That New Terminator Movie looks like dogshit.
I love all sorts of sports, but feel no need to rank em anymore. I was channel flipping a bunch last night!
That New Terminator Movie looks like dogshit.
That New Terminator Movie looks like dogshit.
That New Terminator Movie looks like dogshit.
The Doctor Who guy looks hilarious trying to be a badass.
Brendan Savage @BrendanSavage ·
Red WIngs' Stephen Weiss won't play Friday for Grand Rapids because of sore groin, instead headed back to Detroit, says Ken Holland
So much for his conditioning stint in Grand Rapids.
Backes and Oshie concussed? What happened there?
I'm seeing John Wick tonight. Hyped. I haven't truly enjoyed an action movie since...I wanna say Transporter 1.
Wait are those legit pics from terminator? If you told me they were from some syfy/assylum rip off I'd believe youJust let the series die at this point.
Btw, pro football is fucking terrible to watch on TV and even worse to watch live. All those commercials you see on TV? Yeah, if you're in the stands, you're literally just watching guys standing around and doing NOTHING for 2-3 minutes at a time just to see 3-5 minutes of action. (which is given in 10-15 second chunks with breaks inbetween) Bullshit sport. Sorry, America.
My wife and I went to an Alouettes/Eskimoes game this year and left at half time. I literally turned to her and said, "You wanna watch a movie instead?" (we'd gotten the tix for free from her company)
Live hockey, soccer, and baseball are the best.
His dick game is too weak.
They're just pics from a photoshoot of them in character
Hockey is the best because you get halfway through a period sometimes before a commercial break. dat flow!
Plus those beautiful playoff OTs with no interruptions at all.
Basketball is still the worst, let's be real here folks.
At least Baseball can be exciting at times. Basketball is just broken, half the time is spent watching them walk slowly up the court, or listening to whistles, garbage sport.
Basketball is still the worst, let's be real here folks.
At least Baseball can be exciting at times. Basketball is just broken, half the time is spent watching them walk slowly up the court, or listening to whistles, garbage sport.
I wish the Sarah Connor Chronicles wasn't cancelled. That show was great (but no one watched it).
I wish the Sarah Connor Chronicles wasn't cancelled. That show was great (but no one watched it).
I have the alpha but won't be on today.Any NHL bros in on the Evolve Alpha on X1? Want to play in like ~5-10 minutes?
Also, who has the team Crosby's Waifu in the fantasy league? Guessing Pierre or TUSR.
I'd love to see 3 v. 3 instead of going straight to a shoot out. Shoot-outs just seem to arbitrary.Missed this overlay during last night's game.
Interesting fodder to hopefully avoid the shootout.
3 on 3 seems really dumb. They call shootouts a skills competition, but how often do you see 3 on 3 happen in hockey?
At least 3 on 3 incorporates passing, defensive positioning, shot blocking, line changes/matching, strategy, etc into the play.
Oh totally, defensive positioning is key, not like there's a ton of room no matter what they do.
People would eventually bitch about 3 on 3 just like they do with the shootout.
Nah, just you.People would eventually bitch about 3 on 3 just like they do with the shootout.
Nah, just you.
People would eventually bitch about 3 on 3 just like they do with the shootout.