Manziel. Just a complete showboat and hope he gets destroyed in his first NFL game.
Your words dissapoint me. But I'm in the camp that thinks Bortles might be the pick. I kinda want to see you guys take Clowney though, An interesting shake up.


Your words dissapoint me. But I'm in the camp that thinks Bortles might be the pick. I kinda want to see you guys take Clowney though, An interesting shake up.

Don't want Clowney either. Don't want to go through the same emotional roller coaster with him that we went through with Mario. JJ was like the anti-Mario and a breath of fresh air.
The only reason I keep seeing Bortles tied to Houston is because of the O'Leary connection at UCF. Stupid to say it will happen because of that. The same thing as we are now "Pats South" because we hired O'Brien and he brought in a total of 3 coaches with NE ties: Crennel, Vrabel and Godsey.

I do know I need this though:




Read that earlier as well. Loved this part:

But if Manziel really wants to be the No. 1 overall pick, you know what he needs? Someone who’ll tell him that the more you dare/challenge/finger-wag at a guy like O’Brien -- which in my view is what Manziel’s sales pitch has done -- the more likely O’Brien will ask where the (bleep) you get off challenging him when you haven’t peed a drop in the NFL. And the more likely O’Brien will view you as a salesman/brand advancer who covets the trappings that accompany being the No. 1 overall pick as much as you want to play football for the team that happens to hold that selection.

Manziel mania here will be worse than the VY situation in 06


Don't want Clowney either. Don't want to go through the same emotional roller coaster with him that we went through with Mario. JJ was like the anti-Mario and a breath of fresh air.
The only reason I keep seeing Bortles tied to Houston is because of the O'Leary connection at UCF. Stupid to say it will happen because of that. The same thing as we are now "Pats South" because we hired O'Brien and he brought in a total of 3 coaches with NE ties: Crennel, Vrabel and Godsey.

I do know I need this though:


Does this mean you're not :squicken-ing to the Pats anymore?


He basically says people from New England are smarter than everyone else in America earlier in that article. That's who you are agreeing with

lol god no! I deal with that shit on a daily basis. the rest of the article is garbage but I loved the part I quoted.

My first visit to Boston I kept getting weird looks because I always said "Thank You", held doors open for people, etc...you know? The things we do here daily because that's what we do. My wife said I was getting the weird stares from women because they probably thought I was being nice because I was about to mug or rape them.

Does this mean you're not :squicken-ing to the Pats anymore?

Just roll with whatever nonsense is being stated. #PATSSOUTH!


Persecution Complex
Kas, your positivity is nice. Never change!

Thanks man, during games I can get somewhat negative though. And if this current roster sucked I'd be the first to call them out on it. But as you all know by now I believe Stafford is legit, and when you have a great QB you are in contention every year.

Great NFL QBs don't grow on trees.

Manziel mania here will be worse than the VY situation in 06

I don't know about that. The Texans picking Mario Williams over Reggie Bush and Vince Young in 2006 is still one of the most controversial picks in NFL draft history.


I don't know about that. The Texans picking Mario Williams over Reggie Bush and Vince Young in 2006 was one of the most controversial picks in NFL draft history.

Really? I DID NOT know that!!

/end sarcasm.....

I was comparing the two. Everyone here wanted VY because he was a local guy. Manziel, while not from Houston like VY, still played at A&M which is a stones throw away. Already getting the idiot casual fans saying the Texans will regret it and they will become Cowboy fans if the Texans pass on Manziel Well....bye.


lol god no!

Just roll with whatever nonsense is being stated. #PATSSOUTH!

I see his point. I thought Manziel played all of this wrong. I thought he came off phony, too. All of these guys get interview coaching on how to answer questions. They all say they want to be the first pick. He did it all wrong, with his Dorito stuff

edit: Speaking of the Cowboys, I still think it is weird they are interviewing him. There's no way they can draft him, but you never know with Jerry


Persecution Complex
Really? I DID NOT know that!!

/end sarcasm.....

I was comparing the two. Everyone here wanted VY because he was a local guy. Manziel, while not from Houston like VY, still played at A&M which is a stones throw away. Already getting the idiot casual fans saying the Texans will regret it and they will become Cowboy fans if the Texans pass on Manziel Well....bye.

Holy Tebow, Mech, calm down but I see what you're getting at.

The whole local thing is always a big deal, and when Los Angeles eventually gets the Rams it will be interesting seeing how that plays out. Tons of talented NFL players come from the L.A./Orange County/Riverside area. If a guy from the same area/city/state somehow gets drafted to his hometown and/or favorite team it's always a huge bonus especially with the fanbase. A lot of Lions fans especially love Joquie Bell because he is from the Detroit area. Lous Delmas was a huge fan favorite because he played at Western Michigan University.

And if those Texan "fans" would leave the Texans to the Cowboys just because the Cowboys drafted a Texas guy then they were never fans to begin with.


I see his point. I thought Manziel played all of this wrong. I thought he came off phony, too. All of these guys get interview coaching on how to answer questions. They all say they want to be the first pick. He did it all wrong, with his Dorito stuff

edit: Speaking of the Cowboys, I still think it is weird they are interviewing him. There's no way they can draft him, but you never know with Jerry

Manziel wants to go to Houston for one reason: money. His merchandising in a football is religion state like Texas would be through the roof and he knows it. He will make money in Cleveland, Jacksonville, etc....but nothing like what he would pull in here.

I put nothing past Jerruh. NOTHING. I could see him doing his best Bud Adams impersonation and thinking he is one upping Houston by trading up to get Maziel.
Black Sails finally picked up today, watched Wreck it Ralph too, better then I thought. now for some video games.

Also just saw this on my twitter:

Former Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner received two years pays after he was fired
by Andrew Abramson

INDIANAPOLIS — Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner didn’t survive the team’s locker room harassment scandal, but Coach Joe Philbin fought for Turner to get two years pay.

While publicly the Dolphins have expressed dismay at the abuses detailed in the NFL investigation of the club, privately, several team and league sources told the Palm Beach Post that they believe the Ted Wells report was one-sided and dismissive of anyone who tried to support guard Richie Incognito.

Firing Turner might have been team’s best PR move, but after reading the report Philbin obviously still thought enough of Turner to fight for him to be paid.

People in the Dolphins organization who believe the problems were overblown point to a cafeteria prank pulled on Martin that he said was the last straw. (Teammates got up and left the table as soon as he sat down.) Sources said the prank was so routine that players — including Martin — had done it to Philbin.

O’Neill, meanwhile, is being viewed as a scapegoat. The report said O’Neill laughed when Richie Incognito and fellow offensive lineman Mike Pouncey and John Jerry harassed assistant trainer Naohisa Inoue, who was born in Japan.

He gave the players Japanese-style head bands, which the report said they wore on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day to taunt him. But sources said that Inoue gave them the head bands on the holiday, which wasn’t made clear in the Wells report. The report makes it seem like the players intentionally brought the head bands in on Pearl Harbor Day to harass the trainer.

Although owner Stephen Ross is continuing to meet with Martin, team sources said they can’t fathom any scenario in which Martin would return to the Dolphins. Those sources said there is a “zero percent chance” of that happening and that players don’t want him there.

Check out Sunday’s Palm Beach Post to read more on the Dolphins and the Wells report, including how those close to Jerry believed he had a decent chance to be re-signed by Miami before the locker room harassment scandal (not anymore).
- See more at: http://blogs.palmbeachpost.com/thed...pays-after-he-was-fired/#sthash.PdYP0muB.dpuf

I can't believe Ross didn't clean house after this cluster fuck.



Sure seems like Wells had an agenda when he went in there

■ One team source said that attorney Ted Wells, whose 144-page report on the situation was released nine days ago, was fairly dismissive of any team employee who showed support toward Incognito in their interviews with Wells. Assistant trainer Naohisa Inoue insisted repeatedly with Wells that he didn’t feel like he was the victim of bullying and racism. The much-publicized incident of Incognito, Mike Pouncey, and others wearing traditional Japanese headbands on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor was overblown, the source insisted — it was Inoue who gave the players those headbands that very morning.

■ Team officials never knew how much the pranks bothered Martin, as he was a willing participant in many of them, as well.

The tipping point for Martin allegedly was a cafeteria prank in which several players stood up from the table when Martin sat down. He slammed his tray on the ground, left the facility, and checked into a hospital for psychological treatment shortly thereafter.

Sources tell us that Martin not only often participated in that prank himself — he once did it to Philbin.

■ One source estimated that Martin has a “zero percent chance” of ever playing for the Dolphins again, as the players, coaches, and staff have too much resentment toward him for the way he handled this situation and cost people their jobs. The source doubted that any NFL team would sign him, though we think a team may be willing to take a flier on him for a minimum salary.

“If you were a GM, would you trust him as your left tackle?” the source said.



Bortles may be the best choice at quarterback

If I were Texans general manager Rick Smith, I’d like Central Florida’s Blake Bortles more and more as my choice with the No. 1 pick — certainly over the other two top quarterback prospects, Johnny Manziel and Teddy Bridgewater.

Manziel is an electrifying athlete who dominated SEC competition for two years, but has enough warning signs to scare us away from taking him No. 1 overall.

Manziel’s arm strength on deep balls is a red flag, and a source close to Manziel said that the former Heisman winner has been working diligently on trying to drive his throws downfield. Manziel is an incredible improviser, and makes unbelievable plays when the pocket breaks down, but he is not a very polished pocket passer and didn’t take many three- and five-step drops in college. He threw a lot of one-step bubble screens, and the source acknowledged that Manziel is too hesitant to pull the trigger on throws to receivers who are often wide open, instead opting to scramble.

“If I sat down with him, I’d line up several of those plays in a row, go through each one and ask him, ‘What was the read, and why didn’t you throw the pass?’ ” a league source said. “And if he says, ‘I don’t know’ too many times, that’s a bad sign.”

Manziel also measured in a shade under 6 feet at 5-11¾, although his huge hands (9⅞ inches) more than make up for any height deficiency.

Bridgewater had great numbers last season at Louisville — throwing for 3,970 yards, 31 touchdowns, four interceptions, and completing 71 percent of passes — but didn’t play any opponents who were ranked in the Top 25 at the time of the game. The one decent team Louisville played was Central Florida, and Bridgewater lost to Bortles, 38-35.

There are also concerns about the simplicity of the offense Bridgewater ran at Louisville, and his less-than-ideal hand size of 9¼ inches. The great Gil Brandt noted Friday that the last quarterback to start a game with hands smaller than 9 inches was Matt Cavanaugh in 1978.

Bortles, meanwhile, definitely needs some seasoning after starting just two years at UCF, but might have the highest ceiling of the quarterback prospects. He measured in at 6-5 and 232 pounds with 9⅜-inch hands, has by far the strongest arm in the draft, and, as Brandt noted, is a unique athlete. He throws a football with his right hand and a baseball with his left hand.

same Globe link


Best thing you will read today on the draft. Lots of background info on lots of top prospects

Johnny Manziel*, QB, Texas A&M: 5-11½, 207. Third-year sophomore and two-year starter. Won Heisman Trophy in 2012. "Hit or miss? What the hell are they talking about?" one scout said. "He's a better passer than the guy (Russell Wilson) who won the Super Bowl, and he's got a better arm. Here comes the pressure, a guy breaks open and he finds the receiver. Does he have a gun? No. But he doesn't have a bad arm at all." Has had a colorful if not controversial career off the field. Nicknamed "Johnny Football." Said another personnel man with more than 15 years of NFL scouting experience: "I'm fine with him on the field. He's probably the most unique guy I've done at that position. Just the way he kind of controls the game when he's on. But it's the other stuff. He's not a worker. He doesn't show up. He does what he wants to do. They need him. Everybody just kind of shrugs it off. You try to pull some of the stuff he does in an NFL locker room and it's just not going to work."

Read more from Journal Sentinel: http://www.jsonline.com/sports/pack...look-b99210557z1-246732851.html#ixzz2u86V6AeK
Follow us: @JournalSentinel on Twitter

Khalil Mack, OLB, Buffalo: 6-2½, 251. "He's the real deal," one scout said. "He can rush the passer. He kicks (expletive). Tough guy. Got interceptions and forced fumbles. Great kid. It wouldn't even be a discussion taking him over Clowney." Was skinny coming out of high school and lightly recruited. "You put on the Ohio State game, he dominated like a quarter," another scout said. "That tackle (Jack Mewhort) who is supposed to be a good player, he just tore him up. Then he disappeared for a quarter. He can play off the ball, too, if you wanted him to. But I don't know if you want to do that, because he's going to be a big-play guy and rush the passer."

hmm maybe Mayock is right on him. Gonna have go put on the tape, and by that I mean Youtube highlights


Setec Astronomer
Same scouts who thought Wilson was a backup QB at best before the draft are clearly still bitter about it and won't let it go.


Anonymous scouts have been wrong about all sorts of things over the years, I wouldn't get too excited either way.

Not trolling. Just thought you'd want to see the ASJ rumors

Austin Seferian-Jenkins*, TE, Washington: 6-5, 262. Third-year junior. "He's going to be close to Gronkowski talent-wise," one scout said. "Now he's lazy and a (expletive). It's all kinds of just minor stuff. There's always something wrong with him." Had 146 receptions in three seasons. Played some basketball for Huskies. "I think he's a pretender," another scout said. "Not really a football player. The hype is big, but he don't want to block and he is kind of half-(expletive) in everything he does. Inconsistent and unreliable."

Wonderlics already leaking. Such a shit storm coming in the morning. Carr had a 20. Zack Martin 21. Carlos Hyde 9


Not trolling. Just thought you'd want to see the ASJ rumors

Wonderlics already leaking. Such a shit storm coming in the morning. Carr had a 20. Zack Martin 21. Carlos Hyde 9


Never heard a peep about any of that stuff when he was here, and I've heard about a lot of stuff. Doesn't mean they're wrong, but it would certainly be a surprise if they were right.

I'm not too worried about him. He blocked pretty well with his extra weight this season, and if he learned from that and kept most of his effectiveness after losing that weight he'll be in a great spot.


There are also concerns about the simplicity of the offense Bridgewater ran at Louisville, and his less-than-ideal hand size of 9¼ inches. The great Gil Brandt noted Friday that the last quarterback to start a game with hands smaller than 9 inches was Matt Cavanaugh in 1978.

Bortles, meanwhile, definitely needs some seasoning after starting just two years at UCF, but might have the highest ceiling of the quarterback prospects. He measured in at 6-5 and 232 pounds with 9⅜-inch hands, has by far the strongest arm in the draft, and, as Brandt noted, is a unique athlete. He throws a football with his right hand and a baseball with his left hand.

That's coming from Ben Volin, so it's naturally entirely wrong. He's the same Boston beat writer who has repeatedly insisted that resigning Edelman over Talib needs to be the Patriots' #1 offseason priority and thinks that Riley Cooper could be their missing piece on offense.


That's coming from Ben Volin, so it's naturally entirely wrong. He's the same Boston beat writer who has repeatedly insisted that resigning Edelman over Talib needs to be the Patriots' #1 offseason priority and thinks that Riley Cooper could be their missing piece on offense.

The thing on that is it's almost entirely the same stuff that Darkest Red posted from the Miami paper. Volin is from there, so whoever the source is, he's getting it out to lots of media.

As far as the other stuff goes, idk. I really like Riley Cooper the football player, but would have a hard time wanting him on my team


Persecution Complex
It feels good being able to not worry about offensive line at all this year and just skip the scouting reports on o-lineman.

squicks article had some very vague info:

Sammy Watkins*, WR, Clemson: 6 feet 1 inch, 211 pounds. In what might become an all-time class of wide receivers, he stands as the best entering the draft. "He can pretty much do everything," one scout said. "He's fast. He makes plays. Catches the hell out of the ball. Knows how to play." Caught 240 passes (101 in 2013) for 3,391 yards (14.1-yard average) and 27 touchdowns. "He'll be a great kickoff return guy, too," another scout said. "But he won't do that very long. Not real tall but he's thick. He looks like a running back more than a wide receiver."

What the hell does he'll be great at kick returns, but won't do it very long mean?

Mike Evans*, WR, Texas A&M: 6-5, 231. Redshirt sophomore. "He's safer than Benjamin," one scout said. "He's just a big, strong guy. You just throw it up to him and he'll make plays. He's a big dude that plays big." Ad-libbed a lot with Manziel. Caught 151 passes in two seasons. "Little stiff," another scout said. "He's dropped some balls." Arms measured a long, long 351/8 inches.

Ad-libbed a lot probably means he got himself open when need be, a lot of that due to Manziel breaking from the pocket and creating havok for the LBs and Secondary. Evans being 6'5 and Watkins being 6'1 could be a huge factor if there 40 times are close during the combine.

With the type of offense the Lions new OC Vince Lombardis grandson ran in New Orleans, I'm starting to think Eric Ebron could be a real possibility for us at #10.

Eric Ebron*, TE, North Carolina: 6-4, 250. Third-year junior. "He can probably do a little bit more than Tyler Eifert (last year)," one scout said. "He's athletic. He can challenge deep. He's not a great bulky guy but he'll block. Watch him against Clowney. He didn't win but he wasn't afraid. He's (Rob) Gronkowski-like, but he's a lot smoother than Gronkowski." Improved each year, finishing with 112 receptions. "The way they used him this year was almost like a glorified slot receiver," another scout said. "Good feel for it. Not a great blocker." Led TEs in the 40 with 4.60 clocking.

Maybe we can run some sort of offense akin to what the Patriots did when they had Gronk and Hernandez. Have Fauria and Ebron line up at slot and just expose linebackers with there speed.

Since I have all day off of work tomorrow I'm going to be watching a lot of different highlights of Sammy Watkins, Mike Evans, Eric Ebron and a lot of projected 2nd-3rd round RBs.

Teams in need of a Defensive Tackle, Timmy Jerrigan is coming in with the right mindset a defensive lineman should have. I'll be watching some films on him tomorrow.

Timmy Jernigan plans to play like Ndamukong Suh in the NFL

The league office doesn’t always like the way Ndamukong Suh plays. But one draft prospect says he loves the way Suh plays, and plans to emulate it in the NFL.

Former Florida State defensive tackle Timmy Jernigan said today that Suh is the player he most looks up to.

“I love Ndamukong Suh,” Jernigan said. “I love the way he plays the game, his mindset, the mentality, the nastiness he plays with. The guy’s lethal. You can tell that with the way he plays. That’s the way you have to play this position especially on that level. If you don’t play the game with an attitude, you really won’t make it too long playing inside.”

Jernigan is viewed by some observers as the best defensive tackle in this year’s draft. If he can play the game like Suh, he’ll be one of the best defensive tackles in the league. Especially if he can manage Suh’s impact without Suh’s penalties.



Buffalo Bills coaches want to change the organization's old-school culture, but they seem to be encountering internal resistance

Key members of the staff have told me they want to update the training staff by replacing long-time head athletic trainer Bud Carpenter, but the front office is reluctant to support a switch.

Within the past few days at the NFL scouting combine, coach Doug Marrone and General Manager Doug Whaley have stressed player health is a top priority for the organization in 2014.


Sources told me at the NFL scouting combine the coaching staff is weary of Carpenter's old-school methodology. These sources believe Carpenter's "stim and ice" therapy is too outdated for today's athlete.

"Stim and ice" refers to electrical stimulation to the injured area and ice treatments.

The Bills have struggled with injuries previously, although last year was a relatively healthy one.

Still, rookie quarterback EJ Manuel missed eight games (two preseason, six regular season) with three knee injuries.

Marrone declared after the third knee injury that Manuel would start the season finale against the New England Patriots and stated the medical staff told him Manuel would not require surgery.

Manuel did not play against the Patriots and revealed three weeks ago he had another knee surgery.

Marrone and Whaley have indicated the Bills want to make sure Manuel has all the tools he'll need. The Bills have hired additional coaches and have spoken about bolstering his supporting cast.

Running back C.J. Spiller, safety Jairus Byrd and cornerback Stephon Gilmore also dealt with nagging injuries throughout the season.

hmm respect old people, but keeping guys healthy is their job. Use the Seahwaks method of HGH and steroids


venison crêpe
What the hell does he'll be great at kick returns, but won't do it very long mean?
The way I read that line made me think that he'll become so pivotal to a team's passing attack early on in his career that he won't be risked, injury wise, doing returns for long.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
How does Miami not fire everyone?

After all of this a lot of players are going to be hesitant to come to Miami because of the overall perspective and credibility of their current program.

I'm probably overreacting but it's going to take time for the Dolphins to rebuild their image (well image aside from being a perennially losing franchise)


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
How does Miami not fire everyone?

After all of this a lot of players are going to be hesitant to come to Miami because of the overall perspective and credibility of their current program.

I'm probably overreacting but it's going to take time for the Dolphins to rebuild their image (well image aside from being a perennially losing franchise)

Well, them being in Miami means they'll never, ever lack the ability to draw talent there.
How does Miami not fire everyone?

After all of this a lot of players are going to be hesitant to come to Miami because of the overall perspective and credibility of their current program.

I'm probably overreacting but it's going to take time for the Dolphins to rebuild their image (well image aside from being a perennially losing franchise)
Stephen. Ross.


Thanks man, during games I can get somewhat negative though. And if this current roster sucked I'd be the first to call them out on it. But as you all know by now I believe Stafford is legit, and when you have a great QB you are in contention every year.

Great NFL QBs don't grow on trees.

Negativity comes with being a sports fan no doubt, but it never makes sense to give up hope. Anything can happen! Your Lions could be a very terrifying team next season!

Black Sails finally picked up today, watched Wreck it Ralph too, better then I thought. now for some video games.

Wreck-it Ralph is great times. Also, do give full feedback on that Essential Smart Football book, I'm wondering how it reads.

Anonymous scouts have been wrong about all sorts of things over the years, I wouldn't get too excited either way.

This, as deep as this draft is, there's no doubt there will be as many busts as successes, but I guess that is what makes it all so interesting to follow a draft class.


venison crêpe
Missed the mention of Cyrus Kouandjio last night in the thread. Feel sorry for the lad. Gone from potential 1st round pick to off some teams boards completely.


Missed the mention of Cyrus Kouandjio last night in the thread. Feel sorry for the lad. Gone from potential 1st round pick to off some teams boards completely.

Doesn't mean every team is failing him, but it no doubt hurts him. I agree that it does suck. He shouldn't have been playing last year if he couldn't pass a physical
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