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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

Thoughts on the Hard Knocks ep.

(Tagged for people who haven't watched it yet and don't want to get spoiled, fucking babies)

-The opening bit with Diane Philbin going to Garrett Reid's funeral and Joe talking about losing his own son earlier in the year was heartbreaking. I could never fathom being a dad having to bury your own child.

-The Mike Sherman meeting with the tight ends was gold. I love those light a fire under your ass type guys.

-Les Brown and 711 Hogan are clearly the Hard Knocks underdog favorites. I see them both getting cut though. (Shame because I thought Les Brown made real improvement in just the week since we saw him in the last episode)

-LOL at the Chad trash talking bit.

-I love how HBO already had their cameras in place for Chad's booking at the jailhouse.

-Philbin cutting Johnson was cringe-worthy. You could tell that Chad genuinely felt bad about it, but Philbin wasn't having any of it.

-And Tannehill's wife is still the third best looking lady Dolphin on the roster. Behind Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Long.


Man it is such a good show. Sherman was intense in that meeting. Poor Chad. He was almost begging not to be cut.

Also football players have hot wives. Garrard's hot milf wife with the nice short shorts

I really am not a Philbin guy. I don't think coaches need to be raving caricatures like the OL coach, but Philbin is so mush mouthed. It's like he doesn't want to say the words. Dances all around them and let's the conclusion be drawn. Thought he handled the Chad Johnson release a little poorly. That said nothing inspires like competency. If he knows his stuff they'll respond





You now belong to FMT.
Seems like they should keep him, but that goes against the norm for hard knocks undrafted players.

He'll end up a star on the patriots, being a white tight end and all.

Hogan is cool as hell... He will hopefully make the team...

I told you guys a couple years back during Dallas' hard Knocks to look out for an undrafted free agent from Monmouth University named Miles Austin. Now you need to watch out for my man Hogan. He is another Monmouth Guy and has the same work ethic.

We push out some real talent.
Several, but I think most of them are full right now. But there was talk of starting another one.

It's just weird how fast it all happened. Those scenes from Hard Knocks are like 2 weeks old.

If you guys start a free one I'm down. I'm holding my own in the Gaf baseball one and would like to try the football version
"Can Cam Newton replicate his magical season last year?"

Dem turnovers,

scams turnovers weren't that bad considering how much the ball was in his hands. he had 19 turnovers total. and given he is a rookie it was a very impressive season.

still didn't have more wins than alex smith tho! eat his balls cam you icon you'll never make it to the playoffs you dumbass BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH


Just watched Hard Knocks. *sigh* Brandon Marshall had a lifetime of being crazy, and a closet full of trouble. We kept him for two seasons. Chad gets in trouble for the first time, probably in his life, and gets cut right away. Philbin with the "not a right fit" bullshit. Why not just use the classic "it's not you, it's me", you fucking muppet?

Sherman's the real disciplinarian on the team, not Philbin. Oh well. Now we can do like Ireland said and try sprinkling some magic pixie dust to turn those 4s, 5s and 6s into 1s, 2s and 3s. Yeah...good luck with that.

Hogan looking good against second unit guys isn't anything impressive. We alread have a 7-11 guy, he's called Hartline. He was always open last season, despite having average size, speed and athleticism. It's why I think he'd have been perfect for the slot.

Instead of strengthening our receiving core in the offseason, to support our new QB, we've only weakened it more and more. Great...just fucking great. Chad's a hometown boy too. The fans would forgive him, especially if we see he's remorseful. This team is a joke. I can't wait for Heat training camp to start up to take my mind off another lost year for the Phins. Hard Knocks is just throwing salt in the wounds right now. PEACE.
I'm pretty sure Adrian Peterson is not human

MANKATO, Minn. (AP) -- Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has taken another important step forward in his recovery from reconstructive surgery on his left knee: taking part in his first full-pads practice.

Peterson was finally cleared for full activity Tuesday. He carried the ball only a handful of times in full team drills with the first team offense, and he wasn't touched by the defense.

That was the mandate from the coaching staff, to protect the Vikings star at all costs. Peterson said the precaution was unnecessary. He had a big smile on his face for much of the afternoon, except when he unsuccessfully lobbied the coaches to take a couple more snaps.

This was the first time since his injury last Dec. 24 he put shoulder pads on.
This mofo is trying to be ready for the season opener after major that devastating hit that destroyed his knee in only 8 months. I was marveling at this dude's mutant healing ability, then I read the comments section:
Bob S. • 6 hours ago Report Abuse

Too bad he thinks he is a slave. Here's hoping he gets a visit from the "karma fairy" in the form of more torn ligaments.
... ErasureAcer?


Instead of strengthening our receiving core in the offseason, to support our new QB, we've only weakened it more and more. Great...just fucking great. Chad's a hometown boy too. The fans would forgive him, especially if we see he's remorseful. This team is a joke. I can't wait for Heat training camp to start up to take my mind off another lost year for the Phins. Hard Knocks is just throwing salt in the wounds right now. PEACE.

This is a good point, though cutting Chad isn't part of it. Bill Cowher used to have a mantra called P & P. Is the performance worth the problems? With Chad, he wasn't. Maybe Marshall was, though for how little he fetched in a trade is pretty telling what the rest of the league thought of him.

But Tannehill will struggle, just like Gabbert and Bradford. I'm continually amazed at how stupid NFL GMs are with QB development. If you can't protect a QB and provide him with weapons, then you wait a year until you can. Phins have the protection part down at least, and I was shocked, SHOCKED, to see Ritchie Incognito involved in a fight.

And on the spoilers thing: Are we really supposed to now spoiler tag Hard Knocks? For how long?


Would he have escaped a suspension from Goodell anyhow? I don't know the Dolphins full situation but it seems silly to retain a distraction who may have sabotaged the initial part of their season if he's the weapon Miami needed I've seen fins fans hype him up to be.
That Chad-Philbin conversation was awkward as hell.

Philbin is such a wuss. I'd pay to see the Belichick version of that conversation.

Just watched Hard Knocks. *sigh* Brandon Marshall had a lifetime of being crazy, and a closet full of trouble. We kept him for two seasons. Chad gets in trouble for the first time, probably in his life, and gets cut right away. Philbin with the "not a right fit" bullshit. Why not just use the classic "it's not you, it's me", you fucking muppet?

That's Chad's first run-in with the law during his NFL career. He was arrested for domestic abuse in college and was forced to take anger management courses. This isn't new to him.
Is this Chad's first major relationship since he's been in the NFL? It's pretty troubling that the only two times he's been in a stable relationship they've ended in assault.


Chad Johnson sucks end of story. We suck this year. Where do people think Miami has reason to hope for the playoffs? That Heat ring has you Floridians gassed up. You get prime time Deon and Jerry Rice and we'd still end up 7-9.
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