Because they fucked up.
And then they didn't add it to the XL.
Are you kidding me?
Because they fucked up.
I loved the Duke so much, it's the only controller I would use for the OG xbox.
And then they didn't add it to the XL.
Are you kidding me?
They had already make the first fuck up, if they changed their fuck up they'd fuck people with the first fuck. So they come up with some hoinky toinky fuck that costs fucking money and they fuck us with that.
So somehow we still get fucked even though we didn't fuck up.
The 360 controller is perfect. I hope they never change it.The duke was awesome but the 360 controller feels so good in my hands. I hope they don't change it much for Durango.
....and now there has been no arrest and no suspect.
The media is a fucking joke.
Unpopular opinion: I don't find any of Nintendo's games appealing anymore. I want new IPs. Instead, I get another Mario game. "But it's not just another Mario game, it's a Mario game with...multiplayer! HD! ...extra levels!" oprahbees.gif (I exaggerate)
I do understand that there is a market for those constant releases, and I'm clearly not part of that market.
I don't buy games as often as I used to. I still have an interest in them, but I don't walk into stores and just find anything interesting anymore. And that pretty much saves me a lot of money.
The 360 controller is perfect. I hope they never change it.
....and now there has been no arrest and no suspect.
The media is a fucking joke.
I literally never use the d-pad, they could remove it for all I care. Start / back buttons could use a quality upgrade though. I also hit the home button by accident way too often.*except the dpad and maybe the bumpers/button quality/start and back position
Those start/back buttons get so fucking grimy and are awkwardly placed
....and now there has been no arrest and no suspect.
The media is a fucking joke.
The 360 controller is perfect. I hope they never change it.
Question, would you rather have a new Mario sidescroller, or a new 2D sidescroller that played the same, but had a different character in the lead?
I can understand when people want new ideas and game concepts from Nintendo, I do too, but they've already got characters and universes with built in fanbases, why not use them.
Also Mario multiplayer was teased way back in Super Marios Bros. 3, NSMBWii was a godsend, regardless of the art style. /gaming side
I was being dumb and had a zinger posted, then realized i missed something in your post. thats what my edited post refers to, backfire is on me. As for your post I just care that whoever did it is the one who is arrested, simple as that.
I think that's just lazy. I get that their games and characters are iconic, but there's a point somewhere down the line where everyone's going to be saying the same thing I say when I see a new Mario or Zelda game: "oh, another one."
I'm a bit more forgiving of Zelda, though, since main games for it are different.
More excited for Oracle of Ages/Seasons on eShop right now tbh.
May 30th, don't know priceWait, they're both on it now? How much are they?
BOMB THREATS now at the Boston courthouse. Shit is like a movie. Insane.
I don't think I'm going to make it to the game tonight.
According to who?
Not surprised. Expected, the only way I see him playing in the POs is if someone else gets injured. Shame too because we could use his grit in the POs.White suspended for 5 games.
BOMB THREATS now at the Boston courthouse. Shit is like a movie. Insane.
5 game suspension for Ryan White.
BREAKING: CNN is now reporting Ryan White has been sent to the Turkish basketball team as his punishment. ordered by Bettman himself, STAY TUNED....
I don't think I'm going to make it to the game tonight.
Article by a Habs fan using a bunch of different statistics to make a case for Subban winning the Norris and comparing him to Karlsson
I'm going to wreck your town.Got my pre-order in for the Animal Crossing 3DS XL. Was really hoping it would come out here and it fucking is, so excited.
The dpad/bumpers need to be changed. Other than that, the 360 controller is perfect.*except the dpad and maybe the bumpers/button quality/start and back position
Those start/back buttons get so fucking grimy and are awkwardly placed
Beauchemin can jump?Beauchemin > Subban
Sorry, buddy.
Beauchemin can jump?
Beauchemin can jump?
Article by a Habs fan using a bunch of different statistics to make a case for Subban winning the Norris and comparing him to Karlsson
Infotainment has been huge BS for a while now. It's not about accuracy or integrity, it's about "who's first" and entertainment. Sad.
I only have B&W2, Kingdom Hearts and Fire Emblem for my 3DS XL atm. Will pick up Monster Hunter and Pokemon for sure, then maybe Animal Crossing/a zelda game. Am I missing anything big? I don't follow handheld gaming nearly enough. Nintendo handhelds have mostly been pokemon machines for me.
You can compare Subban to Karlsson all you want, but hes still not Karlsson.
Karlsson still a level ahead.
Subban is a very good dman, and probably deserves a Norris but until hes does what hes doing in 82 games instead of 36, and is outscoring every dman by 25 instead of 4, and untill hes leading his team in ice time and on his team's #1 pair then I will consider him being on Karlsson's level.
Yeah man please don't risk it.
He'll never has Karlsson's boyish good looks, or head of hair either.
I'd actually love to see Subban with an Afro. Imagine the Cherry reaction, it would be glorious.He'll never has Karlsson's boyish good looks, or head of hair either.