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NFL Week 12 |OT| What Are You Thankful For?


come in my shame circle

That's my mayor...



I have to get up at 6 AM on Friday, the game ends around 5:30 AM....Well fuck.

Perfect then. I will watch the first two in a bar, turkey and all, might try the third, but last year I fell asleep, the bar was almost empty and I snored. Got a wee bit drunk, in my defence.


Ah, yes, one of those lovely late night games during work week...

I might have to pre-sleep a bit, but at least I don't have to be up before 11 AM...
Ah, yes, one of those lovely late night games during work week...

I might have to pre-sleep a bit, but at least I don't have to be up before 11 AM...

Pre-sleep seems like the smart thing, but I basically have plans till around 12 am so not sure how that is gonna work.

Perfect then. I will watch the first two in a bar, turkey and all, might try the third, but last year I fell asleep, the bar was almost empty and I snored. Got a wee bit drunk, in my defence.

You don't have to work/do stuff on friday. But your thursday sounds pretty great, what kind of bar do you go to where you can watch all the games, eat turkey and get drunk? I want a bar like that.


You don't have to work/do stuff on friday. But your thursday sounds pretty great, what kind of bar do you go to where you can watch all the games, eat turkey and get drunk? I want a bar like that.

It's a 4 hour train ride from where you are (assuming you're in the Lower Lands). My American waterhole where I can get drunk and get mocked for being a Dolphins fan all I want. Funny thing is, there are usually a few people coming along who don't care for football, they just like turkey or are half-Amörikan and want to have a piece of the tradition. Or both. It's a nice evening.


Jermichael Finley on his frustrations

Now, Finley wants to figure out how to make that the norm.

"Both of us need to just go out, maybe have a drink or two and just spill everything," Finley said of him and Rodgers last week. "It sounds easy, but it's not. He's throwing it to who he's comfortable with.

"I think (Randall) Cobb's taken my position from '09. I want to line up where Cobb's lining up because I know the ball's coming there.

"But me and 12 just ain't been on. He's had some guys come through this year, and he's gone to them instead of me. And really, it's out of my hands at the end of the day. If I could throw myself the ball and run under it, I'd do it every play because he's just not throwing me the ball like he used to."


"I'd say about fourth," Finley said. "I don't really want to put a number on it, but I'd say four if I had to. I'm pretty disappointed in it. I'm pretty disappointed in the numbers side of it, but I ain't had the opportunities either.

"Everybody knows what I can do, but it's just out of my hands. It's awfully hard to explain. It really is. I'm just in that organization and that scheme where I'm out of it right now."


"Just picture that, 85 and 88 gone and 80," Finley said. "If that happens, you tell me. That's a lot of playmakers. End of the day, I'm saying good luck."

It's a 4 hour train ride from where you are (assuming you're in the Lower Lands). My American waterhole where I can get drunk and get mocked for being a Dolphins fan all I want. Funny thing is, there are usually a few people coming along who don't care for football, they just like turkey or are half-Amörikan and want to have a piece of the tradition. Or both. It's a nice evening.

That sounds pretty fucking sweet, we stopped with thanksgiving years ago, but I would always be down for some turkey, beer and football.

Remind me again next year and I'll come join you there!


"and really, its out of my hands at the end of the day" - HoFinley

Truer words have never been spoken.
With quotes like these, I'm even more excited to get rid of his ass. He's really done the impossible and made himself look even worse.


I am back bitches!

Holy fuckballs, Atlantis is nice if you have kids (pretty much any age). Out of all the places I have traveled it is probably the most kid friendly place I have been that was not in Orlando (which I am not a big fan of). And because it is not in the states it is unsafe and awesome as fuck. They have pools filled with sharks everywhere and it was shocking how close you could get. They had a bunch of nurse sharks in one pool and it was right next to the sidewalk (that takes you to a beach). I saw some little kid try to grab the shark's tail!

For any GAFers considering of taking your kids there, the only caution I will give you is to prepare to pay $30 for a burger. The food was expensive and it is not any cheaper off the resort (the rest of the country is kind of a dump, I recommend staying on the resort, which is huge). It did not bother me, but if you want to save money by going to McDonalds or something equally gross be prepare to be disappointed! I highly recommend it though.

The most shocking thing I saw on the trip was a family of Packer fans that was leaving the same day as me. They had disgusting Packer stickers on all of their bags and they were all wearing Brewers clothing. That was not the surprising part though. The surprising part was none of them was obscenely obese (not even the mother who at best was just mildly overweight, but I saw a lot fatter women than her there that decided to wear bikinis). I wanted to ask if they were healthy sconis (a very rare species of sconi) or just fairweather fans, but something inside me told me that was inappropriate conversation for the shuttle ride back to the airport. I also wanted to tell them that I was surprised that a Packers fan would decide to vacation to a country full of black people (known as wide receivers and NBA players in Wisconsin), but I let sleeping sconis lie!

We had no internet there either and that was also surprisingly awesome. It was so nice not to get any emails from work. I did miss some stuff though. Most importantly I missed Sandwich running for a 30 yard TD which seems like the most amazing accomplishment of the year so far. Amazing that the Ravens could allow that to happen! I am pretty sure if you put 11 of us together we would stop that run 10 out of 10 times. Fuck the Ravens. What a pathetic team and city! And fuck the Chiefs for letting this happen. It looks like Flacco did his best for us, but he came up just short. Keep your head up Joe, you get another chance in 2 weeks!

Missed the WiiU launch too I guess, but I don't give a fuck!


Welcome back Bionic! I'd have to imagine that Brewer and Packer family were from somewhere other than Wisconsin.
I am not going to lie. I don't shit about the middle of the country. The Packer fans are going to have to educate us about that wilderness they call home.

I missed you. Sounds like the family had a great time.
Kids had a blast. So did we all. I want to say I missed NeoGAF but I was pretty happy with no net. Nice to be back though!

I also saw so many old rich dudes with trophy wives. It was kind of inspiring to me and horrifying to my wife. It was awesome how those guys treated them like pieces of property. They were always ignoring them! It made me think of eznark.


come in my shame circle
I am back bitches!

Welcome back!

This week we are (apparently) in direct competition with each other!

I'm looking forward to seeing you and all of Steelers-GAF sweat when the Browns actually take a lead on you guys and hold it for 3 quarters before losing at the end.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
He's not enough of a team player. Wasn't his agent calling out Aaron Rodgers earlier this season for not being a good leader?

He's basically making excuses for not being a great player so he's hoping that his market value will increase.

Maybe he'll be a good player somewhere else but I don't want him in Green Bay.


I'm sure we and kave will be happy this week when the Browns win.

Ppl that are picking the Ravens ur wrong we're about to get blown out.
I am back bitches!

Holy fuckballs, Atlantis is nice if you have kids (pretty much any age). Out of all the places I have traveled it is probably the most kid friendly place I have been that was not in Orlando (which I am not a big fan of). And because it is not in the states it is unsafe and awesome as fuck. They have pools filled with sharks everywhere and it was shocking how close you could get. They had a bunch of nurse sharks in one pool and it was right next to the sidewalk (that takes you to a beach). I saw some little kid try to grab the shark's tail!

For any GAFers considering of taking your kids there, the only caution I will give you is to prepare to pay $30 for a burger. The food was expensive and it is not any cheaper off the resort (the rest of the country is kind of a dump, I recommend staying on the resort, which is huge). It did not bother me, but if you want to save money by going to McDonalds or something equally gross be prepare to be disappointed! I highly recommend it though.

The most shocking thing I saw on the trip was a family of Packer fans that was leaving the same day as me. They had disgusting Packer stickers on all of their bags and they were all wearing Brewers clothing. That was not the surprising part though. The surprising part was none of them was obscenely obese (not even the mother who at best was just mildly overweight, but I saw a lot fatter women than her there that decided to wear bikinis). I wanted to ask if they were healthy sconis (a very rare species of sconi) or just fairweather fans, but something inside me told me that was inappropriate conversation for the shuttle ride back to the airport. I also wanted to tell them that I was surprised that a Packers fan would decide to vacation to a country full of black people (known as wide receivers and NBA players in Wisconsin), but I let sleeping sconis lie!

We had no internet there either and that was also surprisingly awesome. It was so nice not to get any emails from work. I did miss some stuff though. Most importantly I missed Sandwich running for a 30 yard TD which seems like the most amazing accomplishment of the year so far. Amazing that the Ravens could allow that to happen! I am pretty sure if you put 11 of us together we would stop that run 10 out of 10 times. Fuck the Ravens. What a pathetic team and city! And fuck the Chiefs for letting this happen. It looks like Flacco did his best for us, but he came up just short. Keep your head up Joe, you get another chance in 2 weeks!

Missed the WiiU launch too I guess, but I don't give a fuck!

Welcome back, man! I have a friend who went to Atlantis and he's not at all the vacation type, but he loved it. I'd like to get there at some point too. Now, get your Plax jersey out of the closet!



dat style
Freeman needs to stop spending so much money at the Bell and get a full length mirror.

Welcome back!

This week we are (apparently) in direct competition with each other!

I'm looking forward to seeing you and all of Steelers-GAF sweat when the Browns actually take a lead on you guys and hold it for 3 quarters before losing at the end.
I am about as hopeful of victory as you are.

Really it is going to be a closely contested battle between two horrible teams and it will come down to the 4th quarter. Mark my words, both teams are going to try and give this game away, but one team is going to want it less. I am not sure which team that is yet. We will find out on Sunday in the (worst) game of the week!


Welcome back, man! I have a friend who went to Atlantis and he's not at all the vacation type, but he loved it. I'd like to get there at some point too. Now, get your Plax jersey out of the closet!

I saw that Plax shit last night. WTF are the Steelers thinking? We need quarterbacks not wide receivers!

It is really rare that you can add someone in November that can actually contribute to the team.

Also, yeah Atlantis was great. I went with my family but it seemed like it would be a ton of fun with friends or even with your gf/wife.


Taking a break from building a bedroom to say fuck that fucking cunt Finley. Get him off the fucking team yesterday. Get him off the planet. Someone needs to fucking dump him in a God damned ditch and piss in his rotting eyeballs.
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