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NHL news: Bertuzzi charged for attack on Moore

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bishoptl said:
You have to take responsibility for your actions. I'm just peeved that the NHL picks and chooses which incidents get wrist-slapped and which ones get megaton'd.

Bingo...and I said that the moment this thing blew up. Bert's suspension is beyond annoying since the NHL can just add games on forever and forever until they decide they get tired of it, which is a crock of shit. That's akin to someone going to jail for five years due to armed robbery, serving four of those years, and then getting an extra three years tacked on based on God knows what. Either give the guy a firm, proper sentence or don't bother.

And I understand your point completely Socreges, but I kinda look at both sides of the coin where reasonable arguments can be made for both cases. There's been incidents in the last couple NASCAR races of guys going into each other on purpose, not neccessarily to take them out but defintely to send a jolt into them. What if a hit car spins out, goes into a wall and the driver suffers serious injury or even death as a result? Hell would rain down on the guy who went into him. But would the courts step in, or would they believe NASCAR'S inevitable argument that it's their world and their rules, and only they should have the ability to punish those in question? It's a pretty dicey issue. Ultimately it's state by state, province by province issue, which means they might have 60 different viewpoints depending on the case in question.


Unconfirmed Member
Just because somebody commits a crime in the middle of a sporting event doesn't mean it's not still a crime.
MetatronM said:
Just because somebody commits a crime in the middle of a sporting event doesn't mean it's not still a crime.
Isn't punching somebody in the face a crime? What about elbowing someone in the face? Or tackling someone to the ground?

If you're going to make some stupid general blanket statement like that, don't even bother posting in this thread.


Unconfirmed Member
Mike Works said:
Isn't punching somebody in the face a crime? What about elbowing someone in the face? Or tackling someone to the ground?

If you're going to make some stupid general blanket statement like that, don't even bother posting in this thread.
They can be construed as crimes, yes. I didn't say they necessarily needed to be charged as crimes, but they are still crimes nonetheless.
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