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NFL Pro Bowl Week: Neon Deion vs. The Fumbling Fraud

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I can handle the truth just fine. It's just that all that screaming and yelling by you people about the subject stands in the way of a normal discussion about the Pats. And if that is how you people wanna spend your time that's fine, but I'm not gonna go and try to have a serious talk when all I get is an endless stream of hatred/irrational bullshit.

I'm done with the endless shouting matches, so I stick to posting pictures of Tom Brady and talk about videogames and diners and actually have fun on this site.

If you're learning to not take NFL-GAF too seriously, that means you're just doing it right.

The Patriots are probably the most polarizing team since the 90s Cowboys so having a serious discussion about them will be next to impossible. The difference is that the 90s Cowboys were legitimately awesome (via hookers and blow) whereas many of us believed even before Spygate came out that there was something....off about the Patriots from 2001-2006. I don't remember saying to myself "I'm shocked they cheated!" so much as "I knew it!". Honestly the Tuck Rule probably soured me the most on the Patriots though. Well that and your typical BAWSTIN sports fan.


Factoid to depress a fanbase of the day is:

A super bowl champion in this era has to win 3 or 4 playoff games to be crowned

That means every year a team wins a SB they have the same amount of playoff wins in that year than the Lions has had since 1957

1991 divisional vs Cowboys 38-6
1957 divisional vs 49ers 31-27
1957 championship vs Browns 59-14

For SB champions that were a WC

1953 championship vs Browns 17-16


You should totally post a pic of Brady hitting all those wide open guys during the AFCCG, oh wait nm.

this pic is cooler



i hope they can trade down and get both, our team needs diversity.
I don't think you can trade down and get all of the whites that the organization and fan base demands.

Green Bay is looking for the same white skill players so it is a gamble that they will still be available in the lower rounds.

If you are not careful you could end up with some foreign white or even worse a minority.
I can handle the truth just fine. It's just that all that screaming and yelling by you people about the subject stands in the way of a normal discussion about the Pats. And if that is how you people wanna spend your time that's fine, but I'm not gonna go and try to have a serious talk when all I get is an endless stream of hatred/irrational bullshit.

I'm done with the endless shouting matches, so I stick to posting pictures of Tom Brady and talk about videogames and diners and actually have fun on this site.
Man, I can't believe you're still pissed about those FIFA games we played last night.
Factoid to depress a fanbase of the day is:

A super bowl champion in this era has to win 3 or 4 playoff games to be crowned

That means every year a team wins a SB they have the same amount of playoff wins in that year than the Lions has had since 1957

1991 divisional vs Cowboys 38-6
1957 divisional vs 49ers 31-27
1957 championship vs Browns 59-14

For SB champions that were a WC

1953 championship vs Browns 17-16

My god that is amazing. No wonder kas has had a delusional break from reality. That is to much suffering for anyone to withstand.
I try never to pay attention to the draft because ultimately it's a crap shoot and we have no control over who our teams pick anyways but fuck if I don't get into it once the off season has gotten underway....

I hope the dolphins address Oline (duh), TEs, WR, Corners (again...) and LBs, with Oline first. I know our cap situation is great but I doubt many FAs will want to come play for Miami and if they do they tend to come and retire.
TE doesn't seem like too urgent a need to me, Clay had a real breakout season plus it's Dion Sims second season so hopefully he'll show some improvement. As far as CB's we HAVE to lock up Grimes and hopefully at least one of our 2013 rookies will turn into a starter. Both have potential but injuries held them back a lot last season.

Biggest need is obviously o-line like you said, literally everything but C. After that I'd say WR or maybe LB (even though our starting LB's are set for the year). I would love a hot WR prospect (wanted Corderelle last offseason) but I doubt they can afford such a flashy pick anytime early in the draft.

You were obviously cheating.

I will have my revenge, even if that means playing with the Cuntsquad from Barcelona or Bayern.
As long as you can score 6 goals you might have a shot.
TE doesn't seem like too urgent a need to me, Clay had a real breakout season plus it's Dion Sims second season so hopefully he'll show some improvement. As far as CB's we HAVE to lock up Grimes and hopefully at least one of our 2013 rookies will turn into a starter. Both have potential but injuries held them back a lot last season.

Biggest need is obviously o-line like you said, literally everything but C. After that I'd say WR or maybe LB (even though our starting LB's are set for the year). I would love a hot WR prospect (wanted Corderelle last offseason) but I doubt they can afford such a flashy pick anytime early in the draft.

As long as you can score 6 goals you might have a shot.

Yeah I agree that o-line is the biggest but those are the positions where I would like rookies to come in and challenge for a spot because what we have is crap and I'm not giving up on our draft class from last year but after being the lowest class to get reps I'm not holding out much hope, I'm placing blame on the coaching staff as well though because maybe it's not the rookies but the coaches that can't seem to coach up any talent, look at what happened to Ellerbee and Wheeler, both came after playing good football and took a nose dive when they got here. You're right about Grimes we absolutely need him back and I hope Reshad Jones bounces back as well. TE we can wait and see but I wouldn't mind another pick up, I'm done drafting RBs, get some scrub off the street they seem to do just fine. And we need more WRs, Hartline and Wallace aren't going to cut it,

Actually I forgot, I'd love to see the Phins take a RB. Screw overpaying some washed up bum in free agency.

lol I see we see things differently, At least I hope they don't over reach like Ireland did with Thomas....
It's almost as if Branch knew exactly where the Eagles DBs wouldn't be.

I almost do feel bad for real Patns fans. No SB wins since the day they lost the cameras. After winning 3 out of 4 all the talking heads used to talk about Brady breaking the record for most SBs. Now the Pats have been reduced to talking about a 10 year old win against the Eagles. My how the "mighty" have fallen.
Whoa the pats dude interviewed with Miami this morning, I thought he was considering it, Seems they are starting 2nd round of interviews now. Someone is in there doing their 2nd one, no idea who.
Heath Evans Blames Editors For His Chip Kelly Prediction:

Heath Evens said:
In an article on January 13th, 2013, Evans outlined why he believed that Kelly would not succeed. The article, titled “Philadelphia Eagles’ hire of Chip Kelly could be NFL’s worst ever,” Evans cited “no recruiting advantage,” “outcoached by Stanford,” and “QBs exposed to injuries,” as reasons not to believe in Kelly.

“Kelly, [like Steve Spurrier], is a dynamic college head coach, but what he’s about to bring to the NFL simply won’t work,” Evans wrote.

It appears, with the Eagles 10-6 record and dynamic offense, that Kelly does have what it takes to succeed.

So what does Evans have to say about it?

Well first, that he didn’t intend for the article to be written about the Eagles and Kelly, rather the Browns and Kelly. The rumor at the time was that Cleveland was close to hiring Kelly.

“Let me go on record with this, that article I wrote, was written for the Cleveland Browns,” Evans said to 94WIP’s Michael Barkann and Ike Reese on Friday. “And our editors here at the NFL Network decided to flip the name of the team, once the surprise hire in Philly happened, and posted that without my liking.”

It should be noted that nowhere in Evans’ piece from 2013, does it state why specifically the situation in Cleveland would lead to Kelly’s failures, more that he would not have the ability to recruit, that he would be outcoached when talent was equal, and that his quarterbacks would get hurt.

Heath Evens said:
Editors changes aside, Evans still expressed doubt that Kelly will succeed in the long run.

“I’m still not sold on the long term validity on what [Kelly is] doing,” Evans said. “I’ll say this, I was surprised more in the good sense about what Chip would bring to the Eagles, than I was surprised about the things that would never work.”

“Long story short, one year of success, I don’t call that succcess,” Evans said. “What success is, you’ve got to build on what you’ve done, so I would still say there’s some flaws, some major flaws, in the protection system. I don’t want to say Chip got away with it this year, I just think we’re going to see just how good this guy really is. Because there’s things you see, you know I sit down with, names of coaches that I respect, and we still think alike in the areas that he still has to grow in the NFL knowledge of the game.”

Lol at him trying to spin it at he didnt like the Browns talent. If that was true he would have said something the day the article went up. I do like that he basically doubles down on his stupidity at the end.
I almost do feel bad for real Patns fans. No SB wins since the day they lost the cameras. After winning 3 out of 4 all the talking heads used to talk about Brady breaking the record for most SBs. Now the Pats have been reduced to talking about a 10 year old win against the Eagles. My how the "mighty" have fallen.
I'm so glad that we beat the Eagles and ruining their only chance to ever win anything.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Too many Steelers mocks have OT. Not happening, not with Munchak as the new oline coach.

That's the thing, though. What if Munchak comes in and says that he can't make it work with Gilbert and Adams? Do they placate him?

Seriously, I don't think the Steelers draft an o-lineman. Not until the 5th round at the soonest.
Yeah I agree that o-line is the biggest but those are the positions where I would like rookies to come in and challenge for a spot because what we have is crap and I'm not giving up on our draft class from last year but after being the lowest class to get reps I'm not holding out much hope, I'm placing blame on the coaching staff as well though because maybe it's not the rookies but the coaches that can't seem to coach up any talent, look at what happened to Ellerbee and Wheeler, both came after playing good football and took a nose dive when they got here. You're right about Grimes we absolutely need him back and I hope Reshad Jones bounces back as well. TE we can wait and see but I wouldn't mind another pick up, I'm done drafting RBs, get some scrub off the street they seem to do just fine. And we need more WRs, Hartline and Wallace aren't going to cut it,
I agree with all of this, my friend. The only thing I don't want to see is another Wallace type situation but with a guy like Chris Johnson or Tate. No thanks. I want a Lacy!

Miller deserves another season as well, though. I want to see what he can do with a serviceable o-line and maybe even an o-coordinator that, *gasp*, uses him in the passing game!


Too insular.

The Pro Bowl thread is where everyone can get out their shit-talking before we move to the other side. I'm okay with Gata calling me out like that. I don't want to see him catch something next week when the stakes are real. Everyone has to survive to the offseason thread. No need to catch a ban next week.
But if they did, what is your stance?

Wasted pick.

I know Adams had an awful season, but he has potential. The Steelers haven't given up on him yet, why draft an OT when you think you have the future on your roster?

Gilbert is probably on thinner ice, but you don't draft a RT with the 15th pick.
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