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NFL Pre-Preseason Thread |OT| Milana Vayntrub presents "Wet Dreaming of a Super Bowl"


The gif speaks for itself, Pro Bowl or not. No need to troll.

Good news is we're less than two months from the start of the season.

Gotta get my Chargers vs. Lions tickets soon.

And Splatoon

You're the cause of all the "Splatoon is ESports" all over the EVO streams all weekend.



Persecution Complex
You're the cause of all the "Splatoon is ESports" all over the EVO streams all weekend.


Splatoon is going to be officially in the ESports realm once matchmaking hits next month. Like Smash Bros it can be played casually but has a deep learning curve, that's probably one reason Nintendo was promoting it at EVO.

When I'm playing in random servers I'll fuck around and take games over like Matthew Stafford on a 4th quarter game winning drive.

When you get two teams together that knows what they're doing, like is the case in GAF rooms, games are intense and extremely competitive. Different maps call for different strategies, combined with all the different classes, weapons, abilities for weapons, armor etc.




Persecution Complex
Splatoon isn't even that good.

Well, that's just like your opinion man. Reviews, general gamer opinion and sales disagree.

While I'm having a ton of fun with my Wii U, I'm still in debate over whether I'll be getting a PS4 or Xbox One this fall. Rocket League looks fun as hell though.

Going to probably wait till Gamescom to make my decision. Personally I prefer Xbox for its exclusives and vastly superior controller but it seems like the majority of the gaming community, including NFLGAF, friends in IRL made the jump from Xbox 360 to PS4 for multiplayer gaming. Makes my decision harder because most of my friends are on PSN it seems.

Xbox 360 was that piff last gen for a variety of reasons for most gamers. Cheaper price, better exclusives for online games, better online community but it seems like Sony is taking back what was once theirs.

Xbox One is doing solid in the U.S., but still not enough to beat Sony like MS did with the Xbox 360 last gen. I think if MS doesn't start handily outselling the PS4 in the coming year Microsoft will transition from making consoles to providing games through the Xbox brand, franchises like Halo and Gears via Windows. Meaning no successor to the Xbox One in the console realm.

The $150 Xbox One controller was an indication of this. Compatible for both Xbox One and PC and the undisputed best video game controller on the market. Haven't checked on quarterly reports on how the Xbox division is doing for Microsoft and its investors in terms of profits from the Xbox One but Microsoft is going to be going hard with bundles and potentially price cuts and they need to beat Sony in NA this fall. If they don't, I think Xbox and its brand will still be powerful just not in the console market.


The Xbox One Elite controller is indication that Microsoft won't be making a Xbox One successor. You heard it here first folks!


Try swinging from the Reds.

I'd have to get my skirt out of storage and shave my legs. Too much work.

I've been dealing with upperback/neckpain for awhile now. Had an ergonomic specialist assess my office as well as being prescribed a stretch routine. It helps, but I think I have some weakness in my upper back which aggravates my neck and side of my head. Golf swing seems to set it off.

Long story short, watch your posture!


I didn't realize there was a cringe thread.

I miss the innocence of my youth which apparently just ended 30 seconds ago.

Mostly its just lame socially awkward people which is whatever but that last video is on some level of wrong that shouldnt exist. And the explanation that hes a comedian doing that for laughs makes it even creepier. Oh god.


HBO Now is available on the Play store.

You get a free 30 day trial, $14.99 a month after that. Watching Ballers and Silicon Valley this morning for free!




On Saturday, any lingering hard feelings that might exist between Green Bay Packers fans and Brett Favre were eviscerated.

If it wasn’t the 5-minute ovation the estimated crowd of 67,000 showered upon the greatest quarterback in the franchise’s history, it was the tears welling up in Favre’s eyes that doused every cinder of animosity remaining from the burning feud between the two sides.

Minutes after the crowd got warmed up cheering Favre’s family’s entry into the stadium, the rock music in the stadium ceased and the cheers started to get louder. The public address announcer came on and as though it were one of the 150 games in which he ran out of the tunnel onto Lambeau Field, the crowd roared.

Favre, wearing a dark blue sport jacket with no tie, a light purple shirt and dark slacks, emerged from the tunnel, walking instead of his traditional game-day sprint through the introduction line. As he strode slowly on the unpainted turf, the crowd exploded.

As though a returning hero, Favre moved along, spinning slowly with his arms raised, saluting the fans who seven years ago booed him mercilessly upon his return as a Minnesota Viking. The ovation went on and on with cheers of “MVP, MVP” catching an occasional wave through the stadium.

Every time it seemed as though it might die down, the enthusiasm picked up.

Finally, host Lance Allan began speaking and the crowd quieted.

“Wow,” Favre said. “I don’t have the words to express the feelings coming out of that tunnel. If there was ever any doubt before, there isn’t any now. I truly thank you.”

The crowd, which began filing in at 5:15 p.m., cheered almost everything Favre said during his 17-minute visit to the 50-yard line of the field he once owned. As the cheers died down the first time, tears were evident in Favre’s eyes.

Asked if he had game day butterflies, Favre said, “Worse.”

“Playing at Lambeau Field, certainly coming out of that tunnel, there’s nothing like it on this earth,” Favre continued. “I’ll say this, ‘I’ve also run out of that tunnel (visitors) and that was scary. I’d much rather go through that tunnel right there.”

It was after a video highlight tribute and another round of “MVP” chants that Favre noticeably choked up. It was then that he acknowledged that he never expected the response he got from a crowd that bought up the 67,000 available tickets in a matter of hours.

“I knew there were a lot of tickets sold,” he said. “I figured there would be a lot of people in the stands. But I wasn’t expecting this type of ovation. All I can say is that I hope it was as much fun for them watching me as it was for me (playing in front of them).”

Eventually, Favre needed to go. The induction banquet and unveiling of the banner signifying the retirement of his No. 4 were waiting.

In summing things up, Favre saluted the fans again, choking up after telling the crowd, “I can tell you thank you until tomorrow. It wouldn’t be enough.”

At that time, he looked down, put the mike to his forehead and tried to collect himself.

“I’m truly honored and blessed to be here before you but to be here forever,” he said.

A few minutes later, he walked off the field back in the embrace of his people.

He started the night with a story about the first time he arrived in Green Bay after he was traded from the Atlanta Falcons. He was travelling with his agent, Bus Cook, and they took a taxi from the airport.

“This tells you how high on the totem pole I was – we had to take a cab to the hotel,” said Favre. “No one was there to pick us up.”

Cook loved to have a little fun with people, so he was egging on the driver with questions and asked, I heard you guys traded for some quarterback or something?

“He goes, ‘Oh yeah. Big trouble maker,’” Favre recalled the driver’s response. “Loves to fight. … The guys’ name is Trish…”

Favre had no idea where he came up with Trish, although he admitted the other part of the story is true; he did get in to a couple of scuffles from time to time.

Cook never told the driver who was in that cab.

“And I wonder today if that guy knows, this is Trish.”

The crowd laughed, Favre flashed that mischievous grin, and thus began the keynote speech from the gunslinger. He covered a lot of territory.

Here are a few highlight’s from Favre’s speech:

~ He thanked the fans who were watching the banquet dinner in Lambeau Saturday night, which was being televised on the giant screens.

~Lee Remmel, the longtime public relations director. “One of my all-time Packer favorites. We had a chance to know him at a different level. Of course, we lost him this past year. Lee and I could not be more polar opposite. He was smart. I was not. He knew a lot of words… He was just a character. I hated that we lost him. He was a walking Packer encyclopedia. There’s nothing he didn’t know. He got his start back in the Curly Lambeau days. He will be dearly missed.”

~ “I have to thank the people who are responsible, and most important to me. There’s a lot of people that are important and I would not be here if not for them – none more important than God. My faith has gotten stronger as I‘ve gotten older. When I was younger, when I prayed, I was like, ‘God could you find it in your heart to let us beat the Bears this week? I’d really love to throw five touchdown passes against them. That would be awesome if you could help us beat them.'

“As time went by and I got older, the prayers changed. And my thought process changed. Early in my career, it was more about what God could do for me rather than what I can do for God. And slowly but surely, that is changing.

“There’s a word that I’ve learned - that’s humility. As I listen to all this tonight, I have to admit, it’s kind of Brett Favre overkill. But I’m honored by it. But this is a celebration of the fans, the coaches and I look out there to so many familiar faces. It brings back so many great memories.

(Favre pauses here because he is emotional.)

~”I want to thank my family. There’s a fair amount here; some could not make it. Bus is my agent but he is really family. I love him, he’s the best.

“My Mom. I don’t even know where to begin to talk about the support. And she claims that is where I got my right arm from. Maybe so. She’s always been there. I love her dearly.

“My sister Brandi, my brother Scott, my younger brother Jeff. His son is playing in U.S. Olympic football - my nephew Dylan. I thank y’all for coming, I love you. Scott’s son, Max, who I hope follows in our footsteps someday. Maybe he can be here.

“My daughters Brittany and Breleigh. Our oldest daughter Brittany, she is 26, she’s married, she has two sons. Two wonderful grandsons, who I was hoping would be here tonight but we would all be distracted because of all the running around here that would be taking place. I’m so proud of her and love my grandsons dearly. I love my son-in-law Alex, he is from Manchester, England and knows nothing about American football. And for that I love him. Brittany recently graduated from law school, she takes the bar in two weeks. Which she will pass very easily. … It’s time for you to move out honey – I’m joking. I’m joking. She’s extremely beautiful.

“Breleigh just turned 16. She will kill me for bringing her up because she is so shy. And timid. I am so proud of her. Like her older sister she is absolutely beautiful. She’s funny, she’s smart, actually a pretty dog gone good volleyball player. I am so thankful that they take after their mother in their looks and their brains.

“My wife Deanna, who, I want to say 45, I believe she is 46 – (he looks at her) what, neither? – she is absolutely beautiful. She and I knew each other when I was in the first grade; she was in the second grade. … She was a good athlete. There was one year for birthday or Christmas I bought her a catcher’s mitt and mask so she could catch for me. She is absolutely beautiful. She is the rock, the glue that holds us together. She’s handled herself with tremendous class – especially when she battled breast cancer, and she was able to help so many people.”

~ “I want to thank Bob Harlan, Mark (Murphy), the Hall of Fame committee for having me here and getting the ball rolling. I want to thank Ron Wolf. He will never take any credit. That’s the type of man Ron is, but the reason this building looks the way it does, the reason we are in here in this awesome setting, the reason that the Packers have been to the playoffs the last 17 of maybe last 21 years is Ron Wolf, I can assure you. Ron and I talk once a month. He always checks in on me. He had to pull the trigger on some unbelievable trades, free agent moves, coaching changes. Now it doesn’t seem that crazy, but when he traded for me I thought I was pretty good – but I had no idea. I didn’t understand the magnitude of what he was doing. I do now.

~ "When you talk about coaching trees, you have to mention Mike Holmgren. And the roots that come from that tree. Steve Mariucci. Andy Reid. Marty Mornihnweg. Dick Jauron. Ray Rhodes. Jon Gruden.

~ "I was blessed to have Mooch (Mariucci). I was blessed to have Sherm Lewis…

“When Mooch told me he was leaving to go to Cal. At that time it was one of the hardest things I had to deal with. Called him at 3 a.m. I was crying and trying to convince him to change his mind to come back. He was unbelievable coach. Loves football, loves people and loves life.

~”Andy Reid. He was the meeting-est coach in the history of the NFL. With Mooch we’d get out of meetings an hour and 15 minutes later. Here come the tight ends (with Reid) and they were zombies. Oh my God. I will never get home. This guy is relentless. I thought he is just going to kill us. He was a hell of a football coach. He was tough, fair he was funny. He was ingenious in so many ways. He was simple. Much like Mooch, he took a lot of heat for me.

~”Marty Mornhinweg, played high school football for Mike, claims he was pretty good. A little short in my opinion. Excellent coach. I couldn’t have been luckier. The next guy stepped in and we kept on going. We had a lot of fun; we told a lot of stories.

~”Then I get some guy called Mike McCarthy. And he was damn good. We only got a year together (as assistant). He was let go that year and he stopped by my house and said, I’m going to be a head coach some day. I thought, OK, maybe, maybe not I don’t know. A lot of guys say that. Well guess who is head coach of the Green Bay Packers. Mike McCarthy. When he became the head coach, a long time later, I was a little bit older, we butted heads time to time. But that’s Mike McCarthy. He’s an unbelievable competitor. It’s going to be interesting to see how he goes without calling plays. Mike – I’d be interested to see that because you’ve done a pretty darn good job of calling plays. He has done a wonderful job here.

~”Tom Rossley. One of my all-time favorites. He and I made a pact that when we both got fired, we’d open a bait shop together. He hasn’t called me! He is one of the best. Easy going guy. We were pretty prolific on offense. He liked to run a little too much – but we had a guy named Ahman Green who was pretty dog gone good so he made my job a lot easier.

~”Darrell Bevell we go way back. Damn good career as a coach in this league.

~”Mike Sherman. A lot like Mike Holmgren. Excellent football coach. Heck of a head coach. Really loved working with Mike. He and I really hit it off well.”

~”When Andy (Reid) became the quarterback coach – this is pre-talking in to the ear, so he was signaling me. Mike makes him wear an ugly yellow shirt. Andy says look, I’ve got this big yellow shirt on. I said, Why? ‘Mike thinks you can’t see me.’ So there’s a guy who works for the Packers for years. He’s the cord guy. He carries the cord back and forth. Kind of a heavy set guy. I didn’t know his name, Andy didn’t know his name. We’re on the sidelines and coaches are walking back and forth. Now, they’re cordless so it’s a lot easier. Andy gets his cord caught and looks back and there’s this heavy set guy standing on his cord. Andy says hey get off the cord you fat ass! This is one of our guys! He looks at Andy and says: Who are you calling a fat ass? True story. That was awesome.

~ “I want to be remembered as a good man. Far from perfect. By no means perfect. A man who loves his teammates. I love my teammates; we had a lot of fun. Coaches. The fans. That was an outstanding ovation today. I just could feel it. I loved the game of football. I had a blast playing.

“The city of Green Bay, the state of Wisconsin has been special to us for a lot of reasons. It’s where I played football. It where we won a lot of games but it is also where a lot of tragedy has happened.

“It wasn’t always winning games or Super Bowls, although those were fun. It was when I battled pain pill addiction. And came back and was fortunate enough to be on a team that won the Super Bowl. I spent 72 days in rehab. Mike came down and Ron came down (to Topeka, Kansas). Let me tell you it was tough. When Deanna battled breast cancer just a week from her brother passing away in an ATV accident on our property. Let me tell you, that was tough. And yet you were there with us.

“When my father passed away, a very tough, hard situation, I was able to be with my great friends, Ryan Longwell, Doug Pederson and Josh Bidwell. My entire Packer family. Mike Sherman was an unbelievable force that night – and the Oakland crowd was simply amazing. When we came back here, it was like coming back to millions of open arms.

“To share our joy, to share our sadness – together - is really something special. Because you care. You care here. That was evident today and I am truly thankful for that.

~”I do want to say thank you to all you guys (Favre looks at former teammates). Know that yeah, I’m up here – but that its you, its us. I had a blast playing with you. We had a lot of fun. We had some great memories. We won a lot of great games. It was simply amazing. It goes by like that. When Mike got here and said, ‘twenty three years ago,’ … my chin hit the floor. Twenty-three years ago. Are you kidding me?

“I am so thankful I had an opportunity to play here. I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to have so much success. To play with so many wonderful guys. And to be a part of a coaching staff that was second to none. I’m just so thankful I had the opportunity to experience that with all of you. And that you allowed me and my family to be a part of it.

“I say thank you.”


Fear of a GAF Planet
Kelvin Beachum ‏@KelvinBeachumJr Jul 18

How does a cop ride beside you for 10 miles, come along both sides of you, then come behind you, then pull you over..... Good morning 👀🐸☕️

Kelvin Beachum @KelvinBeachumJr

👀☕️🐸 I guess I'm not suppose to be in Scottsdale according to this cop..
Why ask question that don't pertain to the reason I'm pulled over

Stay racist, Arizona.


My step-grandpa was all about Andre Ware.

Man those were the days.

How kas like was he towards Ware

Kelvin Beachum ‏@KelvinBeachumJr Jul 18

How does a cop ride beside you for 10 miles, come along both sides of you, then come behind you, then pull you over..... Good morning ����☕️

Kelvin Beachum @KelvinBeachumJr

��☕️�� I guess I'm not suppose to be in Scottsdale according to this cop..
Why ask question that don't pertain to the reason I'm pulled over

Stay racist, Arizona.

Lets sell Zona to Mexico

vending machine whiskey and beer ? why cant america have cool vending machines
Well, that's just like your opinion man. Reviews, general gamer opinion and sales disagree.

While I'm having a ton of fun with my Wii U, I'm still in debate over whether I'll be getting a PS4 or Xbox One this fall. Rocket League looks fun as hell though.

Going to probably wait till Gamescom to make my decision. Personally I prefer Xbox for its exclusives and vastly superior controller but it seems like the majority of the gaming community, including NFLGAF, friends in IRL made the jump from Xbox 360 to PS4 for multiplayer gaming. Makes my decision harder because most of my friends are on PSN it seems.

Xbox 360 was that piff last gen for a variety of reasons for most gamers. Cheaper price, better exclusives for online games, better online community but it seems like Sony is taking back what was once theirs.

Xbox One is doing solid in the U.S., but still not enough to beat Sony like MS did with the Xbox 360 last gen. I think if MS doesn't start handily outselling the PS4 in the coming year Microsoft will transition from making consoles to providing games through the Xbox brand, franchises like Halo and Gears via Windows. Meaning no successor to the Xbox One in the console realm.

The $150 Xbox One controller was an indication of this. Compatible for both Xbox One and PC and the undisputed best video game controller on the market. Haven't checked on quarterly reports on how the Xbox division is doing for Microsoft and its investors in terms of profits from the Xbox One but Microsoft is going to be going hard with bundles and potentially price cuts and they need to beat Sony in NA this fall. If they don't, I think Xbox and its brand will still be powerful just not in the console market.

PS4 controller >>>>>>>>>>>> xbone controller. Not even close


I met Andre Ware at a Oshamns in Houston while he was still at UH. It was crazy how ripped he was. I could never figure out why Fontes wouldn't play him over Rodney Peete. Erik Kramer was his best QB but Fontes hated him b/c he had been a scab during the '87 strike


Pretty sure the Japanese also have vending machines that dispense used women's underwear and love pillows.

Ye im pretty sure you can get anything out of them. They prob have hooker vending machines where you put in 2500 yen and a real woman or in cajun talk 3d woman pops out and services you


Sorry Grover but it's just too funny to ignore

"Of course I wouldn't want anyone to push my son," Future said bluntly. "That’s like the number one rule. If I was a kid, and my mom had a dude pushing me, I would’ve jumped out the stroller and slapped the sh*t out of him."

"You never do that in our community," he added. "You don't even bring a man around your son. You only know this dude for a few months and you’re bringing him around your kid? Who does that? Nobody does that."

"God told me something else. He ain't tell me to wait, I guarantee you that," Future said in an interview with HuffPost Live. "We prayed afterwards though. After we did it, we prayed. That's a true story."

The 31-year-old went on to say, "That's what really got me... I was like, 'Whoa, that sh-t's blowing me away.' That's what sweeped me off my foot. Never had nobody pray after sex."



Fear of a GAF Planet
I'm just glad Valve is going to kill analog sticks. They suck and have always sucked. Only good for driving games.
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