Who's "we"?
Who's "we"?
Backing the 49ers since they were my team in Tecmo Super Bowl. Also, Baltimore is a complete shithole.
Baltimore is the greatest city in the America, nay, the world.
I literally could not find it on a map. Go Niners.
I literally could not find it on a map. Go Niners.
This leads me to believe you are literally retarded. Go Ravens.
It may be sour grapes, but props to Simmons for calling out the roider guys. It needs to be part of the discussion nationally. "Wow, what a great play by so and so!"
"Yeah, but how come he just started doing that at age 30?" Derek Jeter needs to be questioned every day about his career, not just the bubble guys. They asked their union to shield them, that's the cost
If that went on more with national media, sports would clean up. I know some people want all PEDs legal, but I am not one. FIFA has the best system for that, and it's the one all sports should use. As for what is a PED, if it makes you better able to inflict brain trauma on a fellow player, then it is suspicious
omg that Primitive Radio Gods song
the rest of that album sucked
Pretty sure he a 49er fan making a joke, but fuck it lets ignore facts. hard hat for agentp
It may be sour grapes, but props to Simmons for calling out the roider guys. It needs to be part of the discussion nationally. "Wow, what a great play by so and so!"
"Yeah, but how come he just started doing that at age 30?" Derek Jeter needs to be questioned every day about his career, not just the bubble guys. They asked their union to shield them, that's the cost
If that went on more with national media, sports would clean up. I know some people want all PEDs legal, but I am not one. FIFA has the best system for that, and it's the one all sports should use. As for what is a PED, if it makes you better able to inflict brain trauma on a fellow player, then it is suspicious
Was he pretty hard on Roidney Harrison in this article?
No, and he wasn't hard on Brady, either. It's not flawless, but he's the biggest name in sports journalism, for better or worse, and he is going to now openly speculate on guys and steroids. And more importantly, ESPN is going to let him, Jalen Rose and hopefully others as well
How many Boston guys did he go after? I tried reading it and didnt make it even a paragraph. He's just such an awful writer.
How many Boston guys did he go after? I tried reading it and didnt make it even a paragraph. He's just such an awful writer.
It may be sour grapes, but props to Simmons for calling out the roider guys. It needs to be part of the discussion nationally. "Wow, what a great play by so and so!"
"Yeah, but how come he just started doing that at age 30?" Derek Jeter needs to be questioned every day about his career, not just the bubble guys. They asked their union to shield them, that's the cost
If that went on more with national media, sports would clean up. I know some people want all PEDs legal, but I am not one. FIFA has the best system for that, and it's the one all sports should use. As for what is a PED, if it makes you better able to inflict brain trauma on a fellow player, then it is suspicious
It's not perfect, but it's a start. As long as he opens the door, the Boston guys will get it. I'm sure he'll eventually address Garnett (now that the window is closed)
It's not perfect, but it's a start. As long as he opens the door, the Boston guys will get it. I'm sure he'll eventually address Garnett (now that the window is closed)
It's not perfect, but it's a start. As long as he opens the door, the Boston guys will get it. I'm sure he'll eventually address Garnett (now that the window is closed)
What does Fifa do?
You aren't testing just once and having a pass/fail. Each player has a passport, and his peaks and valleys over multiple tests are what trigger the violations. Also, samples are kept. So stuff that isn't detectable now, but is later, can be checked on old samples to see who was beating the tests in the past.
I care about this. Athletics are supposed to be about human physical achievement. We're supposed to be watching in awe at the creations of God or Darwin or whatever, not at who has the best chemists
Better take up sewing tourneys then. Good luck ever having clean sports. There always been something that athletes used. Maybe in the early days they completely clean.. maybe
Legalize everything.
We already have 1 team snorting coke between series. We don't need 31 more
Nice map I found on where the teams are the most popular
Cowboys country is annexing left & right
Human achievement with the aid of narcotics is still human achievement.
Yes, he sued people for significant amounts of money for telling the truth.The whole Lance Armstrong thing pisses me right off. Yes he did roids, yes he lied about them...
Yes, he sued people for significant amounts of money for telling the truth.
He's scum. Other cyclists being cheaters doesn't reduce that.
Nice map I found on where the teams are the most popular
Cowboys country is annexing left & right
I loved the fact that there was a bar for Saints fans in the middle of Texas.
My local high school in MD has announced they will be closed on Monday if the Ravens win. I wish they did that when we won in 2000.
Pretty sure you can find a bar for most any of the major fanbases in Texas what with all the transplants.
An opportunity came up for the wife and I to move to either Minneapolis or Boston in 6 months to a year and I can't wait. Yes I disliked Texas that much. Hopefully it'll be Minnesota because I'm a native of the upper Midwest and Boston wasn't really to my liking either (weather alone makes it 100x better than Texas though!)
Reading this thread reminds me of why I don't post in this thread outside of game days.
Reading this thread reminds me of why I don't post in this thread outside of game days.
You like 2 degree weather?
You sure it's not because you're too baked to remember where the thread is?
I still keep looking at the top of the OT. We get a non-community Super Bowl thread right?
schools in that area are a fucking dump anyways and they're probably looking for any reason to not have school in session