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NFL Super Bowl XLVII |OT| Where The Magic Happens

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So make a thread

I lack the creativity and photoshop skills to do such a thing. I think a thread should be made in the OT though by somebody who has what I lack. The Superbowl is basically an America holiday and is the one time of year we should be able to rise from the ghetto.


I think we'll be fine here, they'll be able to find us. And if not then they probably were the whiny type to cry over us for calling the winner the WORLD CHAMPION


I think we'll be fine here, they'll be able to find us. And if not then they probably were the whiny type to cry over us for calling the winner the WORLD CHAMPION

True. But I still feel like the most watched event in America should be in the OT. C'est la vie.
Okay. But last years thread was in OT.


Were the new rules implemented in 2012 or 2011. I can't remember.

Just found my first post on the thread after we lost to NE.....ah, the memories.

Ok, feeling alot better today. My eyes are still swollen from the tears and dick is still a little raw from all the post game sadsturbation, but I think I pull it together to talk about the game.


The defense looked pretty good, the offense looked ok. Cam Cameron actually called a few different plays. Joe Flacco actually completed a few passes and generally looked composed and we still lost. Why? First, the O-Line looked like shit. Flacco was barely getting time, and when he did, he usually got it by moving in the pocket. Recievers are still dropping balls like crazy, we need to address this. The rush D looked crappy, especially in the beginning of the game. I don't know if they made adjustments, or if NE stopped running as much (it felt like they did). And special teams, as per usual, gave up too long of returns.

Now for the big fuck ups:

Lee Evans-You should have fucking held on to that, there was no reason that you could rip that shit away from the defender, unless you're a huge pussy. Also, I think he caught that and it warranted review, but whatever, it's not getting overturned now (that's the attitude to take, Niners fans who are still ruing the forward progress call).

John Harbaugh- Why not call a TO before the kick? Why make them rush? Oh, you said you didn't think to call it? That makes no fucking sense. At least make up some bullshit about it! Pretend you were thinking. Dont' make us think you're dumb.

Ozzie Newsome- You seriously couldn't find a kicker who was better than 50% for all FGs on the road? How did we not see this coming?

Cam Cameron- I don't give a fuck if I can't remember anything egregious from yesterday's game, but fuck you anyway, and please don't come back.

Billy Cundiff- You dick. Fuck you and fuck you're mother, and fuck anybody you care about. If your ass is back in Baltimore next year, there is something wrong.

And lastly....

JOE FUCKING FLACCO- Did he play ok yesterday? Yes, shit, he outplayed Brady, but here's my problem. That was one game. That wasn't the fucking tipping point on him becoming a great quarterback. It was a fucking outlier. And the shit is, he did enough yesterday to make people think he isn't a shit quarterback, and that we should lock him up to a long term contract. WHICH IS FUCKED!! He's not a winner, the team is a winner, he's not ELITE, he's not the reason we win, and his tard mustache needs to go worse than Cundiff. His performance yesterday not only didn't get us a win, but it fucked us out of our Super Bowl chances for the next five years.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

At least the Niners lost too, so there's that

Obviously, I was wrong about some things.


Can I bitch about the standardized Super Bowl logo? I absolutely hate how generic everything looks. Fuck Roger Goodell's NFL.
Anyone have the gif of the camera zooming in in Brady's eyes when Baltimore was up like 28-0 in the first when we killed the Pars in the playoffs a few years ago?
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