I even have a space orange nylon band for my apple watch I use for Ducks games. But I also wear a shirt.
We cannot rebuild our team with someone else's fans
Jhonny is the best user of NeoGAF TM that has ever existed
oh thanks bud
You guys need to watch Get Out. Best movie I've seen in a long time.
I've always got your back, even if you think all Ducks fans look the same.
Here's a group shot of Ducks-Age now that you mention it:
You guys need to watch Get Out. Best movie I've seen in a long time.
Saw this last weekend at the South Keys theater, it added to the amazing movie with the amazing commentary and reactions from some of the people in the theater.
MultiJhonny is good people. Quality music taste
Stop. Judging. Calamari.I feel like anyone in a Kings sweater is "high-risk" to use the terminology of their parole officers, but surely a dude with a Brown nameplate is the loosest of cannons.
This. Pads getting cut down should be the first step
FINALLY got my 5th week of vacation for working 10 years in this dump (it's been longer than 10 years but whatever I switched jobs weirdly) and with my week of discretionary leave in lieu of overtime I'm still thinking of doing like Pam from The Office and just taking it all starting April 1st. Wow would that be a fantastic 6 weeks... and wow would I hate myself in like July.
Not sure where you live but isn't it a week for every 5 years of working somewhere? Wouldn't you be at 4 weeks?
Saw this last weekend at the South Keys theater, it added to the amazing movie with the amazing commentary and reactions from some of the people in the theater.
Truth. It's not just the movie that's amazing, but also just how the audiences react (depending on the demographic).
My theatre was going crazier as the movie went on. I fucking loved it.
That pic made me think of images that just sum up a fanbase. My all time favourites:
MultiJhonny and his buds sum up Philly fans pretty well:
That pic made me think of images that just sum up a fanbase. My all time favourites:
That's actually pretty sweet, PBR notwithstanding.MultiJhonny and his buds sum up Philly fans pretty well:
pretty accurate. I killed a 24 pack of PBR the past few days
That's actually pretty sweet, PBR notwithstanding.
Next NHL-Age meetup is at Jhonny's dumpster pool.
We can float together and discuss the goalie pad size controversy, dodging the syringes that Jhonny failed to fish out of the bottom.
not gonna lie, wish we had something as iconic lol
Also a big fan of those Hurricanes fans images
Found this picture of Smack and Calamari at last night's game
Proof that they don't wear ducks shirts
Not all Ducks fans wear Ducks shirts.
Is that Kings fan inciting violence? Or is that Ducks fan avidly spreading the gospel of Anaheim-favorite Ronald Reagan? Who knows!
(The confidence) is pretty high, I would say, Burrows said. Its so fun to come into a team that has a total buy-in on what the coach is selling.
"This team, I've only been here for a few games, but I can tell that they know how to win games."
Drew Stafford postgame:
If anybody is interested in checking out a true dumpster fire, look at the thread about Colin Moriarty leaving Kinda Funny. It's a complete disaster from page 1.
If anybody is interested in checking out a true dumpster fire, look at the thread about Colin Moriarty leaving Kinda Funny. It's a complete disaster from page 1.
let's contain our own dumpster fire in this thread instead
Hey Leafs fans
Please do not add to the fire. Thank you.
You could have just ended the post here.
let's contain our own dumpster fire in this thread instead
Hey Leafs fans
you're bad
This is no dumpster fire, this is one of the most beautiful dumpsters I've ever seen.