Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
congrats blarry!!
in other news, niners rumored to be interested in david shaw? please god.... please!!
congrats, Larry!Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Congrats!Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
CongratsBaby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Is Shaw interested in leaving? Isn't Stanford his dream job or something?
Is Shaw interested in leaving? Isn't Stanford his dream job or something?
Can't wait for Jed to fire him after he doesn't fix everything in one year.congrats blarry!!
in other news, niners rumored to be interested in david shaw? please god.... please!!
Anybody know of a good way to see the playoffs on an iPad? Sunday ticket doesn't do playoffs :/ and being in AIT, it's hard to find a tv
Anybody know of a good way to see the playoffs on an iPad? Sunday ticket doesn't do playoffs :/ and being in AIT, it's hard to find a tv
Congratulations Larry!
I wonder how many kids NFL GAF has total?
Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
How much do they weighDo cats count?
How much do they weigh
You have kidsRange from 7 to 15 lbs,
Congrats Larry!
Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Congratulations Larry!
I wonder how many kids NFL GAF has total?
You have kids
I have bread and floydBionic has Gata. That's +1
Congratulations Larry!
I wonder how many kids NFL GAF has total?
Do you have the avatar of Matt Ryan wearing an NFC championship shirt
Pregnancy scare counts for how much?
Meth:. Not even once.18 months ago
Pregnancy scare counts for how much?
Been reading up on that USC QB. His arm isn't great but damn can he throw the ball. His production since taking over as starter is impressive. Dunno if he is tank worthy but for sure has replaced Rosen as the guy to watch next year
So you would have passed on mariota? Lol.5 for every 1 scare.
Only thing I want to know about any of these QB's - do they play in a pro style offense? Y/N
Just had a 30 second layover in Houston, animu pillows everywhere it was disgusting
Just had a 30 second layover in Houston, animu pillows everywhere it was disgusting
From celebrating the birth of life to lamenting the end of one.18 months ago
Baby Rae Louise has arrived. My lucky Ravens socks ensured a smooth, two hour delivery.
Just had a 30 second layover in Houston, animu pillows everywhere it was disgusting
Did you at least wave to me?