What happened when I was gone?
Anime and Pats? Is the end of times nigh?
What filthy pale skinned virgins would dare besmirch a football thread with filthy anime bullshit? Granted I know these people don't have girls or jobs to take up their time but why punish us for their failures in life? Animes do yourselves and us a favor and get a membership at a gym and start training your mind to be attracted to human beings and not cartoons. Even FMTs fascination with fecal play is healthier than this bullshit (speaking figuratively, please don't play with shit kids if you don't believe me ask Gata what happens).
And new Pat fans? Please PM me a list of all of the filthy degenerates who are bandwagoning on a team that was found to have cheated on their way to the bottom.
I have a job and I have been working out at a gym...