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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

I don't think so. He has just had a bad week. Late last week at camp he was off, and he wasn't sharp first practice against the Saints. Although I am concerned about him on deep throws until I see him make a few.

They are missing three starters. Two may not come back(Waters possibly retiring, and Vollmer has back problems). Mankins is expected to be back though.

isn't solder a starter? and i don't think any of the line is looking good at this point. brady is getting harrassed badly


enjoy that, Pats fans. Llloyd hitting turf all on his own

Don't mind as long as he makes the catch. Disappointing start for Solder. I may be wrong about him being able to take over for Light.

isn't solder a starter? and i don't think any of the line is looking good at this point. brady is getting harrassed badly

Yup which is a bad sign. Even though it's early. I will cut him a break this one game, but if this continues Patriot fans better get ready seeing a TE on Solders side every play.

Tom Penny

Solder wants to be all over bad film. He's going to get torn a new asshole by Scarnecchia. They better pray Waters and Logan have no issues.
doesn't look like the saints are really blitzing much unlike last pre-season game when we played against them and they fucking sent the house all game long since harbs didn't have the "gentlemans agreement" with bounty coach before the game
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