It's really quite ridiculous.Cannot believe how hard it is for this Wings team to score.
Long time lurker, first time poster? You talk the talk.Especially when he gets comfortable and grows into a man's body. *bites lip*
Desharnais playing his way into a really cheap contract this summer.
Terrible goal, come on Price.
Damn, Buffalo has some fat fans =(
I'm convinced DD must be hurt. He has played like utter SHIT this season so far. Cole has too, but Cole is a slow starter. DD's work ethic doesn't look like its there.
Long time lurker, first time poster? You talk the talk.
Pens down 2-0 to the Isles? Feels bad, man.
Leafs with a lead going into the third...
This sounds familiar.
For the hell of it, they should throw Eller at centre on that line and DD on the wing. Back to PP, hopefully they can tie it.
Callahan hurt himself tackling Talbot
Looked serious
Long time lurker, first time poster? You talk the talk.
Assuming direct control *bites lip*
AGally: 4 pts in 5 games
BGally: 4 pts in 4 games
Theo looks bad again. Warm up the Lou train.