This guide's useful for breeding tips in X/Y:
Play anymore Pokémon and you guys will need breeding tips in real life
Too easy!
This guide's useful for breeding tips in X/Y:
Play anymore Pokémon and you guys will need breeding tips in real life
Too easy!
Going to the Avs vs. Perds game on the 6th, pretty excited will be my first of the year.
Would they though?
Players about to arrive at the Garden.
Players about to arrive at the Garden.
Another ass storm brewing gaming side.
No wonder Bish ran to the bunker.
Its the same incorrect shit from last night being regurgitated
So Dopey why should I believe you over those other guys
I mean they have a history being right about a lot of things soooo
NHL GAF > Gaming GAF
But Bish never banned them, hence he must know they're legit, or they would be banned.
Is Bish not a member of NHL Gaf?
Do you think Dopey is pulling things out of thin air?
But Bish never banned them, hence he must know they're legit, or they would be banned.
Is Bish not a member of NHL Gaf?
Its the same incorrect shit from last night being regurgitated
I am sure I could come clean and expose my sources and start throwing out confidential information like usual. But I really dont want to go through the headache, tbh. I did all my fun stuff from 2001-2006 and I am done with the game. I leaked far too much stuff and when companies started taking info security serious I stopped.
So to that I say
If one launches buggy cool, but right now I'm going to assume it won't.
Help us sort through the shit storms, Dopey:
I read about ESRAM being a life-long bottleneck for the Xbox One.
I read about the PS4's stop/resume feature not being available at launch.
I read about the Xbox One's OS being buggy/unstable.
I read about the Xbox One's party system not functioning properly.
I read about several Xbox One games running at a max of 720p.
I read about the PS4 requiring 35gb+ installs/caches to run certain games.
Which of the above is the 'incorrect shit' and why?
edit: No one is asking you to expose your sources.
Cool but you know anyone could say what you just said, the other guys had to go through verification through bish and be backed up by an additional source. No offence man, im just more inclined to listen to others just because well, I wasn't around to see you leak anything, I don't know anything about back then - all this stuff with the other leakers I went through so I have an idea about how legitimate their claims may be.
I'm probably wrong and I know you asked Dopey these questions but I don't think he's dismissing these claims. I think they're wrong about none of it working at launch.
I don't even understand this choosing sides nonsense. Either you don't have enough money for both, so you wait it out a little and see which one sucks less and has better games coming... or you have enough and you just buy both and give no fucks.
It'd be funny to watch MS get a ton of negative press and fail their launch simply because I think they're a silly company that tries too hard and never fucking gets it, but otherwise it really doesn't matter. It just ends up hurting us as gamers.
More competition = better.
I read about several Xbox One games running at a max of 720p.
It being Live?
I just decided that at 30 I can't be bothered with 2 consoles anymore
I have no sources, nor do I know anything behind the scenes but for the life of me I cant figure out why this is a problem. A ton of games only ran at 520p this gen, and that didnt make them any less great. I think every game next gen being sure to run at 720p at least is great news. The Order "only" runs at 800p but looks great, Ryse is "only" 900p but is the best looking launch game IMO. If you are really so hung up on resolution then by a gaming PC.
I have no sources, nor do I know anything behind the scenes but for the life of me I cant figure out why this is a problem. A ton of games only ran at 520p this gen, and that didnt make them any less great. I think every game next gen being sure to run at 720p at least is great news. The Order "only" runs at 800p but looks great, Ryse is "only" 900p but is the best looking launch game IMO. If you are really so hung up on resolution then by a gaming PC.
I just found out that having Talonflame in your party halves the time it takes for Eggs to hatch.I just found out Flareon learns Flare Blitz.
I think the problem people have is why should the pay a hundred bucks for a weaker device and be forced to buy a camera they don't want.
I don't think there's anything wrong with games being 720p, however when consumers have the choice to spend $100 less, and have those same games run at a higher resolution, which machine is the smart one to buy?
The drama on gaf about what console people want to buy is insane.
This man speaks the truth.I don't even understand this choosing sides nonsense. Either you don't have enough money for both, so you wait it out a little and see which one sucks less and has better games coming... or you have enough and you just buy both and give no fucks.
It'd be funny to watch MS get a ton of negative press and fail their launch simply because I think they're a silly company that tries too hard and never fucking gets it, but otherwise it really doesn't matter. It just ends up hurting us as gamers.
More competition = better.
I just found out that having Talonflame in your party halves the time it takes for Eggs to hatch.
:lolI will let you in on a secret, you dont have to buy the more expensive console. Just buy a PS4 and be done with it if money and power is all you care about. I am excited to see how kinect works with the dashboard and in game. I love XBL and cant wait to see how it gets improved next gen, I love a lot of the exclusives that MS has, and I really want a next gen console to bring some new features besides more power, that all said I will be getting a PS4 at launch also. The drama on gaf about what console people want to buy is insane.
Live, OS, Matchmaking, the works. Rumors say all of that will be hell come launch. We'll see.
Or video game drama. I'd rather think positive thoughts! Otherwise the pixie dust won't work and I won't be able to fly.
It is a gaming forum; where else would these people go to feel strongly about such things?
Kinect, that hot new feature. XBL, that hot new feature.
Can't even hold all these hot new features.
Yeah this too. If I'm 30 years old and part of my life is arguing on the internet about Console Warz then I've failed in life.
Arguing about Sports though, probably just as bad, but at least more socially acceptable.
DON'T POKE AT THIS WOUND HERETIC. YOU'RE PLAYING WITH FIRE RIGHT NOW.That paragraph that you just quoted is exactly how I feel. Except I won't be getting a PS4 at launch. I'll wait till The Last Guardian gets released.
Kinect, that hot new feature. XBL, that hot new feature.
Can't even hold all these hot new features.
I just decided that at 30 I can't be bothered with 2 consoles anymore
It's just funny to me that you would try to belittle people for maybe wanting a more powerful console for less money by saying they don't care about anything else but that.You do know that it isnt the same kinect that was with the 360, right? I didnt say they were hot new features I just said why I was excited for the XB1.