Probably a good idea. Better save than sorry. I swear the media is such a shitfest though. That on top of the Senate throwing out gun regulations (because background checks on online/gun-show-bought weapons is clearly too much) today is just making me more angry. Also saw this, though:
Deaths on April 15 by cause:
Terrorism: 3
Smoking: ~1190
Obesity: ~306
Alcohol: ~232
Toxic agents: ~150
Preventable medical errors: ~120
Traffic collisions: ~117
Firearms deaths: ~79 (~29 homicides)
STIs: ~54
Drug abuse: ~46
And yet we'll/the US will do absolutely nothing to improve health care or gun control, but will probably cut that budget again and put in some new NDAA-style regulations and spend another couple billion dollars on more military.
I could rant on forever but I don't wanna clog up this thread so I'll stop now. Gah.