Lmaoooo this defense
This goaltending so shit.
Not really any more than any other game, just the odd few here or there. People are late/can't make it to games, happens every night.
So barren:
Wtf was Smith doing just watching the puck
Wtf was Karlsson doing?
Wtf was Philips doing stealing the puck?
Is my audio messed up or is the Blues crowd dead? They just had a breakaway and I couldn't hear anything coming out of the stands.
I've got the Ducks broadcast and it's unusually quiet. Gotta be audio, but we're also in the "Cards lost in the post season so St Louis ignores sports for a month or two" time of year.
burns injured nonononononononononononononononononononononono
burns injured nonononononononononononononononononononononono
burns injured nonononononononononononononononononononononono
Saw a quick replay but haven't seen anything since.
Bro I need details bro
Hockeystreams works on PS4 pretty nicely.
blocked a shot, hobbled off of the ice really awkwardly. Hopefully he just got shook up :/
Michael Russo verified
Burns back on bench. Doing a twirl to test leg
blocked a shot, hobbled off of the ice really awkwardly. Hopefully he just got shook up :/