I know this is off topic and I'm off topic like all of the time, but I have been writing a book over the last year or so and am at a point now where I'm comfortable with other people reading it. So far I've only had my grandfather read it and while he says he really liked it, can't really count on that because we're related.
Would anybody here in NHL gaf want to read it? It's roughly 57k words, 188 standard 8 1/2 x 11 pages long.
I'm really bad at explaining what it's about, but basically it's primarily set in the 1970s, a father/husband/ideal family man is also a WW2 war hero. Gets arrested out of the blue for being a hitman for the mob. Genre is a fiction/thriller/whatever.
I kind of went for a mixture of Lee Child (Jack Reacher) with a bit of John Grisham (fictional law stuff) mixed in.
If that is up the alley for anybody here feel free to PM me. Not trying to push this on anybody, but if you want something to read and give me some legitimate criticism I would really appreciate it. Hell, if it sucks you can stop on the second page if you want.
Thanks y'all