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NHL February 2016 |OT| Parlez-vous tankçais?

I keep forgetting to watch that.

That's like forgetting to breath oxygen and eat food. Ex Machina was one of the best films of 2015. Get on that immediately. I mean, not during this game... Tomorrow night. Treat yourself.

you know what they say about Kings games, they're like a good punch in the face

Or a good Dustin Brown Knee to your knee.

There's a Slava Voynov abuse joke somewhere. Anyone here wanna take a crack at it?

We have a saying here in Australia: "yeah nah".
lol, I've had my twitter handle and profile pic as "OFFICIAL DEADPOOL" and an avatar of Deathstroke forever and it took Kings fans to finally bite.

Now Royal Half has retweeted me and it's the most glorious bait taking I can behold.


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