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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

Man did the Cardinals get rocked in that trade smh
Pretty much, but if that truly got Fitz to sign the extension, it was worth it. I think it's pretty likely that that's the case. I also feel much better about the trade after the draft, I don't miss DRC and the second pick that plagued me, only Adams would have made sense there. If Adams turns into a stud, then I will lament it.
except the whole argument was that we have better QB's than you, which you admit. oh and i guarantee alex smith throws more TD's if he's just throwing up ducks to fitz like your QB's do. see how easy that is!

and you brought up floyd. i said we have a better group of receivers, 1-6, and we do. you have 1 incredible receiver and a bunch of bums. moss doesn't need to do much for us, he isn't our #1. you can talk all you want about potential. POTENTIALLY floyd will be great. POTENTIALLY jimmy clausen could have been great. i'm not talking about what might be, i'm talking about what is THIS SEASON. and what is is this: 49ers have a much better offense than the cards. it's not even close. and the 49ers have a much better defense.

those are just the facts bruh! and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on with your "future" and look forward to the 2016 cardinals or whenever it is that they'll be a decent team again!
Admit what? I said you have a better OL, Alex is still garbo. Trying to put words in my mouth now? Having Fitz only helps so much when you have no OL, Smith wouldn't do jack shit if he were on this roster and Skelton would do better than him on yours.

HA! The only players that have any chance of doing anything in your WR group are potentials. Moss and Manningham. Crabby is nothing special and no one else is even worth mentioning. Roberts and Doucet are easily better those nameless Niner scrubs. You have a better OL and a better TE right now, that's it. While Gore is the best RB between the two teams, Beanie and Williams will combine to similar if not better, numbers. Or at least they would if Brown was still in, the one thing he could do was run block. Now we'll see. You keep telling yourself you have a great offense though.

Floyd is a not if, but when question. I feel more confident than just saying he has potential. He'll be a stud for sure. Our defense has a lot to prove before I talk shit to legit defenses like the Niners, but yours will not be "much better".


except the whole argument was that we have better QB's than you, which you admit. oh and i guarantee alex smith throws more TD's if he's just throwing up ducks to fitz like your QB's do. see how easy that is!

and you brought up floyd. i said we have a better group of receivers, 1-6, and we do. you have 1 incredible receiver and a bunch of bums. moss doesn't need to do much for us, he isn't our #1. you can talk all you want about potential. POTENTIALLY floyd will be great. POTENTIALLY jimmy clausen could have been great. i'm not talking about what might be, i'm talking about what is THIS SEASON. and what is is this: 49ers have a much better offense than the cards. it's not even close. and the 49ers have a much better defense.

those are just the facts bruh! and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on with your "future" and look forward to the 2016 cardinals or whenever it is that they'll be a decent team again!

Man you guys are always arguing, I think pretty soon I'm not even gonna notice anymore heh.


And Boldens career as a punt returner is over. I don't think he makes the team. He flashed early in camp, but hasn't shown anything in two games.


Been too busy to jump in here today. Just read the PFT article on Suh's GQ interview and lol'd pretty hard.

“If you slow down and analyze anything, it’s going to look worse in my opinion. It was not intentional. If it was intentional, it could have been a lot worse,” Suh says. “If I wanted to go out there to hurt somebody, I could hurt somebody. I don’t want any part of that. . . . I mean, if I wanted to hurt you, I’d go for your quarterback. Because me stopping your play is going to frustrate you more than me physically hurting you. Because I’m just that much better than you. That’s how I look at it. It’s like killing somebody with kindness.”
Righhhhhhhht. You've proven you're such great game changer, constantly giving the other team free penalty yards and over running almost every play in the back field. That kid is delusional.
I know you want your players to be confident, but overstating your greatness at this point in your career will generally result in one thing.....not working hard to improve. I'd say he hasn't since his rookie season.


I need to see the RB run by the eagles again because it looked like a hold on Spikes to me.

If reports are true, he's pretty much a sure thing at this point.
I'm not sure if he is a lock. You are right at practice he looks great, but he has yet to show anything on game day.


Incredibly Naive
Brace was getting consistent push on the drive. Hopefully he can show enough to stick. Cunningham got burned on a lot of those running plays.


Brace was getting consistent push on the drive. Hopefully he can show enough to stick. Cunningham got burned on a lot of those running plays.

Yea he has shown burst tonight. Now he just needs to stay disciplined. I'm really surprised by him tonight. He looks like he is in much better shape, and he is making plays.

He ran himself out of the play, fair and square.

I'll take your word for it. Only saw the tail end of the replay. Thanks
Pretty much, but if that truly got Fitz to sign the extension, it was worth it. I think it's pretty likely that that's the case. I also feel much better about the trade after the draft, I don't miss DRC and the second pick that plagued me, only Adams would have made sense there. If Adams turns into a stud, then I will lament it.

Admit what? I said you have a better OL, Alex is still garbo. Trying to put words in my mouth now? Having Fitz only helps so much when you have no OL, Smith wouldn't do jack shit if he were on this roster and Skelton would do better than him on yours.

HA! The only players that have any chance of doing anything in your WR group are potentials. Moss and Manningham. Crabby is nothing special and no one else is even worth mentioning. Roberts and Doucet are easily better those nameless Niner scrubs. You have a better OL and a better TE right now, that's it. While Gore is the best RB between the two teams, Beanie and Williams will combine to similar if not better, numbers. Or at least they would if Brown was still in, the one thing he could do was run block. Now we'll see. You keep telling yourself you have a great offense though.

Floyd is a not if, but when question. I feel more confident than just saying he has potential. He'll be a stud for sure. Our defense has a lot to prove before I talk shit to legit defenses like the Niners, but yours will not be "much better".

so alex smith right now isn't better than kolb or skelton? based on what? potential? lulz. make whatever excuse you want for alex smith having better numbers than your garbage QB's. kurt warner was playing with the same basic team as your shitty QB's and for some reason they suck complete dick where he had success.

as for our RB's, gore is better than all of your running backs, kendall hunter is better than all your RB's too. maybe your rb's combined might be better than brandon jacobs? maybe.

and i dont think we have a great offense, just better than the cards (which isn't saying much).

floyd is an if. IF he stays dedicated. IF he can get the pro game down. IF he doesn't kill someone or himself while drunk driving. but we'll see in a few years!

i don't think you honestly believe the cards are making any noise in the NFC west this year. they are AT BEST a 3rd place team. i actually feel sorry for your offensive line when a piece of crap like adam snyder is your big free agent signing


Like I have been saying Cannon isn't ready to be a RT. Reports early is that he was getting beat with power moves, and now he is over compensating. He just needs another year to develop. If Vollmer goes down I would consider throwing Cannon at guard, and Mankins at tackle.

On the sideline?


Ehh not too worried about it just yet. He played well in his limited time last year, he just in transition right now.

I think in the future he can be a solid tackle, but he just isn't ready yet.

The M.O.B




Making life threatening jumps like that better not be a regular thing for him
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