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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|

I was sighing for that and the amount of idiocy I saw in the gun thread earlier, or at least what I could wade through in there. As I posted earlier, what happened was extremely devastating and is a complete tragedy, no doubt about that. However what bugs me to no end is how many people seem to have absolutely no knowledge of firearms on here aside from some wikipedia article they quickly looked or god forbid from playing a video game and thinking they are an expert. Great example was when someone posted a picture in the gun thread of an AR-15 with a rifle scope, bi-pod, and by the looks of it a 20 round magazine with a magpul butt stock and different hand grip and saying this was the possible weapon the shooter used. Then I just constantly read post after post of people quoting it and saying, "OMG, how can you even get that!!" or "Nobody should be able to own something that dangerous!!" or "No wonder he was able to kill so many" etc....

It really showed how clueless most people are on here in regards to firearms. What it showed was how people leaped before they looked. I mean really? Anyone with even basic firearms knowledge would realize how stupid of a picture that was to post and how he was able to kill everyone (now I believe we know he just used handguns). I'm not going to get into specifics because I could spend a long time telling you why that weapon that was posted and commented on is a poor choice for any close quarters action (a rifle scope should have given that away). I seriously couldn't read much more after that with how many times that image was quoted and the false comments associated with it. It just bugged me to no end to see people spouting BS when they have no knowledge of something, I mean for anything else on GAF you would be ripped apart for it, but considering it was going with the flow of what people believed, it was considered true on here. I have rambled on too much, there are other examples as well I saw (people's unrealistic gun control ideas, complete generalizations of gun owners, people who have a lot of guns are ticking time bombs, etc...) but I'm not even going to bother with those as I'm not Soc and I don't feel like writing a book on my opinions. :p

Why does any human, that has no intention of killing anything with a firearm, need to know this?

A firearm has a completely and utterly dire circumstantial use... And from my end, as good a person as you may ultimately be, you're no farmer, hunter, policeman, soldier or UN peacekeeper.

Sorry Soc, there is a zero percent chance anything you or anyone else will say on here that will make me have a radical change of mind. Nor do I feel anything I will say will have any effect on what you believe. I mean, I have been on GAF for 4 years and still consider myself Christian-Conservative, it pretty much is the opposite of what should happen in terms of surrounding yourself with people of similar views, thus strengthening your ideologies as you hear them from other people and not just yourself. My views are my own views, not others. For the most part now a days (not all the time I know) I keep my mouth shut with stuff like this as I know that A: I don't want to argue over it. B: Anything I say will not change your mind on the subject. C: Anything you say will not change my mind on the subject.

Once again, I'm surprised I'm even bothering with this post, but since I was somewhat called out or at least talked about (go figure) I might as well just get it out there. So go ahead, tear me a part, call me out on things, call me an evil gun owning nut, etc... not like it hasn't been said on here before and I haven't heard it. I enjoy shooting, I understand and enjoy firearms, I have been trained and I know how to handle them when the majority of people here do not. They have been a part of my family for a very long time, with all of us knowing the proper use of them and the consequences that can also befall from them. Crazy people will be crazy, it is when the the actions of one generalize the mass of gun owners who are actually law abiding citizens is when I get pissed off and when people post about something they obviously have no knowledge about outside of the internet or games. /rant

And now back to your regularly scheduled non-hockey news!

Sorry, but after putting my emotions aside and reading this, I recognise your differences and I accept that.

Because, ultimately, if we didn't have these differences we'd be an even worse world. A world free of individuality.

You're not harming anybody. You're cool with me. Your viewpoints differ, but that's all that's radically different from the both of us.

Cakebossed DJ 3:30am Sunday morning saying - goodnight.


come in my shame circle
For maybe two of the top ranked prospects in baseball? For basically the option of trying to sign a 38 year-old Dickey? No, terrible deal.

D'Arnaud sure but when did Gose become a top ranked prospect in baseball? I don't think Gose is even top 5 in our prospect pool.

If anything give AA the benefit of the doubt here. I don't think he'd agree to give up D'Arnaud unless he knows he can resign Dickey. And how things are going seems we may be getting back a few pieces as well to go along with Dickey.

Or actually as I type this a lot of people seem sure that Gose will not be a part of the deal now.

edit: I stand corrected, Gose some believe would be rated our #2 prospect if he didn't get promoted last season. But definitely not best prospect in the entire league.
Why does any human, that has no intention of killing anything with a firearm, need to know this?

A firearm has a completely and utterly dire circumstantial use... And from my end, as good a person as you may ultimately be, you're no farmer, hunter, policeman, soldier or UN peacekeeper.

If you are going to talk about gun control or banning certain types of weapons, at least have the knowledge to know about them or at least have some sort of an understanding on what each weapon can do.

And yes, my family does hunt, but we are more for recreational/competition shooting. Once again though, to me it sounds from your second part that we don't need guns if we aren't any of the following? If that is the case I completely disagree and it goes back to understanding gun culture of legal, law abiding owners. If that isn't the case than I don't know what you are trying to get at.

Edit: I see your edit sir, and I appreciate it.
What do you guys (Jays fans) think of John Farrell? Is he hated by the fanbase up there or do you not care that he bailed out for a division rival or are you just glad to be rid of him?

It's generally negative, more because of the player revolt than from his record or leaving for Boston though. No one realistically expected him to do more than guide the team to .500 seasons, but losing control at the end like that? It doesn't really bode well for the Red Sox.

Kave Man said:
D'Arnaud sure but when did Gose become a top ranked prospect in baseball? I don't think Gose is even top 5 in our prospect pool.

If anything give AA the benefit of the doubt here. I don't think he'd agree to give up D'Arnaud unless he knows he can resign Dickey. And how things are going seems we may be getting back a few pieces as well to go along with Dickey.

Or actually as I type this a lot of people seem sure that Gose will not be a part of the deal now.

I thought I'd read that D'Arnaud was recently ranked 17th, and Gose 39th overall in the league. Plus Gose is already in the majors - at age 21. Sure, he's not in the highest tier, but there's still a lot expected of him.

I'm torn over whether or not JPA or TDA should be moved. TDA has a huge ceiling, but JPA's shown that he's a competent catcher with good power.

Dickey... I just don't know. His age, contract status - and he'll be pitching under completely different circumstances. Just so much risk with him.
If you are going to talk about gun control or banning certain types of weapons, at least have the knowledge to know about them or at least have some sort of an understanding on what each weapon can do.

And yes, my family does hunt, but we are more for recreational/competition shooting. Once again though, to me it sounds from your second part that we don't need guns if we aren't any of the following? If that is the case I completely disagree and it goes back to understanding gun culture of legal, law abiding owners. If that isn't the case than I don't know what you are trying to get at.

Edit: I see your edit sir, and I appreciate it.

I agree with people being knowledgeable about the content they're talking about. It's one of my gripes to whenever I see a comment on the internet that obviously has no experience or foundation which their opinion is based on, yet is still delivered with utmost supremacy simply because of the god-given right every human has to express their opinion.

But in regards to the latter, you and I come from radically different backgrounds and I only realise that now.

I grew up in a time where GI Joe was prominent. Playing in the school grounds was a risky game, because if you were showing scenes of radical violence, you were immediately pulled aside and told to 'behave'. You could wrestle anyone, you could pretend you were a pirate with a sword and pillaged their cargo ship, but if you showed yourself as having a gun made of sticks, or pens, or anything in particular - you were warned. Mind you this was a Catholic primary school I grew up in... If only they knew the irony of how gun violence compared to what harm the church will cause later on.

When I reached age 11, which my parents had required of me in order to play Doom, I had to wait until the stroke of New Years Day, 1996. When it happened I turned to my dad and said "May I please play Doom, now?".

That same year - Martin Bryant shot up Port Arthur. The news was everywhere and it was hard to escape anybody who turned on the telly. The parents faces were white, and every child was trying to make sense of it. My teenage sister at the time used it as an outlet to point out how society had treated those that thought differently for too long in the wrongest of ways simply because of how the media was lambasting Martin for all the music he was listening to. Along with that was something that came of shock to me, he had watched violent movies and played violent games. She was grounded and immediately stricken of her Nirvana and Marilyn Manson CDs in fear that this was what was causing her behaviour. Yet here I was, a child growing up on GI Joe and Doom and not feeling the slightest inclination to hurt my fellow man. Our parents and teachers reminded us exactly how evil guns were. Our Prime Ministers face appeared alongside and told us how things needed to change. Our reality at this stage turned from guns being a hybrid of toy and tool turned to only one reasoning - necessity.

Because of that, my background, and seeing the results firsthand of how our country has come to grow. And then see in comparison what happens with America. Makes very little sense to me. My head instantly reacts with "Why do they need these weapons? Why do you need a tool that exists only to hurt and harm?" and it still rings true at my current late 20s age.

I don't come from a family that embraced gun culture. I couldn't tell you the difference between a glock and a magnum except for what video games teach me. But we were both brought up knowing respect for human life, how to behave and how to exist within society without being a danger to each other. From there on in it's only up to us to treat each other how we would like to be treated.
I agree with people being knowledgeable about the content they're talking about. It's one of my gripes to whenever I see a comment on the internet that obviously has no experience or foundation which their opinion is based on, yet is still delivered with utmost supremacy simply because of the god-given right every human has to express their opinion.

But in regards to the latter, you and I come from radically different backgrounds and I only realise that now.

I grew up in a time where GI Joe was prominent. Playing in the school grounds was a risky game, because if you were showing scenes of radical violence, you were immediately pulled aside and told to 'behave'. You could wrestle anyone, you could pretend you were a pirate with a sword and pillaged their cargo ship, but if you showed yourself as having a gun made of sticks, or pens, or anything in particular - you were warned. Mind you this was a Catholic primary school I grew up in... If only they knew the irony of how gun violence compared to what harm the church will cause later on.

When I reached age 11, which my parents had required of me in order to play Doom, I had to wait until the stroke of New Years Day, 1996. When it happened I turned to my dad and said "May I please play Doom, now?".

That same year - Martin Bryant shot up Port Arthur. The news was everywhere and it was hard to escape anybody who turned on the telly. The parents faces were white, and every child was trying to make sense of it. My teenage sister at the time used it as an outlet to point out how society had treated those that thought differently for too long in the wrongest of ways simply because of how the media was lambasting Martin for all the music he was listening to. Along with that was something that came of shock to me, he had watched violent movies and played violent games. She was grounded and immediately stricken of her Nirvana and Marilyn Manson CDs in fear that this was what was causing her behaviour. Yet here I was, a child growing up on GI Joe and Doom and not feeling the slightest inclination to hurt my fellow man. Our parents and teachers reminded us exactly how evil guns were. Our Prime Ministers face appeared alongside and told us how things needed to change. Our reality at this stage turned from guns being a hybrid of toy and tool turned to only one reasoning - necessity.

Because of that, my background, and seeing the results firsthand of how our country has come to grow. And then see in comparison what happens with America. Makes very little sense to me. My head instantly reacts with "Why do they need these weapons? Why do you need a tool that exists only to hurt and harm?" and it still rings true at my current late 20s age.

I don't come from a family that embraced gun culture. I couldn't tell you the difference between a glock and a magnum except for what video games teach me. But we were both brought up knowing respect for human life, how to behave and how to exist within society without being a danger to each other. From there on in it's only up to us to treat each other how we would like to be treated.

Very good post sir and completely agree, our backgrounds shape the way we are as people, and most American gun owners would probably tell you that you need to truly understand American gun culture in order to see why we enjoy to shoot.

I understand there are those out there that are crazy and such, but the majority of people I know are responsible gun owners, each one going out on a saturday or sunday morning and driving to the range to shoot for 4-5 hours before coming home. It is something they enjoy to do and can enjoy responsibly with themselves or friends. Where a father can take his son or daughter and teach them proper gun safety or take them hunting to enjoy the great outdoors. Where friends can get around at the range and try to see who can shoot the smallest 5 shot group at 1000 yards. Within the gun culture there are a great deal of different areas that people enjoy (competition, hunting, collecting, or just shooting). It is hard to explain the fun you can have if you haven't experienced it for yourself. Which in turn goes back to exactly what you said, background is key in all of this when forming an opinion on something.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Very good post sir and completely agree, our backgrounds shape the way we are as people, and most American gun owners would probably tell you that you need to truly understand American gun culture in order to see why we enjoy to shoot.

I understand there are those out there that are crazy and such, but the majority of people I know are responsible gun owners, each one going out on a saturday or sunday morning and driving to the range to shoot for 4-5 hours before coming home. It is something they enjoy to do and can enjoy responsibly with themselves or friends. Where a father can take his son or daughter and teach them proper gun safety or take them hunting to enjoy the great outdoors. Where friends can get around at the range and try to see who can shoot the smallest 5 shot group at 1000 yards. Within the gun culture there are a great deal of different areas that people enjoy (competition, hunting, collecting, or just shooting). It is hard to explain the fun you can have if you haven't experienced it for yourself. Which in turn goes back to exactly what you said, background is key in all of this when forming an opinion on something.

I don't want to be too confrontational, and like I've said before, I really understand what you mean and respect your opinion.

But there's just things that are wrong with the laws how they are. Replace your post with drugs, and it works completely fine, only drugs are illegal AND you can't harm anyone else with them. Noone is saying "make guns illegal!", just "make access to guns for crazy people slightly harder". Can you agree to that?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I was sighing for that and the amount of idiocy I saw in the gun thread earlier, or at least what I could wade through in there. As I posted earlier, what happened was extremely devastating and is a complete tragedy, no doubt about that. However what bugs me to no end is how many people seem to have absolutely no knowledge of firearms on here aside from some wikipedia article they quickly looked or god forbid from playing a video game and thinking they are an expert. Great example was when someone posted a picture in the gun thread of an AR-15 with a rifle scope, bi-pod, and by the looks of it a 20 round magazine with a magpul butt stock and different hand grip and saying this was the possible weapon the shooter used. Then I just constantly read post after post of people quoting it and saying, "OMG, how can you even get that!!" or "Nobody should be able to own something that dangerous!!" or "No wonder he was able to kill so many" etc....

It really showed how clueless most people are on here in regards to firearms. What it showed was how people leaped before they looked. I mean really? Anyone with even basic firearms knowledge would realize how stupid of a picture that was to post and how he was able to kill everyone (now I believe we know he just used handguns). I'm not going to get into specifics because I could spend a long time telling you why that weapon that was posted and commented on is a poor choice for any close quarters action (a rifle scope should have given that away). I seriously couldn't read much more after that with how many times that image was quoted and the false comments associated with it. It just bugged me to no end to see people spouting BS when they have no knowledge of something, I mean for anything else on GAF you would be ripped apart for it, but considering it was going with the flow of what people believed, it was considered true on here. I have rambled on too much, there are other examples as well I saw (people's unrealistic gun control ideas, complete generalizations of gun owners, people who have a lot of guns are ticking time bombs, etc...) but I'm not even going to bother with those as I'm not Soc and I don't feel like writing a book on my opinions. :p
This is fair and definitely applies to a lot of what Gaf says, and is why I haven't bothered discussing it in the main thread at all, like I said before it's just a giant cluster fuck. I thought you were going to be more radical about it, not quite living up to your username :p


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
This is fair and definitely applies to a lot of what Gaf says, and is why I haven't bothered discussing it in the main thread at all, like I said before it's just a giant cluster fuck. I thought you were going to be more radical about it, not quite living up to your username :p

Yeah I don't bother wandering into OT too often, same reason I don't bother with reddit threads on events like this too often. You get a lot of uninformed extremist namecalling from both sides, it's just not a place to have a reasonable discussion. Esp when everyone is (still) angry.

I now definitely understand better what Crazed meant with weapon knowledge, with respects to talking about new legislation, and even though I disagree with his opinion, I respect he has a different one. I just think he's wrong. :p And I wish law makers would at least have a DISCUSSION about the topic that won't get shut down by an unreasonable and fearmongering NRA lobby. (and, on the other hand, "no guns for anyone!" people too. There's no reasonable discussion when the talks are between "no guns" and "more guns!".)
I don't want to be too confrontational, and like I've said before, I really understand what you mean and respect your opinion.

But there's just things that are wrong with the laws how they are. Replace your post with drugs, and it works completely fine, only drugs are illegal AND you can't harm anyone else with them. Noone is saying "make guns illegal!", just "make access to guns for crazy people slightly harder". Can you agree to that?

In this thread no, in the other thread...... that has popped up quite a bit. Also I see what you are getting at with the last part, but I still don't 100 agree with that but I feel drugs are a whole other beast that should be tackled differently and separately.

Fuck off to this non hockey talk

NHLPA starts voting on decertification tomorrow (5 day vote period)

Really, shoot didn't know this was happening, shows how much I have been paying attention to that.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
In this thread no, in the other thread...... that has popped up quite a bit. Also I see what you are getting at with the last part, but I still don't 100 agree with that but I feel drugs are a whole other beast compared to this issue.

Oh yes, but the other thread also isn't an example of reasonable discussion. See my next post after that, with a lot of the talk between "more guns!" vs "no guns!" that's neither productive nor reasonable.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Just saw some guy wearing a Flyers jersey and a Bruins jacket. I beat him up.

Bleh. Guess all we can hope for is some legal update between now and Thurs/Fri. I'm not expecting any secret meetings to cut a deal like the NBA lockout, but it has followed that scenario so far so who knows.

Haven't been following but what would this result in? And what are the owners counter suing about?

Two-fold: They're asking that the lockout be declared legal and therefore any attempt at disclaim/decert be declared invalid. If it is not, they've asked that the current players contracts be declared null and void.

Additionally they've filed a ULP lawsuit for abuse/threats of anti-trust legislation as a bargaining tool.

Just saw some guy wearing a Flyers jersey and a Bruins jacket. I beat him up.

Why are you in Dallas?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Haven't been following but what would this result in? And what are the owners counter suing about?

Decertification is the players not being unionized

It's a cheap tactic where the PA can then sue owners on the basis that the lockout is illegal (and therefore ending the lockout) - what then would happen is players would play in a state with no CBA in effect basically making the nhl just like baseball for the most part

What the nhl class action complaint is designed to do:

- ensure the lockout is legal (this means decertification would be silly)
- ensure contracts are void on the dissolution of the Union (which would nullify any damages players could seek against the nhl)
- make decertification impossible if its found out to be used as a tactic to get more favorable terms

There's a good chance NHL will win


The NHL was always going to win. The players are just idiots and don't realize that when the NHL wins, they win too. edit: speaking in general terms here.
Off topic but I just got Halo 4 and its ridiculous how Cortana looks. She's literally a naked ass babe that has huge boobs and a big ass. Its kind of weird that they made her have a giant, defined rack. Video games, man
Mark Spector:


Sunday, a sham of a vote in a sham of a season.

The NHLPA will vote unanimously to dissolve, allowing for a court challenge of the lockout. Donald Fehr will disengage from the union, but like the ejected baseball manager, he will still be phoning brother Steve with the pitching changes from behind his desk in the clubhouse.
Was it plundering Bob Goodenow's reign, with his "Score" website that ensured every single available dollar was bled from the hockey economy, to the point where the players were taking home a preposterous 75 per cent of revenues?

Or is today's player to blame?

Anyone who knows anything about major North American sports leagues realizes that central television revenues -- read: the big U.S. TV contract -- is the sole dictator of how rich a league can be.

Yet somehow our entitled hockey players have come to believe that making roughly 70 per cent of what Major League Baseball players earn is their right, despite the fact that hockey's U.S. TV deal is about 13 per cent as rich as baseball's.

They want more coaches, better hotel rooms, private team jets and generally to be treated like royalty. But don't ever think of sending them a bill.



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
@BrianWildeCTV If you claim to know what happens in court if the NHL gets there, then you my friend are a bag of wind because this is unknown territory.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
@BrianWildeCTV If you claim to know what happens in court if the NHL gets there, then you my friend are a bag of wind because this is unknown territory.


Didn't the NBA just go through this?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Who knows ?

No one has gone very deep into litigation in such a case. NFL and NBA settled before it got very far.
I suspect Fehr will try and find out, unless the NHL settles.

He's more of a litigator than a negotiator.

Bettman is a labor lawyer

NHL has good chances especially on contract nullification and declaring the lockout legal. Why? Because its NHLs right to lock out players, for one. And they actively come to the bargaining table. Since they fulfill this, it doesn't matter how hard of a stance they take, they are in the clear. They could have even stuck with their original proposal and in the swing of things as long as they keep showing up... theyre fine. For the contracts, they are bound by the CBA framework... No CBA... No framework. No contracts.

Those two in concert eliminates any leverage the PA has



I don't need to understand nuclear physics in order to know that it's a bad thing if Iran acquires nuclear weapons. Much like I don't need to know the intricacies of each individual gun in order to know the importance of gun control and how certain measures can help prevent massacres like this one. As you're a gun aficionado, I can understand how people's ignorance can be irritating. But you're going to have to demonstrate how knowledge of CQC affects their ability to have a conversation about gun control generally.

The Newton gunman used two handguns, but the medical examiner said the primary weapon used was a Bushmaster .223 rifle. And he got them from his mother, a registered gunowner:

The two pistols were found inside the school and a .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle was found in the back of his mother's car in the parking lot.

"The damage these weapons can do is just horrific," firearms expert Ronald Scott said.

All three are highly lethal weapons manufactured for combat and to stop criminals. The semi-automatic Glock and SIG Sauer are the two most popular firearms used by law enforcement officers around the country and by private gun owners, said Scott.
No one needs to own a gun like that, much less all three. Apologies to responsible gun owners; I'm aware that owning, brandishing and shooting guns is a significant part of your identity, for whatever reason (I like playing board games. Same thing?). But if you can't understand how there is a role for compromise in this, then you're incredibly stubborn and selfish.

CrazedArabMan said:
Sorry Soc, there is a zero percent chance anything you or anyone else will say on here that will make me have a radical change of mind. Nor do I feel anything I will say will have any effect on what you believe. I mean, I have been on GAF for 4 years and still consider myself Christian-Conservative, it pretty much is the opposite of what should happen in terms of surrounding yourself with people of similar views, thus strengthening your ideologies as you hear them from other people and not just yourself. My views are my own views, not others. For the most part now a days (not all the time I know) I keep my mouth shut with stuff like this as I know that A: I don't want to argue over it. B: Anything I say will not change your mind on the subject. C: Anything you say will not change my mind on the subject.
No one would expect a radical change, dude. People never have radical changes in perspective unless they go through some life-changing event. But people should always be receptive to different ideas and the potential that those ideas might be more logical and sensible than their own. I've shifted on many things over the years, but I also think I'm fortunate that there wasn't a heavy ideological imprint left by my family. They're fairly apolitical.

Try reading The Believing Brain for some fascinating insight into how your brain works and how people shape/defend beliefs and how alien/opposing ideas make them uncomfortable. It may not seem like a novel concept to you, but the book gives so much depth to our understanding that afterwards it's impossible not to scrutinize every belief that you've grown up with, as frightening as that can be.

Also, stop saying "I'm not going to argue", "I'm not in the mood for arguing" or "I'm not Soc and I don't feel like writing a book on my opinions" right after/before you've done exactly that. It's worthless and insincere. :p
NHL has good chances especially on contract nullification and declaring the lockout legal. Why? Because its NHLs right to lock out players, for one. And they actively come to the bargaining table. Since they fulfill this, it doesn't matter how hard of a stance they take, they are in the clear. They could have even stuck with their original proposal and in the swing of things as long as they keep showing up... theyre fine. For the contracts, they are bound by the CBA framework... No CBA... No framework. No contracts.

Those two in concert eliminates any leverage the PA has

Yeah I agree they have good chances.

The NHL has the right to lock its players out as long there's a union, once the union no longer exists it's technically no longer legal. A lot of the things the NHL does are legal only because there's a CBA in effect.

Everything I am reading says it's impossible to predict how this will if they really take this to court. The other leagues settled before it got very far.
How can you not think of a single thing to get her? She has 0 interests or hobbies?

Jewelry and clothes never fail.

I'm just a dumbass. She enjoys stencling and I found her amazon wishlist so I got some ideas. I'm going to get her this stenciling heat gun thing with some stencil sheets, but I need something else that she would really like as well.


I'm just a dumbass. She enjoys stencling and I found her amazon wishlist so I got some ideas. I'm going to get her this stenciling heat gun thing with some stencil sheets, but I need something else that she would really like as well.

Have you looked on Etsy? There's some pretty cool hand made stuff there.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm just a dumbass. She enjoys stencling and I found her amazon wishlist so I got some ideas. I'm going to get her this stenciling heat gun thing with some stencil sheets, but I need something else that she would really like as well.

Have you looked on Etsy? There's some pretty cool hand made stuff there.

Yeah Etsy sounds like a good place to search for some gift ideas.

I don't need to understand nuclear physics in order to know that it's a bad thing if Iran acquires nuclear weapons. Much like I don't need to know the intricacies of each individual gun in order to know the importance of gun control and how certain measures can help prevent massacres like this one. As you're a gun aficionado, I can understand how people's ignorance can be irritating. But you're going to have to demonstrate how knowledge of CQC affects their ability to have a conversation about gun control generally.

The Newton gunman used two handguns, but the medical examiner said the primary weapon used was a Bushmaster .223 rifle. And he got them from his mother, a registered gunowner:

No one needs to own a gun like that, much less all three. Apologies to responsible gun owners; I'm aware that owning, brandishing and shooting guns is a significant part of your identity, for whatever reason (I like playing board games. Same thing?). But if you can't understand how there is a role for compromise in this, then you're incredibly stubborn and selfish.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this part, maybe I'm stubborn, maybe I am selfish, but I still feel having a better understanding towards firearms is crucial in this debate.

No one would expect a radical change, dude. People never have radical changes in perspective unless they go through some life-changing event. But people should always be receptive to different ideas and the potential that those ideas might be more logical and sensible than their own. I've shifted on many things over the years, but I also think I'm fortunate that there wasn't a heavy ideological imprint left by my family. They're fairly apolitical.

Try reading The Believing Brain for some fascinating insight into how your brain works and how people shape/defend beliefs and how alien/opposing ideas make them uncomfortable. It may not seem like a novel concept to you, but the book gives so much depth to our understanding that afterwards it's impossible not to scrutinize every belief that you've grown up with, as frightening as that can be.

Trust me, I have looked at my beliefs within the past few years, while I'm not close to as radical as I used to be and I have had a few areas where my beliefs have shifted, I have still based my beliefs on my best judgement from situations and I have no regrets on my opinions now, I feel more like my own self as I have ever been.

Also, stop saying "I'm not going to argue", "I'm not in the mood for arguing" or "I'm not Soc and I don't feel like writing a book on my opinions" right after/before you've done exactly that. It's worthless and insincere. :p

I tried to keep what I wanted to say to a minimum and not go on an enormous rant and I thought I kept it to a minimum considering the entire circumstance, sorry if it sounded insincere to you. Once again I see what you are trying to say and where you are coming from, I just don't agree.
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