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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|


Waiting for P4G, not much else I'm interested in honestly. I can't find it in myself to drop $65.75 on a fucking video game anymore unless it's something I feel super strongly about.


Unconfirmed Member
I will be getting Forza Horizon, Halo 4, Assassins Creed 3 and Call of Duty for sure. I would like to get Xcom and Dishonored, but I'm going to wait till those go on sale.


They wouldn't be asked to. MUCH lower player wages = cheaper tickets.
That's not how economics works. Ticket prices are determined by what people are willing to pay to see the game, not how much the players are making. If the demand stays up for the tickets, they'll keep charging as much.

Of course, the prices would go down if they don't expect as many people to go to the games.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
@jonasTSN1050: Eakins says he's a big Don Cherry fan, but adds that he's never seen him at a Marlie game or practice. Welcomes him to do so.

@jonasTSN1050: Eakins re: Cherry: "He's a strong-willed guy; I'm sure he believes in everything that he had somebody type for him."

*grabs popcorn*


That's not how economics works. Ticket prices are determined by what people are willing to pay to see the game, not how much the players are making. If the demand stays up for the tickets, they'll keep charging as much.

Of course, the prices would go down if they don't expect as many people to go to the games.

this also explains why there are so many people siding with owners that rake in more money then the players in a strike. Puppy dogs and ice cream...


Glendale council meets to discuss Phoenix Coyotes deal

The Glendale City Council on Tuesday got its first look at a renegotiated Phoenix Coyotes deal that has the city paying $11 million this year to Coyotes suitor Greg Jamison, $6 million less than the council approved in June.

Under the new proposed agreement, Glendale would pay $320 million over 20 years, instead of $324 million, with most of the money going to Jamison to manage the city-owned arena.

The difference would be that Glendale would pay $308 million for arena management instead of $300 million, with lower payments in the early years. Payments for capital improvements over 20 years would come down from $24 million to $12 million.

It is unclear whether the council would approve the deal as an emergency measure, allowing it to take immediate effect.

Without that, the deal would take effect in 30 days. Residents could seek to overturn the vote with a ballot measure. After the council approved the June deal, two residents attempted to get a referendum on the ballot but failed to collect enough signatures.

Ken Jones, one of the residents behind the previous attempted referendum, was outside the Council chambers Tuesday. He handed out fliers opposing the deal and in support of the temporary sales-tax hike repeal. He was prepared to put another referendum on the ballot to oppose the new deal, if it's possible, Jones said.

Glendale would lose as much as $25 million annually should voters undo the tax hike. The city has said it may have to lay off a quarter of its workforce and implement drastic cuts such as closing libraries.

The reworked deal addresses a possible NHL lockout, which went unmentioned in the previous deal.

For every game not played because of a lockout or a strike, the city would pay $60,000 less in arena-management fees. An NHL lockout canceled the preseason and appears likely to impact the regular season, which is scheduled to open Oct. 11.

The deal also carries some penalties if Jamison doesn't bring at least 30 non-hockey events each year. The management fee would be reduced by $30,000 for each event below that figure.

The new deal also works in incentives to encourage Jamison to add more events. He would receive an extra $600,000 each year for every additional 20 non-hockey events over the 30 minimum required with an average attendance of 7,500.

The deal also comes with one five-year renewal option, something not included in the original deal.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Waiting for P4G, not much else I'm interested in honestly. I can't find it in myself to drop $65.75 on a fucking video game anymore unless it's something I feel super strongly about.
This is how I am now, I buy Halo / NHL and maybe 1 -2 games a year that aren't one of those two. Borderlands was that game this year and I'm glad I bough it, but it's really hard for me to justify the expense nowadays when most of the games out there don't interest me.


Concerned about what the absence of Devils games will do to the already fragile economy of Newark, New Jersey’s two U.S. Senators sent a letter to both Gary Bettman and Don Fehr calling for a settlement.

Senators Frank R. Lautenberg and Robert Menendez wrote, “A delayed or canceled regular season would be a major setback for Newark. It could mean millions of dollars in lost economic activity, and more people out of work when our state unemployment rate is already at a 30-year high.

“Newark is not unique — communities across the country have tied their economies to professional hockey.” the Senators added. “As you consider your next steps, we encourage you to keep in mind the communities, workers, and families that would be hurt by a further disruption in the season.”

The Senators continued, “Businesses, workers and hockey fans played no role in causing this dispute, and it is unfair for them to have to bear this burden. The Senate has jurisdiction over interstate commercial activities, including professional sports, and will keep a close eye on your negotiations with hope that you will work diligently and quickly to resolve this matter.”

The letter won’t move either side an inch, but it’s better than saying nothing.

With the Nets moving to Brooklyn this lockout has really stagnated the momentum Newark has going for it :(
Ovi has 6 points in 6 games.

I think the first KHL game is supposed to be on ESPN3 at 1145 am EST but I can't find it on the site.

They don't even have a hockey section on the ESPN3 site, just a field hockey one...

According to Shawn McBride, the KHL's North American media contact:

"I just heard that there was a miscommunication and they used today's game to test the transmission; broadcasts will start this weekend."

This, despite the KHL having announced that the first game streamed would be Oct. 3.

McBride said that, "It's now looking like first ESPN game won't be until this weekend."


They don't even have a hockey section on the ESPN3 site, just a field hockey one...
The ESPN Boston mobile page only has menu links for the Sox, Celtics and the Pats. The Bruins are relegated to a drop down menu with The Revolution, College (nobody follows college sports in New England) and High School sports.

ESPN is very bitter about losing the NHL.


Man, I actually don't give a shit about this lockout.

The sad part is that I'll be back to watching hockey like nothing happened once they get back on the ice. I hate these greedy assholes during times like these, but once they get it settled, there's no better game to watch.

The owners were fine until Crosby got that contract.

Thanks Sid. :(


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
He's fucking glorious. Look at him.

Speaking of which, I'm finding it hard to not give the NHL any money with these. I need running shoes and the Ducks version look really good.

Those are sick, but I don't see a Habs one?...

Never mind, found them. Not sure if I like blue as the primary color for them :(
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