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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(


If we believe that article, then Philbin has some level of personnel authority. Or at least a lot of say. If you hate Ireland, at a minimum his power has been diminished. It sucks to suck, but the only way to get people into that stadium and to consistently win is to develop an elite QB. That's why I think the Marshall trade is far more questionable than this trade, but Marshall has infuriated every single coach he's played for. Might not be worth the trouble, but we'll see how it goes in Chicago

Not sure why you are so hung up on Chad Johnson. He's not good. He can't get open anymore. You already have guys who can't get open. Might as well have guys that don't get open that at least run the right routes, don't beat up their girlfriends, and aren't lunatic distracting head-cases

Every team has knuckleheads. The good coaches rein them in. Philbin is just cutting them.

Jimmy Johnson corralled knuckleheads to a couple Superbowls, and Switzer rode that team to another. Belichek gets guys to buy into his system too. It's a coach's job to make the most of the talent he has, not just dump them at the first opportunity. And this is very much dumping at the first opportunity.

I'm not in love with Chad Johnson, but he's still better than Naanee. He also hasn't been a trouble player in his career, just a diva. But he was willing to put in the effort to try to regain his form. At least he was proven in his career. The guy replacing him in the starting lineup isn't, and shows no signs of rounding that corner anytime this lifetime. My beef has always been that we are far too thin at these positions to sacrifice the best talent we have there. The return isn't good enough. We're not gonna get anything but practice squad guys out of those picks because the very guy responsible for this team tumbling to rebuild status will be in charge of the rebuild.

Last season was the time to tank miserably and clean house, not this season. How many rebuilding seasons are there going to be? When we suck a dog's ass this season and fans call for heads to roll again, is Ireland gonna scapegoat Philbin to save his own ass like he did Sparano? We gotta get off the treadmill sometime.

It was very telling at the game on Friday. They had a bunch of mascots (including the Rams and Carolina Panthers mascots for some idiotic reason) playing against a peewee league team at halftime. Burnie, the Heat mascot, got by far the loudest cheer from the crowd. Your own team's mascot can't even get the loudest cheer in your own stadium. That's how pathetic the situation has gotten down here. PEACE.


We are in blow it up mode right now.

Yep. Rebuilding is okay b/c you have hope. But blowing it up is as bad as it gets as a fan. There's nothing to root for. All the guys there will be gone for better players (hopefully). You have Tannehill but he's going to really struggle with no one to throw it to. Really though your problem is that your owner is viewed as a joke. Fisher used him as leverage and Manning only talked to him as a favor to Marino. He has to step back

edit: Pimp if Chad is still good then why isn't anyone picking him up? You can always tell you have a bad roster if the guys you cut don't get picked up. I see your point on Davis. If he's a solid cover guy then you didn't get enough back. And you also view it as someone who goes to the games, and wants to see competitive football. To you, 6-10 is better than 3-13 b/c you want to be entertained for all the money you are spending on seats. Unfortunately there aren't enough of you guys, so they are going to blow it up, again

Valve is producing a movie about how people are obsessed with DOTA2 to the point of ruining their lives? Amazing.

It's like McDonalds producing a documentary about obesity!

Umm no dude. Those are professional players. That's stuff is just about how their friends and family thought they were wasting their time with a videogame before they started making money playing.


It's kind of insane to sign a FA and not give him a chance to start but the rookie's been better. A total slap in the face to Flynn and a huge red sign to any future FA's.

He was given a chance and he didn't take it.

Saying its a red flag to future FAs is dumb. All Pete talks about is competition. They had one for starting QB and the guy they felt did the best won. Flynn got what he was promised.


I'm not even thinking about the money. Stunts like this make the front office look like amateurs and/or hasty decision makers or worse (have less pull than the Head Coach?). Unless there's big money up front that can't be had elsewhere, why should any guy sign there and possibly face this kind of embarrassment?

Pete is essentially the GM of the Seahawks so you're still off base.

How was this a stunt? They didn't give him a big long term deal. They gave him a team friendly contract that would let them dump and run after one year if he didn't pan out.


It's so damn annoying hearing these announcers act like anything that happens in the preseason actually counts toward anything.

"He just threw his first TD as a Bronco!" No he didn't!

"He just threw his first TD pass of his NFL career!" NO HE DIDN'T!

I hate preseason.


I'm feeling a bit bittersweet about the whole Flynn/Wilson thing...I was looking forward to Flynn showing us what he can do, and then being disappointed. It's not wasted money, though...he'll see action. Wilson looks good now, but he's a rookie. When the real season begins, his true colors will show. I'm glad that Carrol is giving him a shot, though...Pete's all about competition and letting the two play for the spot (fuck Jackson) was a great move. At this point, I think the NFC West is tight between the Niners and us. Our D is looking better than it has in a while...I'm excited for this season.

As for TO, well it was chump change anyway.


It's so damn annoying hearing these announcers act like anything that happens in the preseason actually counts toward anything.

"He just threw his first TD as a Bronco!" No he didn't!

"He just threw his first TD pass of his NFL career!" NO HE DIDN'T!

I hate preseason.

Well it is pretty damn funny when it's:

"And they STILL haven't scored a single touchdown in preseason."


I'm feeling a bit bittersweet about the whole Flynn/Wilson thing...I was looking forward to Flynn showing us what he can do, and then being disappointed. It's not wasted money, though...he'll see action. Wilson looks good now, but he's a rookie. When the real season begins, his true colors will show. I'm glad that Carrol is giving him a shot, though...Pete's all about competition and letting the two play for the spot (fuck Jackson) was a great move. At this point, I think the NFC West is tight between the Niners and us. Our D is looking better than it has in a while...I'm excited for this season.

As for TO, well it was chump change anyway.

True colors? Sounds like sour grapes...


The craziest thing about Miami tearing its entire franchise down is that they went 6-3 in the second half of the season, and Matt Moore put up decent numbers during that stretch. And they lost a number of really close games that could have broke their way with a little more luck.

The way they're shipping out all their talent and throwing the season away to start Tannehill, you'd think they were coming off a Rams-esque season.


I think Pete made the right decision. Wilson seems just as accurate as Flyn but with better mobility and a better arm. Sucks for division rivals b/c it's probable Wilson is the best QB in that division.

That seems like somewhat of a premature proclamation, no?


I'm all aboard the Wilson train but claiming we know definitively he is the best quarterback on that roster is a bit goofy.

What are you talking about? It's Jeff Ireland that will be drafting. You can't polish a turd.

Didn'y Ireland draft the very guy you are melting down about him trading? Apparently he can spot a few gems.


That seems like somewhat of a premature proclamation, no?

I said "I think". Just my opinion bro. All I can really go by is that following NFCW media types they have been breathless in their fawning over how good Wilson is. It's pretty extreme hyperbole so for now I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Doesn't mean Flynn isn't in the top two of NFCW QBs ;)


I said "I think". Just my opinion bro. All I can really go by is that following NFCW media types they have been breathless in their fawning over how good Wilson is. It's pretty extreme hyperbole so for now I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Doesn't mean Flynn isn't in the top two of NFCW QBs ;)

Seeing a real QB is like water in the desert for that division.


I don't get why the Giants didn't just IR him.
Because Ballard has fewer than four years of service, the rules require him to be exposed to waivers before being sent to injured reserve, if the move comes at any point before the initial roster cuts from 90 to 80 players.
So they should have put him on PUP and waited a month before IR'ing him. Guess they didn't want to lose a valuable roster spot for that 90th man!


So they should have put him on PUP and waited a month before IR'ing him. Guess they didn't want to lose a valuable roster spot for that 90th man!

Pretty much this.

They haven't really gotten into specifics on their reasons for the move, but it's pretty clear they were extremely confident that no one would pick up Ballard off waivers. Oops. It was certainly a mistake by the front office.
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