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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I think the really pro-owner sentiment is kind of strange. This is basically about protecting them from themselves and they're willing to lose the season over it. Which is ridiculous. Contract length is the "hill they'll die on"? Really?

Superstar player goes to team 1 they offer 6 years
Goes to team 2... Says he will take a little less than team 1 but for 7 years
Goes to team 3.... Says he will take a little less than team 2 but for 8 years
Goes back to team 1 says best offer is x, will take a little less than team 3 but for 9 years

And so on

You limit contract length and it removes players looking for best guarantees

Another problem with longer term contracts is they are harder to insure.

Another problem with longer term contracts is players who become unable to play or unable to play at a higher level are ensure payment but are essentially blocking more deserving players from getting pay raises (dipietro)

It's not just protection for owners, its protection for players
Heh. I agree with Bettman on something. Coverage of CBA is shit universally. This isn't unique to hockey. Read the coverage of your local FOP or NEA negotiation.


The people I feel sorry for with this lockout is:

- the low level people who aren't making much money anyways who can't go to work (people who work in the arenas, equipment managers, zamboni drivers, etc.) due to the greed of rich people
- the fans, who are nothing but pawns used by both sides
- the 4th line guys who aren't making top money and whose jobs are anything but secure from year to year
- players in the 35-37 year old range, whose careers are likely going to end because of this

I feel no remorse for rich players and rich owners. Eat a dick, Mr. "Im getting paid $10M to jerk off and play X-Box lolz" Parise.


I love how Bettman's head vibrates and bobs when he speaks.

This. Normally when he's handing out trophies on ice it starts subtly and gradually increases as the fan boos reign down.

Anyway, the NHL is a bunch of clowns. If they really reached an agreement where they reduce player revenue from 57 to 50 AND reached an agreement on Make Whole where they don't have to fully honor the contracts as written, they've already won.


Bettman and/or Daly's comments:

-"like all of you and our fans, this for me has been a week that has been, if nothing else, an emotional rollercoaster".

-Put together a process they'd hope move things along (owners and players).

-Sense was there was good communication, optimism, and hope. Reported that in the BoG meetings. Optimism "almost inexplicably" disappeared Wednesday afternoon.

-Owners decided to try and continue to do everything possible to make a new CBA. Key for everyone (in particular the owners) was to have a long term agreement. BSing about "that's what everyone deserves".

-With that view in mind, the owners (in particular the new ones in the process), wanted to "push ahead and do something bold". What they did was "virtually put a new $100 million on the table in the hopes that that would show we wanted to get back and play".

-Union's response was "shockingly silent". "Thank you, we'll take the $100 million". The owners were "beside themselves". "Don't know what happened, this process is over. The union clearly doesn't want to make a deal".

-Reported that to the players. Player reaction: "Don't leave, we'll get back on track. Cooler heads will prevail". Owners made another "bold move". We'll give up some things that are important (some contracting issues), and we'll tell you what we need. That was in response to the union saying the pension plan was the "key element" for them. This is in contrast to the union earlier in the process saying "make whole" was the key element.

-Owners will tell you the 3 or 4 things we need. We need you to give us the 3 or 4 things the way we ask for them. If you do that, we'll figure out your pension and get it done. Last night and this morning it was reiterated the NHL needed those key elements (not movement, but needed those elements). Were expecting a yes or no answer on those elements. If yes, could proceed with wrapping up pension and other elements. If no, there was no further need to talk.

-"The take, or give, or bottom line is it appears that the union is suggesting that because we made movements in certain elements that we're close to a deal. Those moves were contingent on other elements of the deal being accepted the way they were."

-CBA is a package deal.

-The sentiment that "we're close" is like the last time the union suggested it and they were a billion dollars apart.

-"We're going to take a deep breath, look back on where we are and what we've accomplished...We have to have a system that works right. It's all part of the package."

-"Disappointed beyond belief".

-Daly informed the union that the adds the NHL made this week are now off the table.

-It was relayed to the union prior to these meetings that Bettman was already being pressured to take "make whole" off the table.

-Wasn't going to take "make whole" off the table, because he wanted to do everything possible to make a deal.

-Daly stressing that it's a package deal. Union can't pick and choose elements and change others. Make whole is tied to the 10 year CBA length, tied to the other issues, etc.

-Term limits on contracts "vitally important" to owners, and players needed to recognize it.

-Length of the CBA "extremely important".

-Compliance buyouts and escrow limits popped up this week. "as part of the package deal, moving away from the contracting issues, the compliance issues were part of the package deal. No compliance buyouts. No escrow limits."

-NHL trying to address everything PA says are the "main issues". PA keeps switching.

-Owners wanted to walk out last night, players asked them not to.

-Term limit on contracts "the hill we will die on"

-Union to suggest we are close is "cherry picking"

-Late last night, the format that had been created, and had on Tuesday given us our most productive day, the players said was over. Since we were looking for a simple "yes or no" we didnt feel the need to "match lines"

-"if they want to meet, we will meet. We are assuming they wont ask us to meet unless they have something to move the process forward. They know where we are."

-"There's no reason for anyone to suggest trust is an issue. Collective bargaining is a tough issue. Everyone is a professional, everyone loves the game, everyone wants it back on the ice."

-Not the first time Fehr has said they were close when they weren't, especially given that he knew the NHL's stance on everything being a "package deal". Incomprehensible why he'd suggest that.

-They knew there was a major gulf between us, yet they came down here and told you we are close.

-The "make whole" concept itself is off the table.

-"Anything we put on the table this week is off the table"

-Transitional year was to allow teams this year to spend to cap of $70.2 million, while cap would be adjusted to $60 million.

-PA interested in "compliance buyouts". All of that money outside the system. For the NHL it's a "non starter".

-Escrow limits came up for the first time this week. More money outside the system. Non starter. Owners made it clear it was no acceptable.

-"I keep hearing we have some magic date. My magic date was the beginning of the season when we should have opened with a new collective bargaining agreement."

-Haven't set a drop dead date.

-Whether player contracting max is 5 years or 6 years or 4 years doesn't matter...Can't pick and choose issues from a package deal. Was based on the 10 year CBA offer.

-"What you're witnessing is very tough bargaining...We made 5 different offer. We did something unprecedented and made an offer against our own offer. The NHLPA essentially kept making the same offer over and over and over. Maybe we shouldn't have bargained against ourselves."

-"At some point you have to say 'this is the best that we can do'".

-Motivation in taking Fehr and Bettman out of the room was to get owners and players talking. PA came back in "let's include staff, and lawers, etc". NHL just wanted owners and players. Dynamic worked well on Tuesday, by Wednesday the dynamic had inexplicably changed.

-A lot has been written about decertification, you all might want to look at "disclaimer" which is what is more likely to happen. We don't view it in the same way in terms of its impact in the same way the union may. Not something we focus on the same way you do.

-We're cancelled through December 14, as we get closer to the 14th we're going to have to take another look at the calendar.

-Tried to sell extra $100 mil on make whole to the owners as "buying" more years on the CBA. That's why it's a package deal. That's how the owners accepted putting the extra "make whole" money on the table.

-Baseball had 8 consecutive works stoppages before they ushered in labor peace. I'm not happy about it, but I have to play the hand I'm dealt. I felt it was almost incomprehensible that the "save the season" offer was not accepted.

-It's about getting a working relationship, and we haven't had that.

-Too many people forget where we were 10 years ago. Game was unhealthy. Too many franchises that couldn't continue. Did what we had to in 2004 to keep the league healthy and will continue to do what is best for the game, the fans, and the players. The problem 8 years ago was the players were resistant to systemic change, which actually worked out very well for them.

-Public coverage of collective bargaining is tough because things may seem close, but lots of nuances. Package deal.

-Can't imagine wanting to play fewer than 48 games.

-Easy to say 'just keep negotiating...keep offering more and more and more'. At some point you have to say 'this is what we need...This is what we need to keep 30 healthy teams.'

-Having an agreement that doesn't work is not something we're prepared to go back to.

-Losing $18-$20 million a day. Players losing $8-$10 million in salaries. Would have been better for everyone to make a deal last February, or August, or October, but we are where we are.

-Biggest fear if we make the wrong deal we'll have more franchises in jeopardy.

Wow. That was long.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Re-posting this from the previous page (Thanks, Coldplay):

James Mirtle ‏@mirtle
Brilliant work boys. RT @SunGarrioch: The NHL's offer last night was take it or leave. Fehr tried to negotiate off it.

I think this just about says it all.


I don't understand comments like this. You work within the environment that you're given, regardless of whether or not you approve. Same reason why Obama wants to get rid of super PACs, but nevertheless utilizes them.

I have no idea what you're trying to prove.

It's still hypocritical.

They are essentially saying that we'll cancel the season because we wanted five-year limits on contracts.

The NHLPA is willing to accept limits on contract length. We know it's 8 years. What is wrong with this?


@DownGoesBrown: "Bettman says owners pressured him on make whole but he refused. Remember that, people who keep insisting he's just a messenger in all this."

The guy really is a fucking cancer.


*camera follows Bettman as he leaves building with TSN crew narrating*

Feels like the closing scene in a TV show's season finale.


asking dangerous questions
I can't wait until they make a movie out of this.

Hope they get Ben from LOST to play Bettman:


Could you guys imagine how great that would be?


I have no idea what you're trying to prove.

It's still hypocritical.

They are essentially saying that we'll cancel the season because we wanted five-year limits on contracts.

The NHLPA is willing to accept limits on contract length. We know it's 8 years. What is wrong with this?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
@DownGoesBrown: "Bettman says owners pressured him on make whole but he refused. Remember that, people who keep insisting he's just a messenger in all this."

The guy really is a fucking cancer.

He's a cancer for forcing the owners to keep offering make whole


No, fehr/NHLPA is the cancer.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
@DownGoesBrown: "Bettman says owners pressured him on make whole but he refused. Remember that, people who keep insisting he's just a messenger in all this."

The guy really is a fucking cancer.

That's why so much advanced when Bettman and Fehr weren't there. They're terrible.

I'm confident we lose a season here. The union will crack, as decertification will fail.


No shock. His ass will be gone, Gary will break the union, the NHL will win again, and we'll have hockey in October 2013.

Then Bettman will claim his new fancy CBA will assist franchises and all 30 teams will be healthy.

5 to 10 years later.

Wait, teams are still losing money. Force another lockout.

Repeat the cycle that started from the 2004 lockout.

Seriously, stop picking sides. Both sides are bullshitters.


Merguson, I'll elaborate.

You've got a 7 year CBA that outlines the rules. 30 owners are trying to compete with each other to have the most successful team. They do what they can to be competitive, knowing that the other 29 might/will take advantage of what they can. If you don't exploit what you can (eg, long term contracts), you're often left behind, even if it's something you'd rather not be doing. Consider it this way: it's basically like an arms race. If all sides could wipe nukes from existence and ensure that they never returned, they'd choose to do that.


Then Bettman will claim his new fancy CBA will assist franchises and all 30 teams will be healthy.

5 to 10 years later.

Wait, teams are still losing money. Force another lockout.

Repeat the cycle that started from the 2004 lockout.

Definitely. The NHL is a self-fulfilling joke.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Pretty much what many of us were saying would happen. Too bad the players were too stupid to see it, too.

The players WILL break. You've got a ton of guys like Dan Cleary who know that if they miss a season or more, their career is over.


Unconfirmed Member
Merguson, I'll elaborate.

You've got a 7 year CBA that outlines the rules. 30 owners are trying to compete with each other to have the most successful team. They do what they can to be competitive, knowing that the other 29 might/will take advantage of what they can. If you don't exploit what you can (eg, long term contracts), you're often left behind, even if it's something you'd rather not be doing. Consider it this way: it's basically like an arms race. If all sides could wipe nukes from existence and ensure that they never returned, they'd choose to do that.

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